Frank Trigg: TNA's Missed Opportunity

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
The first of what are sure to be many cross-promotional threads between the TNA and MMA sections.

For those that don't know, Frank Trigg is a former UFC fighter who featured briefly in TNA as a sort of member of the Angle Alliance. Well, he played Angle's friend. I believe he might have commentated on Lockdown too. Not sure...

Trigg did something which very few men have ever done - had a bad match with AJ Styles. And not just bad; boring and ludicrous. It was a "MMA match" that ended in AJ getting DQ'd by an unintentional low blow. Strictly speaking, Trigg should have had five minutes to recover but what the fuck do I care?

He hasn't appeared since, likely because he's back with the UFC and fighting, um, someone at UFC... one-hundred and... something.

However, in his short time in TNA Trigg demonstrated that he had mic skills and charisma above and beyond pretty much anyone else on the TNA roster. With rumours that Angle himself was training Trigg to be a pro-wrestler, I hastily labelled Trigg as "Kurt Angle Number Two."

What do we think; one of TNA's many missed opportunities or Sam overreacting?
I don't think you're reading too much into this Sam. Trigg has always been an outspoken guys, and he does have a way with words. Anyone who's seen the build up to some of his fights can attest to that. If he brought that same attitude to his promos, he'd be gold on the mic.

Unfortunately, as of right now, he doesn't know very much about professional wrestling. Give him some time to train, and I could see him making it the world of pro wrestling (if he wanted to that is).

The problem is though that he's 37 years old. That's pretty damn old to start pro wrestling in, I think Batista has proven that to us with his work in the ring. Given the training he's used to for MMA though, I'm sure he could pull it off.
Well, his next fight is against Josh Koscheck at UFC 103 for those interested. It's going to be a great fight.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, TNA did perfect with Trigg. He came in, left an impression, and the fans will remember him in the future. Trigg's contract with the UFC is for 3 fights I believe, and assuming that he doesn't sign a another contract with the UFC once this one is over, I fully expect him to be back in TNA after that. He has said so himself that he has a future with TNA.

The fact is... when he first came to TNA, his last big fight was years before that. However, now he has the opportunity to make a name for himself once more and in the long run, that only helps TNA because when he returns... his name will mean that much more. His last run in TNA was as a UFC has been; however, during his next one, he could be considered something completely different in the fans eyes of both professional wrestling and MMA.
Wasn't a fan of Trigg to be "frank"(hahaa). I really didn't find him to be all that charismatic, and hiss match with AJ was pretty bad(although better then some proffesionals put on). He just didn't click with me for whatever reason, but he was decent on the mic.

With that being said, was it a missed opportunity? Maybe. I'm a huge supporter and believer that TNA needs some major hype/promo. It's one of the reasons I'm high on Lashley(because of the MMA buzz). So if Trigg was still part of the roster(or at least making sporadic appearances) I think it would help give some "buzz" to TNA.

But if he ends up coming back after his successful MMA career than I think TNAwould re-coup what they lost, and gain all that buzz and promo back. So it could be seen as a "missed opportunity" but I'd rather it be seen as "another possible beginning".
Frank Trigg could be TNA's reverse Lesnar. Give him just a bit of time and I am sure if he desired he could have a bright future in TNA. Angle would make an awesome mentor for Trigg's style and charisma. I could be jumping the gun a bit, but I'm sure TriggNA would make an awesome addition.
The next Lesnar? I doubt it. In my opinion, there was really no point to Trigg in TNA. Sure he was in the UFC, but he wasn't really a big name or anything. I think he'll always being remembered best for being the guy that Matt Hughes carried across the entire Octagon.

He wasn't that great on the mic and his match with Styles was just stupid. There was really no point to it at all. I don't think he had much of a chance of being the next Angle either. Sure, they are both bald, but what else do they have in common? His time in TNA was very forgettable and hopefully he never comes back.
I'd say you're reading too much into it. Wrestlers should wrestle, fighters should fight. I'm really not a fan of people trying to step in and do the other. Trigg could have learned to not look horrible in a match if he were trained for a few months, but not looking horrible only works for a one-off appearance.

The problem there is that nobody who isn't a die hard MMA fan knows who the fuck Frank Trigg is. Now I have lots of buddies who are into MMA and I never once heard them mention Trigg. I've also heard of the bigger names from the sport and still never heard his name. Maybe he's one of the best ever and I'm just misinformed, but I really don't think he would have drawn like Floyd Mayweather did for the WWE.

So with that in mind, why bother? And if he wanted to wrestle regularly, well that takes years, not months. Based on that match with AJ that allegedly had Kurt Angle training leading into it... well... he didn't have the natural instincts for it.

So yeah, if you look at all of that then I don't care how charismatic he is, he wasn't ever really going to help. Maybe he provided some legitamcy to Lockdown, but he wasn't going to be a channel-turning attraction so I'm not sorry to see the back of him.
I didn't mean Trigg would be the next Lesnar. I mean he could do for TNA what Lesnar did for UFC. It brings in the whole experience deal, a Reverse if you will. With enough time and training Trigg could be a legitimate star for TNA. Of course I'd rather see Matt Hughes or someone else crossover, but that's unlikely. People scoffed when Lesnar first mentioned going into UFC, and look at him now. So Frank had a bad match with Styles, so what? I saw KFed vs. John Cena...what I'm getting at is Trigg could be a breakout star with just enough experience.
Um Sam. I like you. Hell I love you. So with a heavy heart, I must question what kind of fucking judgement you are showing when you say that Frank Trigg was a missed opportunity. Are you fucking serious? I mean, I could understand if you said he could have been a pretty good announcer(better than West) or if you would have said that you could have seen him as a manager or a JJ Dillion type for a stable. But as a wrestler? Are you fucking kidding me?

I mean aren't there enough shit wrestlers in the world who work who have jobs for you to be pushing for yet another awful excuse for a wannabe wrestler to be getting a roster spot? I mean sure he may be better than many others who TNA has showcased, but I think even Sharkboy outclasses Trigg on the mic. So why in the hell aren't you holding a telethon for HIS ass? Trigg is a hack. Sure he had MMA training, but clearly showed that he couldn't even carry a match with a man who is known for enhancing the talent of others. I mean hit, he made Tyson "I aint shit" Tomko look good in the ring. I'm not sure what the hell else they could do other than ask Iron Mike Sharpe and Barry Harowitz come out of retirement to fall down on the mat and let him cover them. But I don't even think they could do that as he made Tank Abbott look like a classic signing.

If anything, TNA made the RIGHT decision in not going any further with Frank Trigg. he was shit. He was shit in the ring and his only claim to fame was that he could be a Kurt Angle look alike in a pinch. But shit, if you wanted that, you could get Eric Angle for half the money. Trigg was a loser. Plain and simple. Good riddance and let UFC have him.
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