Friday the 13th The Game


The Phenom of WZ
I just recently bought and downloaded this game for PS4 and I have to say, it is very very fun. In the game, up to 8 people can play in a match at one time. 7 of the 8 are camp counselors and the other is Jason. The person playing as Jason is chosen at random. If you're Jason you have to hunt down and kill all of the other players before they escape or time runs out. If you're a counselor then you have to either escape, survive the time limit, or try and kill Jason which is next to impossible.

It's pretty fun and it definitely scares the shit outta you. At least it does me. Jason, just like in the movies, can pop up out of nowhere and pursue you. It's fun trying to out wit Jason as he's hell bent on ending your life in the game. Every round is different because every round someone else is Jason. It's​unpredictable and out right just mindless fun. I'd give it a B+ if I were grading it.

As anyone else played it? What'd you think?

So currently this game is bugged and glitched to beat hell. If you're lucky enough to get logged in (which a recent patch has hopefully resolved most of those issues), you need to then hope you can make it through a full game without it dropping you from it - which results in loss of XP earned.

1. As mentioned above, it can be as few as 2 players (boring), or as many as 8 total. (amazing) The main objective is to try and survive. Be it fixing a vehicle (boat, 2 or 4 seat cars), calling the police, or simply lasting the 20 minute round. It's very difficult to last a full 20 minutes - but I have seen it happen a few times. Another option is killing Jason, by way of a sweater, machete, and Tommy Jarvis. (difficult to perform this kill)

2. The Community has been nothing short of amazing. Outside of maybe 2 people, out of close to a hundred, the general community of players is simply there to have fun, laugh, and really just work together. The 2 individuals I've listed alternatively were both just negative players. One was upset because a first time player didn't instantly know what to do - while the other was just a genuine jerk of a player who didn't communicate, then sent hateful messages to people. Neither here nor there, the community is largely in part the reason the game is so bugged.

They originally projected some 30,000 people to purchase the game over 3 systems. PS4, XB1, and Steam (PC). Inside of the first day of the game's release - they had over 90,000 trying to play. The community literally "Jason'd" the servers.

3. You don't have a wide variety of maps, but you do get to choose between several Counselors, and a few different varieties of Jason. I have also heard they are releasing a single player mode for later this year, but let's face it - if you made this purchase, it really should be for the multiplayer experience.

4. Speaking of which - the bread and butter of why this game is going to thrive, is the mechanics of what makes it tick. While you can be a dick, and sit in a party chat with friends - the ideal way to play is through game chat. The game has a unique real-feel to it, in which you can't communicate with fellow counselors, unless they're really close by. (cabin's length) Unless you have a walkie talkie. If you are just talking close range, the sounds come through your tv speakers. While if you have a walkie, the sound comes more crisp through your headset.

Most movements you make can alert Jason to your area. Especially when trying to fix a vehicle, or contact the police. You find car/boat parts around the camp, while trying to sneak and avoid Jason sensing you, or finding you. The counselors are each unique with their own abilities. (Some can fix things quicker, but have less strength; while others are strong and filled with stamina, but take forever to fix something because they lack intelligence.)

Meanwhile - Jason has his own abilities as well. Morphing from area to area to quickly move around the camp grounds, shifting (disappearing and reappearing quickly using a teleportation type move) to try and gain a quick surprise attack on an unsuspecting counselor, sensing which highlights counselors who are afraid in bright red, and special grab attacks/kills that are very very cool.

5. The unlockables aren't much right now, with some of the counselors and Jason being locked until Level 31. Meanwhile, you can select different clothing for the counselors that goes all the way beyond level 100. With the XP you earn through playing, you can unlock more kill variations for Jason, or special perks for the counselors. (such as being able to not be sensed as well, or quicker speeds, or faster reaction times.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: All in all, this game truly is amazing. Through even the most ridiculous of glitches, bugs, and situations; it's a great time mostly had by all. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Jason, or is looking for a fun multiplayer game.

So currently this game is bugged and glitched to beat hell. If you're lucky enough to get logged in (which a recent patch has hopefully resolved most of those issues), you need to then hope you can make it through a full game without it dropping you from it - which results in loss of XP earned.

1. As mentioned above, it can be as few as 2 players (boring), or as many as 8 total. (amazing) The main objective is to try and survive. Be it fixing a vehicle (boat, 2 or 4 seat cars), calling the police, or simply lasting the 20 minute round. It's very difficult to last a full 20 minutes - but I have seen it happen a few times. Another option is killing Jason, by way of a sweater, machete, and Tommy Jarvis. (difficult to perform this kill)

2. The Community has been nothing short of amazing. Outside of maybe 2 people, out of close to a hundred, the general community of players is simply there to have fun, laugh, and really just work together. The 2 individuals I've listed alternatively were both just negative players. One was upset because a first time player didn't instantly know what to do - while the other was just a genuine jerk of a player who didn't communicate, then sent hateful messages to people. Neither here nor there, the community is largely in part the reason the game is so bugged.

They originally projected some 30,000 people to purchase the game over 3 systems. PS4, XB1, and Steam (PC). Inside of the first day of the game's release - they had over 90,000 trying to play. The community literally "Jason'd" the servers.

3. You don't have a wide variety of maps, but you do get to choose between several Counselors, and a few different varieties of Jason. I have also heard they are releasing a single player mode for later this year, but let's face it - if you made this purchase, it really should be for the multiplayer experience.

4. Speaking of which - the bread and butter of why this game is going to thrive, is the mechanics of what makes it tick. While you can be a dick, and sit in a party chat with friends - the ideal way to play is through game chat. The game has a unique real-feel to it, in which you can't communicate with fellow counselors, unless they're really close by. (cabin's length) Unless you have a walkie talkie. If you are just talking close range, the sounds come through your tv speakers. While if you have a walkie, the sound comes more crisp through your headset.

Most movements you make can alert Jason to your area. Especially when trying to fix a vehicle, or contact the police. You find car/boat parts around the camp, while trying to sneak and avoid Jason sensing you, or finding you. The counselors are each unique with their own abilities. (Some can fix things quicker, but have less strength; while others are strong and filled with stamina, but take forever to fix something because they lack intelligence.)

Meanwhile - Jason has his own abilities as well. Morphing from area to area to quickly move around the camp grounds, shifting (disappearing and reappearing quickly using a teleportation type move) to try and gain a quick surprise attack on an unsuspecting counselor, sensing which highlights counselors who are afraid in bright red, and special grab attacks/kills that are very very cool.

5. The unlockables aren't much right now, with some of the counselors and Jason being locked until Level 31. Meanwhile, you can select different clothing for the counselors that goes all the way beyond level 100. With the XP you earn through playing, you can unlock more kill variations for Jason, or special perks for the counselors. (such as being able to not be sensed as well, or quicker speeds, or faster reaction times.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: All in all, this game truly is amazing. Through even the most ridiculous of glitches, bugs, and situations; it's a great time mostly had by all. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Jason, or is looking for a fun multiplayer game.

Have you played since the big patch came out late yesterday? I followed the game here and there while it was in development and was excited that it was finally out, but adult life gotten in the way of me purchasing it so far. I read that the PS4 and PC versions were much more polished at launch and that the Xbox version was essentially just the beta version. It still looks and sounds like it will be a blast and I have a few XBL friends who have it, I just thought at this point I'd wait until the major bugs and glitches were smoothed over.
Have you played since the big patch came out late yesterday? I followed the game here and there while it was in development and was excited that it was finally out, but adult life gotten in the way of me purchasing it so far. I read that the PS4 and PC versions were much more polished at launch and that the Xbox version was essentially just the beta version. It still looks and sounds like it will be a blast and I have a few XBL friends who have it, I just thought at this point I'd wait until the major bugs and glitches were smoothed over.

Of course. The so-called "Patch" was as large as the game was. (little over 3GB) However outside of the "database error," it really didn't fix much.

You still run the risk of games dropping randomly, or glitching like crazy. (examples of this are anywhere from windows not being there - so you dive in them, only to crash through broken glass hurting yourself. Doors looking like they're closed, only for Jason to walk right through them because to him they're open. Hiding in closests that Jason can't bust into, or open, resulting in a 20 minute wait until the game finishes. Or lags out.)

The game is still extremely pleasurable. I've played it practically every night since it's been released, and the community (in large) have been one of the best to play with. Outside of a hand full of just plain morons, and immature players who stay in party chat with friends the game is tailored to those who look to play together, help each other, and work united. I've met roughly 20 random people who have all been fun to play with.

Some of the only real flaws I have, are the game allows players to dictate who they want to be, which can ruin the random fun of it all. (Most of my friends, and I, put our preferences to random - so it's purely random who is Jason; however if so much as ONE person in the group opts to prefer playing as Jason, they'll get him every other round.)

Some of the other mechanics I feel they should adjust are buffing Jason, just a little. It's a 20 minute match, with as many as 7 people (8 if they call Tommy in) Jason must find, and kill. The parts (gas, battery, keys, propeller, phone fuse) are hidden throughout the camp, and not always easy to find. Sometimes you start in the middle of the woods, with nothing!! (no weapons nearby) If Jason finds you instantly, you're simply dead. His grip can be broken, by spamming 'A', or having a pocket knife to stab him for an instant break.. however you generally don't start with a knife, and spamming doesn't work quick. (Jason must be worn down, really) So if he finds you inside the first minute - you're basically dead.

I think Jason needs to start slow, and gain power with each kill. I'm not saying make it impossible, but Jason can also slash 3-4 times and kill a counselor without them even being able to defend in any way. So outside of the pure luck of him finding you first. (Most Jason's will morph to the cars, or power boxes at the start, and 98% of the time someone/multiple someone's have spawned there in the beginning.

It's nitpicking at best, and regardless I'll still play. I just truly hate going through an entire game -only for it to dashboard/lag out AS the game is ending, and no one gets any of their XP earned. I want a system that gives you XP AS you earn it. (Lock a door, find a weapon, find a part, defend a counselor, defend yourself, stun Jason, etc.) All those things, and more, give you XP. The problem is you don't get any of it until the game completes.
I've heard of these problems and have a definitely experienced a lot of these myself on the PS4, but nowhere near the extent you're describing. We definitely have the glitches and such, however, on the PS4, they just released a patch making it easier to get into games and easier to stay in games. I played for about 5 hours yesterday evening and it didn't drop once.

The game seems to be more polished on the PS4. Either that or I'm just lucky.
Freshly downloaded Friday the 13th The Game for Xbox One. First impressions? Not that great. Why? I've been searching for a game session for 40 MINUTES. Have not played the game YET. This is ridiculous.
I told you to get it on PS4. I can find a game for it on PS4 in around 2 minutes easily. Reports said that the game was having all sorts of problems on Xbox and Steam.

I posted that.
Said screw it and got it for PS4 too. Just got grabbed by Jason and pushed on a hook in the wall. Game is tense! I hope they fix the Xbox game so it's playable. This shit is a blast (minus the annoying kids on the mic)
It is fun. I enjoy the hell out of it. I also like how the camp counselors and Jason are upgradeable. That makes it all the more better. Supposed to be adding 2 new maps and 2 new Jason's by Xmas.
I'm a very picky gamer.

I read up on the hype surrounding this game, and I saw that Tommy Jarvis is the only significant character from the series -- apart from Jason -- in the game.

I'd only be willing to get on board if they had a mix of different special characters who could be called up on the radio, with the character that actually shows up being a surprise.

I wouldn't mind getting revenge against Jason as Julius Gaw, or have Jason meet his match by having Vic Faden show up.
Just had a round playing as Part 7 Jason with parts of his mask missing, with machete. Killed all 6 camp counselors in 2 minutes. 6/7 was with the eye gouge. 1 was by drowning. I'm pretty good with Part 7 Jason.

Xbox One version tonight, it's working this weekend.

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