Free Refills


Lord And Master
Staff member
I noticed something restaurants do that just seem... well pretty stupid. Yeah, I know I whine to much about stuff, but this is more of a funny stupid kinda thing. Free refills. No, I don't have anything against them. I love restaurants that do that. But that's where the funny stupid thing came from. See, some restaurants offer 1 size. Well it's free to be refilled as much as you , so there's no problem. But some places don't Today I went to KFC and had an Xtra Large soda. When I finished it, I went to ask for a refill unaware they were free. They kinda should advertise that. When I learned it was free, then I looked at all the cup sizes and the prices. And I asked. Yup. All with free refills. What? No, I'm not complaining. It just feels weird that there are so many cup sizes and prices, but you get the same amount of soda regardless. I for one, work at McDonalds and we don't offer free refills (sadly). But I'm assuming some people here work in places that offer them. Anybody care to shed some light on this subject? Do free refills help pull you to specific restaurants?
Most fast food places in my area offer free refills. I always find it funny when someone orders the large and has their meal in the restaurant. I think there is still a good reason for different sizes. If I were to order a combo meal and wanted large fries I would just say give me the large combo and the large drink would be part of the deal. Also if I were getting my meal to go I would lose out on the benefit of free refills so I may just get the larger size.
But the catch with the refill is that they're carbonated so it fills you up quicker. Our local Pizza Hut does it and when they use to actually do buffet lunches that meant something (as in good time period not 2 hours as they do now), naturally they want to screw you out of eating as much for less by making you full. See while free refills can be stupid, it's clever for the restaurants in way that you spend on a nice meal and don't finish it because you're gassed up from the drinks.

Naturally the different sizes are stupid, they should fix that by paying the same price but choosing the size of the cup so you can set your re-fill period. As Brain said, the sizes are really for the takeaways and meal sizes, do you want to go away with a large meal and a medium sized cup? No thanks!
See, that's why I always get the smallest drink when I eat inside. It's cheaper, granted I have to refill more often. But it's not as bad as one would think.
I like to keep cups and go in later no one complains either which is weird. At disneyland i almost murderd someone because they needed a recipt for a refill i was dying of thurst dog tired and angry. Im a pretty mellow person but i could have punted tigger in the nuts.
Anybody care to shed some light on this subject? Do free refills help pull you to specific restaurants?

I look at free refills as a bonus. Not providing free refills wouldn't detract me from going somewhere just as providing them wouldn't draw me to choose one place over another, it's just a nice extra if it is available.

Personally, I don't drink pop so it wouldn't be of much use to me but, hypothetically, if a coffee place provided free refills or something like that I'd consider going out of my way to go there. I'm mostly pretty laid back and just go with whatever I'm feeling like having though.

Now UNLIMITED BREAD at East Side Mario's is a definite pull in that direction...
I noticed something restaurants do that just seem... well pretty stupid. Yeah, I know I whine to much about stuff, but this is more of a funny stupid kinda thing. Free refills. No, I don't have anything against them. I love restaurants that do that. But that's where the funny stupid thing came from. See, some restaurants offer 1 size. Well it's free to be refilled as much as you , so there's no problem. But some places don't Today I went to KFC and had an Xtra Large soda. When I finished it, I went to ask for a refill unaware they were free. They kinda should advertise that. When I learned it was free, then I looked at all the cup sizes and the prices. And I asked. Yup. All with free refills. What? No, I'm not complaining. It just feels weird that there are so many cup sizes and prices, but you get the same amount of soda regardless. I for one, work at McDonalds and we don't offer free refills (sadly). But I'm assuming some people here work in places that offer them. Anybody care to shed some light on this subject? Do free refills help pull you to specific restaurants?

The McDonalds here gives out free refills... Wendy's doesn't, but nobody eats there unless the line at McDonalds is full, Hardee's is jam packed, Burger King runs out of whoppers, and Subway is closed.

As for the reason in different prices, it's simple. The customer is paying for the initial cup size and the amount it can hold. Just like people who come through the drive-thru, the price of the drink is the same. The way I see, the free-refill is a fast food's place of saying "Thank you for actually showing your face and not yelling at us through a speaker!"

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