
It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Please tell me someone here watches this show, too?

What a fantastic series! JJ Abrams has outdone himself yet again producing what IMO is the most compelling (not to mention career reviving re: Joshua Jackson) show on television right now. Fringe is like the X-Files with less focus on aliens and government conspiracy and more toward an affinity for super-string theory, M-theory and a slew of over-the-top "fringe" science fields.

Bra-fucking-vo to all those involved in the creation of this show. Bra-fucking-vo, I say!
I downloaded the first season not to long ago and am working my way through it. I've been interested for a while because:

No.1 - I love J.J. Abrams
No.2 - I like shows like X-Files
No.3 - I've liked Joshua Jackson since The Mighty Ducks

I am a little worried about getting involved with the show because I know every year it's thrown around as a possible candidate for cancellation. But I've seen the occasional episode here and there and as I mentioned am currently watching season 1 and I'm impressed with what I've seen.
Strange, I could have sworn I made a thread for this ages ago, but I guess not. Either way, great show, been a fan since the first season but I have to admit I haven't been keeping great track of this season thus far, mainly because it's on at such a bad time on my DVR, Thursday nights are fucking stacked with great wrestling and comedy shows and Fringe was just one of the victims of not being recorded on a season pass anymore on my DVR. I have caught probably 1/4 of the episodes in the season so far though, and liked the direction the show was taking exploring the alternate universe.

I'll catch up on this season soon enough, but yeah, great show with a great cast.
This is my favorite non comedy on TV right now. Season 1 was really good up until the last few episodes, then it got GREAT! I haven't been watching this season but I have them all dvr'd so I'll watch them 4 or 5 at a time when the seasons over. I love shows that explore concepts like this. It also doesn't hurt that Anna Torv is bangin.
Wierd that it took this long for someone to make a thread on this show. I would've, but I guess it just slipped my mind.

But you nailed it, IDR, this show is fantastic, this season especially. The first season-and-a-half or so took its time to establish the characters well, but once that was done, and they put their focus on the alternate universe storyline, the brilliance of this series became pretty clear. It's easily the most interesting show that I watch, and now every episode leaves me wondering what's next. I actually have no clue where the show's going, and I love it. I just hope its recently announced move to Fridays doesn't kill its ratings. I don't know what I'd do.

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