Freaks and Geeks


Pre-Show Stalwart
I saw the first two episodes last Saturday on the whole 90s Nick thing, and I really enjoyed them. I was probably around 4 years old when it first aired, so I never really watched it.

I think the casting is perfect, not only can all of these kids play their roles perfectly, but the ages fit great too! Everyone in the series fits their age group, the freshman all seem like they'd be around that age where they're just going into High School, and the "Freaks" as they call them all look around that Junior-Senior age.

Milenko and Jason Segel seem like they'd be perfect for that role. I'm really enjoying Dave Allen too. I also feel like they grasped the whole feel of High School as well. The only things they exaggerated are the Bullying and the Parents. Their Parents seem like they're trying to be awkward way too much, but I suppose it is suppose to be targeted towards teenagers.

Anyways, I've been watching the one and only season all day, I'm currently on Episode 7, but being One Hour episodes it may take more than a day. I don't mind Seth Rogan nor Jason Segel, a matter of fact I've really taken a liking to Segel over the last year or so. Same with Seth. It's a shame the two main characters don't seem to be doing much right now in current days though.
Hands down one of my all time favorite shows. By far the most realistic and honest portrayal of teenagers in a TV show that I've ever seen. Amazing cast, amazing writing, amazing music...just an amazing show. I've watched the box set probably 20 times since I first bought in several years back.

Easily one of my favorite shows ever. If you dig that, check out Judd Apatow's second TV show after Freaks & Geeks got cancelled, Undeclared. Nearly as good, hilarious, alot of the same cast too. Great shit.

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