Four Horsemen Debut

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
Does anyone know exactly when the Four Horsemen debuted?? I see there are NWA World Championship Wrestling episodes on the WWE Network and I wanted to know if they first dubbed themselves the Four Horsemem on one of these episodes.
Does anyone know exactly when the Four Horsemen debuted?? I see there are NWA World Championship Wrestling episodes on the WWE Network and I wanted to know if they first dubbed themselves the Four Horsemem on one of these episodes.

Google is a real thing you do know that right? your dumb ass question could have been answered by yourself just by googling your exact question but because I want to be decent here is your answer

The Four Horsemen formed in November 1985 with Ric Flair and his storyline cousins Ole Anderson and Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard, with James J. Dillon as their manager. They feuded with Dusty Rhodes (breaking his ankle and hand), Magnum TA, Barry Windham, The Rock 'n' Roll Express (breaking Ricky Morton's nose), Nikita Koloff (injuring his neck), and The Road Warriors. Animal, Hawk, Ronnie Garvin and many others fought Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title during that time period. They usually had most of the titles in the NWA, and they often bragged about their success (in the ring and with women) in their interviews.
The Four Horsemen moniker was not planned from the start. Due to time constraints at a television taping, production threw together an impromptu tag team interview of Flair, the Andersons, Tully Blanchard and Dillon; all were now united after Ole Anderson returned and, along with Flair and Arn, tried to break Dusty's leg during a wrestling event at the Omni in Atlanta during the fall of 1985. It was during this interview that Arn said something to the effect of "The only time this much havoc had been wreaked by this few a number of people, you need to go all the way back to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!"[2] The comparison and the name stuck
Google is a real thing you do know that right? your dumb ass question could have been answered by yourself just by googling your exact question but because I want to be decent here is your answer

The Four Horsemen formed in November 1985 with Ric Flair and his storyline cousins Ole Anderson and Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard, with James J. Dillon as their manager. They feuded with Dusty Rhodes (breaking his ankle and hand), Magnum TA, Barry Windham, The Rock 'n' Roll Express (breaking Ricky Morton's nose), Nikita Koloff (injuring his neck), and The Road Warriors. Animal, Hawk, Ronnie Garvin and many others fought Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title during that time period. They usually had most of the titles in the NWA, and they often bragged about their success (in the ring and with women) in their interviews.
The Four Horsemen moniker was not planned from the start. Due to time constraints at a television taping, production threw together an impromptu tag team interview of Flair, the Andersons, Tully Blanchard and Dillon; all were now united after Ole Anderson returned and, along with Flair and Arn, tried to break Dusty's leg during a wrestling event at the Omni in Atlanta during the fall of 1985. It was during this interview that Arn said something to the effect of "The only time this much havoc had been wreaked by this few a number of people, you need to go all the way back to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!"[2] The comparison and the name stuck

Look registered user, I googled it and got a vague answer, very much like the smart @$$ answer you're giving me. If you thought no you're being "decent here", you won't last very long on this board. Now if you could be so kind to get off my thread, since you don't have the exact date I'm looking for, that would be great. Thanks!!
Generally, November 9th, 1985 is about the closest by estimation, Arn did a promo at that time which he referred to them as such, it's about the earliest I know of. Arn's promo about the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypses" was a local promo, making it very hard to actually pinpoint the exact date on it.

November is generally considered the time when they were unofficially formed, with October being the point where they were building up to it (they were becoming associated with one another at this point but weren't formally named as a group).

That would be before Dillon became their manager, they didn't officially become the original Four Horsemen with all of the original members until June of 1986, when Ole (who returned on June 14th of that year), returned from "injury".
The Genesis of the Four Horsemen comes from Ole Anderson pointing out that Arn Anderson 'is blood...he's an Anderson' during one of AA's squash matches, which led to Ole and Arn teaming up together. Soon after, Ole mentioned that Ric Flair was 'a cousin of the Anderson's' in regards to Flair being born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where both Arn and Ole were billed from.

Around the time frame's mentioned before me in previous posts, Both Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon decided to team with Arn, Ole, and Ric to fend off Dusty Rhodes and his crew of Magnum TA, Sam Houston, etc. Then Arn cut a promo for a local event mentioning that the four of them were similar to the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" as Arn raised four fingers in the air... and the rest is history.
Look registered user, I googled it and got a vague answer, very much like the smart @$$ answer you're giving me. If you thought no you're being "decent here", you won't last very long on this board. Now if you could be so kind to get off my thread, since you don't have the exact date I'm looking for, that would be great. Thanks!!

On November 10, 1985 there was a TV Taping where Flair, Arn and Ole Anderson teamed to defeat Ronnie Garvin, Terry Taylor and Pez Whatley. Couldn`t find any other TV tapings that month, so without having ever seen that particular show to verify... I`m going to guess that the Horsemen were either formed directly before or directly after that match.

In addition to that...

It was a nice day out. The high was about 73 degrees. I tried to find out if anything else interesting happened in Atlanta that day, but it doesn`t look like it. The theme to Miami Vice was one of the most popular songs at the time. That may be why nothing else interesting happened.
If I am remembering correctly, it was either the 9th or 10th, and that was the point where Arn cut his "I run with an elite group." promo where he proclaimed that Ole, Flair and Tully were essentially a 'group' (they weren't named at that point, but were essentially a group).

Tully at that time was feuding over Baby Doll with Dusty, who was one of the enemies of Flair (along with Magnum), it was before the New Year of that year that Dillon became involved at Ladel was fired, who became Tully's manager after he fired Baby Doll. Ole if I do remember correctly was "injured" in January (written out to spend time with his son) until June, before Dillon joined. I might be wrong on that, but if Ole was around before, Dillon joined, that could be consider the starting point of the original group, but June was when he returned, which had to be the point when they became the "Four Horsemen" by name.
The Four Horsemen were not originally intended to be a group. They were booked together on an episode of TBS WCW Sat Night in a squash tag match just to get them all air time, afterwards during their promo Arn mentioned the line about this much havoc hadn't been brought since the Four Horsemen of The Apocolypse.

It was only after gauging reactions from the audience at TBS studios afterwards that the idea was planted to make them a permanent group. When exactly this happened is unclear.

In June of 1985 Flair was a heel and had been associated in a cursory fashion with Ole & Arn Anderson as their cousin since at least Arn's debut a year earlier. They were not a regular stable however. It was in May and June of 85 that Flair turned face, upset over the increasingly disparaging remarks about the US that The Kollofs (young Nikita and his storyline uncle Ivan, a former WWE Champion) had been making. Evil Russian characters in wrestling were pretty common then as pretty much every company had one. Koloff had been in a feud with Magnum TA, the company's fast rising top fan favorite, and it was decided to give their feud a break and put Kolloff in the main event. With the upcoming Great American Bash being held at the stadium in Charlotte, NC (Flair's hometown) a face turn by Flair made sense, especially since he could potentially pull a classic match out the very green Koloff (who wasn't Russian by the way, he was from Minnesota, near where Flair grew up as a kid as well as Rick Rude).

Flair & Nikita feuded all summer, Magnum (the US Champ) moved in another direction, and Tully Blanchard who up to this point was not associated with Flair or The Andersons was feuding in the #2 slot on the card with Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes had been Flair's arch nemesis for the past year but they had been avoiding each other as he battled Kolloff.

By the end of summer in 1985 Rhodes had vanquished Blanchard and Flair had beaten Kolloff, in late August Flair & Nikita were to have a blow off match inside a Cage in Atlanta, which Flair won, but he was beaten to a pulp afterwards by The Russians (a similar scenario had unfolded at The Bash, and few fan favorites were willing to come to Flair's aide even though he was taking up the fight against Kolloff and The Russian Invasion willingly). After Flair got pummeled, Rhodes belatedly made his way to ringside to thwart the attack but ended up arguing with Flair instead. It appeared spontaneous that Blanchard & The Andersons entered the fray to attack Rhodes and Flair, with the chance to do the right thing and save Dusty, instead stepped back, eventually joining the beatdown.

While the impromptu promo on TBS Sat Night sometime in early to mid 1985 was the original genesis of the idea of creating The Four Horsemen, the official coming together is the late Aug 1985 Omni event.

Dusty put over the group as a whole in future promos as he worked his back through storyline depicted re hab in the hopes of returning in time for Starrcade, meanwhile with Rhodes MIA Blanchard upended his best buddy Magnum to win the US Title, effectively driving a stake through the proverbial hearts of the company's top two fan faves. At Starrcade Magnum would get his revenge (in maybe the single most iconic "I Quit" Match of all time) and Dusty would beat Flair but prove unsuccessful at taking his World Title.

So the original concept was in fact an accident, as Flair, Dusty, and Jim Crockett all took notice of audience reactions at the TBS Studios when the group appeared together in a squash match to save TV time coupled with Arn's contribution to their subsequent promo time, laying the ground work for the eventual full fledged coming together that would lead to Flair turning heel and set the top two matches at the year end Starrcade event in motion.

Based on all that I would probably say Aug of 85 is when they officially became a group, the night of the final Flair-Nikita match (at least in that run, they would also have runs with Nikita as the fan fave in 1986 and 1988) during the massive post match brawl segments involving all of them along with Dusty and The Russians.
If I am remembering correctly, it was either the 9th or 10th, and that was the point where Arn cut his "I run with an elite group." promo where he proclaimed that Ole, Flair and Tully were essentially a 'group' (they weren't named at that point, but were essentially a group).

Tully at that time was feuding over Baby Doll with Dusty, who was one of the enemies of Flair (along with Magnum), it was before the New Year of that year that Dillon became involved at Ladel was fired, who became Tully's manager after he fired Baby Doll. Ole if I do remember correctly was "injured" in January (written out to spend time with his son) until June, before Dillon joined. I might be wrong on that, but if Ole was around before, Dillon joined, that could be consider the starting point of the original group, but June was when he returned, which had to be the point when they became the "Four Horsemen" by name.

Ole was MIA with an injury onscreen for a bit in 1986. The group was in full form by the end of summer 1985 and Ole was active wrestling the entire time. He re joined the group during the summer of 86 while they were feuding with The Road Warriors, effectively to set up one last run for him & Arn against The Rock & Roll Express (to put over the R&R at Starracde 86 as they were the top good guy team in the company and had feuded on and off with Flair & The Horsemen almost all of 1986).

In early Jan 87 (as Ole was nearing his retirement) he was kicked out of the group in a dispute over his time off for family commitments. This paved the way for Lex Luger joining the NWA from Florida and also was used as a way to promote Bubba Rogers (aka Big Boss Man Ray Trailor) as a singles wrestler (Luger was handpicked by the group to join after petitioning them for months, Rogers, working in the storylines as Jim Cornette's body guard, was "hired" by The Horsemen to eliminate Ole, leading to several NO DQ style matches during the spring of 87, his first extensive action as a singles star). Ole also wrestled Arn on his way out, winning most of his final round of matches before quietly disappearing before the summer of 87.
Ole was MIA with an injury onscreen for a bit in 1986. The group was in full form by the end of summer 1985 and Ole was active wrestling the entire time. He re joined the group during the summer of 86 while they were feuding with The Road Warriors, effectively to set up one last run for him & Arn against The Rock & Roll Express (to put over the R&R at Starracde 86 as they were the top good guy team in the company and had feuded on and off with Flair & The Horsemen almost all of 1986).

In early Jan 87 (as Ole was nearing his retirement) he was kicked out of the group in a dispute over his time off for family commitments. This paved the way for Lex Luger joining the NWA from Florida and also was used as a way to promote Bubba Rogers (aka Big Boss Man Ray Trailor) as a singles wrestler (Luger was handpicked by the group to join after petitioning them for months, Rogers, working in the storylines as Jim Cornette's body guard, was "hired" by The Horsemen to eliminate Ole, leading to several NO DQ style matches during the spring of 87, his first extensive action as a singles star). Ole also wrestled Arn on his way out, winning most of his final round of matches before quietly disappearing before the summer of 87.

@FlairFan2003: Yep, Lex Luger started off as a nobody face, before he went heel and made his first notable impact with The Four Horsemen, before being kicked out of The Horsemen to be a popular face in '88-'89, then his heel run with the United States Championship Belt in '89-'90 when he was focused, his mind was right and actually had the clear fire and passion in his matches and promos so he didn't need a mouthpiece to do all the talking for him, and then again his face run from '90-'91 when his alignment with Sting became known for the first time, and his heel run from '91-'92 when he was WCW World Heavyweight Champion but had no fire, lacked focus and just couldn't get his mind right and became cynical after the firing of Ric Flair in 1991, so Harley Race and Mr. Hughes were his managers to cover for Luger's newly found penchant for laziness.

His WWF stint began with Luger as a goofy midcard heel The Narcissist who would be all activated on 'Intent to Injure' mode with his steel plate in the forearm. Then he was suddenly shifted to the Patriotic All-American face squaring off against the likes of Yokozuna and other foreigner heels. By 1994, Luger's forearm steel plate was never mentioned again as it was mostly removed by then. And in '94-'95, Luger was wallowing and floundering in a makeshift tag team The Allied Powers with The British Bulldog before leaving WWF to return to WCW in 1995.

His second WCW stint began with Luger debuting as a tweener who was friends with Sting but hated other faces Hogan and Savage, and his role by the end of Halloween Havoc '95 would be defined with Luger going heel to be associated with Jimmy Hart and The Dungeon of Doom/The Alliance To End Hulkamania for much of '95-'96 until Luger began his longest face run by turning face against Ric Flair at Uncensored '96. As one of Team WCW's top babyfaces from '96-'97 through all of the 1998 portion of '98-'99, Luger would reassert himself as one of WCW's key faces in the WCW/nWo feud before the storyline disintegrated into the nWo Hollywood/nWo Wolfpac feud with Luger remaining face but changing his alliance from Team WCW to the nWo Wolfpac. As the calendar flipped over to 1999 and the two warring nWo groups reunited under the nWo Wolfpac banner called nWo Wolfpac Elite, Luger became an nWo Wolfpac heel until he was sidelined by Rey Mysterio slamming the car door on Luger's biceps, thus tearing up his biceps tendon even though a torn biceps tendon was the cause for Luger no showing the Starrcade '98 PPV. While the nWo Wolfpac Elite disbanded due to injuries, Luger would return as a heel with Miss Elizabeth as his valet, and with DDP and Sting as his enforcers until it was down to Team Package with Luger, Flair and Elizabeth out to eliminate Hogan and Sting from WCW. His '99-'00 heel run ended when he, Elizabeth and Flair were faces for the short lived Millionaire's Club vs New Blood feud which proved to be an nWo rehash, so the storyline was scrapped, and meanwhile, Luger was sent home in 2000 over creative issues while Elizabeth was released from WCW due to her ongoing and longstanding drug problems. Eventually, Luger (now with his long hair in a ponytail cut off for a new short haircut) would return in late 2000 as a heel who would team up with Buff Bagwell as a team called Totally Buffed, and in 2000-01, the two would be role players for The Magnificent Seven with Scott Steiner, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett as the key players with Luger, Bagwell, Animal and Rick Steiner serving as role players.

The haircut Luger had in 2000, he didn't really lose a lot of hair despite some thinning. But it didn't help his standing with the fans though, as he looked like a total clown and an average joe who typically sits at home and does nothing, and totally nothing like the fairly famous "The Total Package" Lex Luger we saw from the years of 1995-early 2000 era.

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