I remember when the Pilot for this show aired. NBC promoted it what seemed like months and I couldn't have been more excited to see it. The Pilot airs and it lived up to every expectation I had. I was the same age as Sam's character at the time and while we were apart of much different generations, I could still connect with that character on some level.
Anyways, I only got to see one other episode after seeing the Pilot. NBC started jerking the show around and it was impossible to keep track of with the lack of promotion. Back then the internet wasn't in every household and there was no "Guide" for Digital Cable, so it was extremely difficult to keep track of television shows if they didn't have a consistent time slot, especially when you're a 13-year-old kid.
Fast forward a few years later and the DVD gets released. I remembered loving the show and wanted to buy it, but it still took me a year or two to do so since it was so expensive. But it ended being one of the best purchases I ever made. The 18 episodes have a rewatch quality like no other season of television I've ever seen. And I have a SHITLOAD of other television DVD sets, and Freaks and Geeks is literally the only one out of them all where I have watched all the extras, including commentary tracks. So that alone tells me just how much I love the show.
Today Freaks and Geeks is getting more and more popular due to constant reruns being aired on Sundance and IFC, and it's great. I just wish there was a way to rewind the clock and give this show a couple of extra seasons to tell its story in full. There's absolutely no way this show would have ever turned into a Beverly Hills, 90210 like program where all the main characters hook up with one another and things start happening that's way out of the realm of possibility. You can just look at the film career Judd Apatow and Paul Feig went on to have to realize how talented they are and that there's absolutely no way they would have compromised their stories to obtain a dumber audience. That plus the storylines I've read about the characters would have had if the show continued, I have no doubt any future seasons would have been every bit as great as the first or close to it.