Freddie Prinze Jr


Dark Match Winner is reporting that Hollywood actor Freddie Prinze, Jr, who was a former Raw guest host, has returned to WWE's creative team. Prinze, Jr made his return to WWE this past Monday night on Raw, and is reportedly now working as a producer and director of WWE TV shows.

Does anybody agree with me when I say.. eh??

Now I know Freddie worked on Smackdown as a writer a few years ago, but is this a media PR stunt to try and get more viewers, because correct me if I'm wrong but I don't belive that Freddie has directed/produced before.

If it is a PR stunt then I fail to see the benifit, Freddie isn't that big of a household name, again correct me if I'm wrong, surely they could have gone with someone who has much more value?

I think they just wanted some of the TV/Hollywood experience in their organisation, it has been done before, starting all the way back in the early bischoff days in WCW. Bring in someone Movie minded to help steer the storytelling, and maybe they are hoping this will improve the acting skills of the wrestlers.

Or maybe their ******ed...either way.

Just My Opinion
Ummm, this is because Freddie Prinze Jr is a huge WWE fan, and the WWE was looking for someone with a "Hollywood" perspective, after he left the first time. Prinze has worked as a member of the creative team before, this isn't his first go around with the company. He obviously has a good relationship with WWE management, and they must think that he can bring something valuable to the table. I don't believe this is a cheap publicity stunt at all. Freddie Prinze Jr doesn't have much producing/directing experience, but he does have some. A quick check on IMDB shows that he directed and produced his own short lived show "Freddie" in addition to a SNME, as well as a as of yet unreleased movie called Manslaughter.
Davi323 is right, Freddie is a huge wwe mark, i mean fan. He often blogs on the wwe blog community, and even though he hasnt directed alot of movies, he still has that hollywood perspective. I dont think this is a PR stunt at all considering he was a member of the creative staff on smackdown awhile back.
It's a win-win from the WWE perspective... They get an experienced movie and TV actor on their creative team... One of the critisisms often levelled is that the writers don't have to deliver what they write on camera... Prinze would work as a good filter for that kind of stuff... He clearly knows their product and how it can be presented... It shows WWE is serious about making their shows better...

It also helps with the Movie division, he will no doubt work on that side of the coin for WWE too... He will have contacts, he can perhaps open doors to talent and has production and directing experience... I am sure part of his deal will be to produce or direct a WWE movie...
I can't believe WWE fans are trying to sell this as a good thing. What decent movie has Prinze ever made? What decent TV show has he ever made? He is one of the absolute worst actors in Hollywood, & the only good thing he has going for him is his wife. As if the WWE product wasn't bad enough, they decide to bring in a no talent hack who only works in Hollywood because his father was talented. Actually, he'll fit in perfectly in the WWE, considering that description can also apply to half the WWE roster.
I can't believe WWE fans are trying to sell this as a good thing. What decent movie has Prinze ever made? What decent TV show has he ever made? He is one of the absolute worst actors in Hollywood, & the only good thing he has going for him is his wife. As if the WWE product wasn't bad enough, they decide to bring in a no talent hack who only works in Hollywood because his father was talented. Actually, he'll fit in perfectly in the WWE, considering that description can also apply to half the WWE roster.

Hey genius, what movie have you made? Freddie Prinze Jr. has been acting in Hollywood since 1995. That's 15 years worth of acting, which, if I were to guess, is 15 years more than you. He may be one of the worst actors in Hollywood, but that still makes him worlds better than anything you could do. You don't get to work in Hollywood for 15 years if you don't have any talent. Hollywood is a dog eat dog world, and his dad never had the clout you seem to think he does. He only lived to see age 22, afterall, and was known for one show. But you didn't know that, because you never bothered to find out. Today's Hollywood producers could give two shits about who Freddie Prinze Sr was back in the 70s. If you seriously think that Freddie Prinze Jr's entire 15 year career was built on the back of his father's laurels, you are a moron of epic proportions.

Nice pot shot at the multi-generational wrestlers, by the way. Too bad that being a multi-generational wrestler isn't an insult. It means that they probably forgotten more about what it takes to be a pro-wrestler by the time they were 10 then a poser like you could ever hope to know. It means some of them have been training almost their entire lives. It means that they saw dad coming home with the bumps, the bruises, the injuries, they knew how much pain their dad endured to put food on the table, and decided that they wanted to do it as well, that the risks were worth the rewards. That says dedication to me. They had first hand knowledge of the potential pitfalls, and still chose to become a wrestler.

Your entire post is a colossal fail.
I can't believe WWE fans are trying to sell this as a good thing. What decent movie has Prinze ever made? What decent TV show has he ever made? He is one of the absolute worst actors in Hollywood, & the only good thing he has going for him is his wife. As if the WWE product wasn't bad enough, they decide to bring in a no talent hack who only works in Hollywood because his father was talented. Actually, he'll fit in perfectly in the WWE, considering that description can also apply to half the WWE roster.

you really just need to shut up. dont you dare talk about someone you dont know like that; you are obviously know nothing about wrestling. what decent movie has wwe ever made? does that make it a sh*tty organization?

according to freddie's gross income from all his hollywood indeavors, he definitely has made alot more money that you, so regardless of your perception of his talent, he is still more sucessful than 99% of all actors.

Freddie's movies and/or accomplishments have nothing to do with his creative skills and what he can and has brought to the WWE. If he was so bad, why would he get a 2nd go round with the business? with MORE creative power.

Yeah, you are right on one thing though.. there are some wrestlers currently in the WWE who are multi-generational. I'm sure the world champ (who is also great friends with Freddie) would love for you to talk to him about multi-generational talent.

You are severely ignorant and just sound like an a*s. Please never make a post like that again.
If he can make WWE fims better then all WWE films need people to make films good. I mean wonder were WWE get these crew memebers for film cause movie is terrible. Also Freddie good on the mic and maybe he could e the RAW general manager.
And Freddie Prince Jr not more succesul then 99% actors in Hollywood....he talented but C list actor at best..last time FP ws popular was in the late 90s. Nobody since has really made any noise about the man.
And Freddie Prince Jr not more succesul then 99% actors in Hollywood....he talented but C list actor at best..last time FP ws popular was in the late 90s. Nobody since has really made any noise about the man.

he was in 24, which was very popular... and scooby-doo even though it was sh*tty lol... and 99% of actors make 30,000 bucks a year.. I assume you're thinking of popular actors like brad pitt etc. most actors are nobodies.

And back to the other guy who i discussed in my last post... he VOICED someone in Delgo.. how is that a reflection on him?
When Stephanie McMahon stepped in and took control of creative, she fired all of the "creative" writers and brought in Hollywood writers who had written on tv shows, movies, etc. True story. she was attempting to go more mainstream, and appeal to the casual viewer, by bringing in that Hollywood guy who would write a storyline that the average viewer would find appeal to.

Prinze actually was a member of the RAW creative team for a few months a few years back, but was let go during budget cuts and because they felt he wasn't bringing much to the table, from what I read.

But hey, Raw was good on Monday, so if we continue to get good Raws like we did this past week, maybe its due to Freddie's influence and directing!..... Nah, even if that report is true, hes just one cog in the WWE machine, and unless youre a McMahon, your voice and direction really doesnt mean much.
The Reasons Freddy Prinze Jr. are on creative is rather simple:

1: He's a WWE Fan.

2: He's from Hollywood.

This ticks two of the WWE's boxes. It gains them some exposure in Hollywood, somewhere Vince wants to make some extra cash & gain some extra exposure and also, it gives them another creative team member, and someone who knows what they’re doing. Prinze isn't stupid when it comes to Wrestling; I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing and has something to add to the WWE.
he was in 24, which was very popular... and scooby-doo even though it was sh*tty lol... and 99% of actors make 30,000 bucks a year.. I assume you're thinking of popular actors like brad pitt etc. most actors are nobodies.

And back to the other guy who i discussed in my last post... he VOICED someone in Delgo.. how is that a reflection on him?

They have alot unknown actors on 24 not saing FP unknown although not popular either. And yeah thats what I meant, he not mking money like Pitt's, or B-list celebs, ad FB not b-list celeb he is c-list, he makes less then them. And most actors in Hollywood are known, only small amount unknown.
And Freddie Prince Jr not more succesul then 99% actors in Hollywood....he talented but C list actor at best..last time FP ws popular was in the late 90s. Nobody since has really made any noise about the man.

How many actors are there in Hollywood relative to everywhere else in the world? If you're on TV or in movies, you are bigger (and probably better) then the 99% of actors who strugle to make ends meet and are performing in backwater villiage pantomimes for pathetic pay.
Let's not forget that he had a lending hand in the recent hit TV show 24, which eventually got cancelled. Surely he can bring something creative to WWE to help gain some of the 24 viewers.

In any case, Prinze Jr. isn't new to the game... and to steal a line from pope... he's true to the game.

Freddie's a huge wrestling fan, and if memory serves, he was the one who pushed the Edge and Vicky storyline which has now molded into Ziggler and Vicky... and Kate?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what he and the big nosed man from Conn. can do.
They have alot unknown actors on 24 not saing FP unknown although not popular either. And yeah thats what I meant, he not mking money like Pitt's, or B-list celebs, ad FB not b-list celeb he is c-list, he makes less then them. And most actors in Hollywood are known, only small amount unknown.

lol are you really that unaware??

please explain to me how you classify your "list" of celebs from a to c, because id really love to know.

and by the way the bolded statement is one of the most completely ignorant statements i have ever read, it is so ridiculous im getting a headache reading it.

the only reason I am not completely bashing you is because I am also a supernatural fan.

When Stephanie McMahon stepped in and took control of creative, she fired all of the "creative" writers and brought in Hollywood writers who had written on tv shows, movies, etc. True story. she was attempting to go more mainstream, and appeal to the casual viewer, by bringing in that Hollywood guy who would write a storyline that the average viewer would find appeal to.

Prinze actually was a member of the RAW creative team for a few months a few years back, but was let go during budget cuts and because they felt he wasn't bringing much to the table, from what I read.

But hey, Raw was good on Monday, so if we continue to get good Raws like we did this past week, maybe its due to Freddie's influence and directing!..... Nah, even if that report is true, hes just one cog in the WWE machine, and unless youre a McMahon, your voice and direction really doesnt mean much.

if he wasnt bringing much to the table, why bring him back with more creative control and producing power? its completely illogical.

he left WWE because... its really simply guys... he got picked up for 24. Wow only a rocket scientist couldve figured that out.
How many actors are there in Hollywood relative to everywhere else in the world? If you're on TV or in movies, you are bigger (and probably better) then the 99% of actors who strugle to make ends meet and are performing in backwater villiage pantomimes for pathetic pay.

Talking about Hollywood actors not them kind of actors....of course Freddie better then them...but still man has not been talked about in years...not relevant anymore in Hollywood...and so what he was on 24 that show got cancelle...when last time he was in a good to great film? Last good film was in I beleive was late 90s, maybe early 20s.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. There's no benefit in PR by getting FPJ on the creative team. He'll have absolutely no screen time, and his name will never be mentioned on air. I just think he's interested in the product, and had a lot to say creatively, so it only makes sense that he was brought on. It's simply a coincidence that he's a famous actor.

Seriously, if the WWE isn't announcing who they've hired on their creative team, and the new broke via a dirt sheet, why would you think this is a PR stunt?

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