Fox News Shows Their Idiocy Again


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Just for you FTS baby.


Comedian Jon Stewart outed Fox News on his show last night after the network appeared to have used archive footage of a well-attended rally and passed it off as clips from a recent health care protest.

Rep. Michele Bachman, R-Minn., who spoke at the Thursday rally, said on "Hannity" that it was estimated that anywhere from 20,000 to 45,000 demonstrators gathered to protest then-pending health care reform legislation in the House.

The Washington Post reported 10,000 attended the rally.

The health care bill was passed late Saturday.

Stewart says in the clip that the network used archived footage from a better-attended rally on Sept. 12 to show thousands of protesters taking to the streets in Washington, D.C.

Yeah, I'm making a thread about something I saw on the Daily Show, fuck you. It was simply god damn HILARIOUS to see though. Fox never ceases to amaze me with their stupidity. They're about a hair away from propaganda at this point :lmao:

Here's the vid..
CNN is where its at!

Nobody does Bias quite like MSNBC. Hell, at least they are blatant about it, rather than FOX being deceptive while trying to hide behind their "Fair and Balanced" moniker.

Also, not sure if anyone caught the news, but Rupert Murdoch is going to try to get people to start paying for subscriptions to in the near future. In doing so, he will also be looking to eliminate all references to Fox News articles from the website all of Google ... the #1 search engine in the United States. So that essentially goes a major source of publicity and traffic to

In a way, I can see Rupert's viewpoint with people paying for news content from that site. After all, why should it be treated any differently than a newspaper, which you have to pay for? I guess he's trying to change the face of the online news industry.

But it will be interesting to see how CNN, MSNBC, and the others respond.
Ehh, Fox News was the first to speculate that Little Falcon's Balloon Ride was a hoax... I give them credit on that.

The only news I even watch is CNBC, just so I can keep up to date on the market, and I read the Boston Herald and the Wall Street Journal every morning to get my news fix. Everything on TV regarding news is either sensationalized, or biased.
Ha, Fox News. They're alright aside from Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity for the most part though.
The Hannity-O'Reilly-Beck trifecta is more terrifying than any Axis of Evil.
Apparently the rally with Beck was estimated as 70,000 to 100,000, but the tried to pass it off as 1.7 million.
I have fantasies about Dexter Morgan tying Hannity down to a table and getting some truth out of him.

Not Beck. Not O'Reilly. Just Hannity.
Say what you will, but they dominate the ratings for the News channels. Fox outdraws CNN and MSNBC combined, pretty damn strong.
I equate Beck and Hannity's programs to promos on a professional wrestling show.
On the surface to me, someone that watches none of the shit people claim to be news (CNN, MSNBC and Fox are all biased), it just seems like CNN and NBC are playing the cry baby card. Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly are idiots, but Keith Olberman is the fucking Village Idiot.
All that tells me is that there are a lot of stupid people in this country. Which I already knew.

Fox's actual NEWS coverage is fine, but the majority of their programs are just idiotic "commentators" spouting bullshit.
obviously they are putting out something that people are interested in?
Drivel that reaffirms their own silly, slanted, biased points of view?

Some of these blind T-baggers need to be cock-slapped by objectivity and woken the fuck up. It'd be better to think for themself for a change instead hanging on every word in Glenn Beck's daily group theropy session.
No one is worse than Beck. Atleast Olbermann doesn't break into tears to get ratings.
And again, look at Olberman on the MSNBC side, it's just as bad. It all balances out.
At least with Olberman he takes himself less seriously. Beck seems to think he's the second coming or something like that.
It's all slanted to play to their viewers is all. These guys are playing to a base, and the primetime stuff is certainly less about news and more about entertainment. The problem is, the people that blindly follow any of these news sources are getting worked into believing everything.
Yeah there's definitely bias both ways. I do like that MSNBC doesn't, at least in name, refer to themselves as news.

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