Forum Files #14: Who Is Mr. Royal Rumble? Win a Prize!


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Today’s Topic: Who is Mr. Royal Rumble?

We’re less than ten days away from the 2018 Royal Rumble, marking thirty years since the first show. There have been a host of different winners over the years and that brings up a question: who is Mr. Royal Rumble? Shawn Michaels is Mr. Wrestlemania, but who has performed the best over the years at the first major show of the year? To clarify: I’m talking about the Royal Rumble pay per view as a whole, not just the Royal Rumble itself.

Could it be Steve Austin, who won more times than anyone else? Or maybe Hulk Hogan, who won two of the first four? Maybe Kane, who has been in more and eliminated more people than anyone else? It could be anyone, and that’s what we want to know from you. Let us know who you think and see if you’re on the road to the main page!

One more thing: the best post of the bunch will receive a special prize. You can get more information about it here:
Looks like I'll go first boys. So to be honest when I first saw the question I had no idea who should be Mr Royal Rumble. We all know the main stats: Most eliminations Kane, Most wins Austin, and Rey Mysterio having longest single time. So I decided to dig deeper into the stats and after I did that in my opinion Mr. Royal Rumble is none other than the all time great Stone Cold Steve Austin. Here are my stats showing why he is the Mr. Royal Rumble.

Stone Cold has not only the most Royal Rumble victories (3) but is the only man to win the Rumble more than once and NEVER lose a title match. In fact, he is the last man when there is only 1 Heavy Weight Champion to not win the Rumble then win the belt. Stone Cold is tied for first with most back to back wins (Hogan, Michaels). Now while Stone Cold may only rank #3 with most eliminations in history he is the only man to have most eliminations three consecutive years AND has the most Royal Rumbles eliminations in a single match with 4. As far as longest cumulative time Stone Cold may not rank up in the top 5 BUT he is tied first with longest time in a single Royal Rumble match at 2 (Triple H, Benoit, Jericho, Punk).

Now some of you may disagree and may even have other stats to back your opinions. However, Stone Cold not only holds many records but is in the top 5 in a majority of any stats you look at. Top that with the best winning percentage facing the Champ after winning the Rumble then in my opinion those are the biggest stats to go by. Ladies and Gentlemen your Mr Royal Rumble, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!
The Royal Rumble event itself is undoubtedly the most consistent pay-per-view the WWE produces in it's calender year. It lays the foundation for WWE's upcoming year, it features some exciting matches and most of all, it's officially the start of the best time in any wrestling fans life, the road to Wrestlemania. Guys like Kane, Triple H, Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels all made a name for themselves in various Rumble matches and calling any of them Mr. Royal Rumble is certainly a claim that can be validated with solid reasoning. But none of them reached the level of success as the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

His stats are unmatched. Without boring you with the details he's successfully won in consecutive years like very few have been able to do. While Shawn Michaels has accomplished this feat, he did it at a time when the WWF was at it's weakest points. Austin achieved this while wrestling was at its peak and had others like Hart, Mankind, The Rock, Triple H, Angle, Undertaker and Kane gunning for that top spot. Out of the 6 total Royal Rumble matches that Austin participated, he managed to eliminate 36 competitors. Considering Kane (the record holder at 44) has been in 13 more Rumble matches than Austin, that's pretty impressive. He's had a combined time of 2:34:12 and has won the match a total of 3 times.

Austin's stats are imposing, no doubt. In fact they're unmatched at this point. But what makes Austin the Royal Rumble mvp is his ability to entertain. Every single Rumble match Austin took part in was memorable (with the exception of '96 under the Ringmaster moniker). That's a title he'll always hold over every single one of the 900 competitors to step foot in a Royal Rumble match. He was a vital part in making the Royal Rumble event the massive entity it is today.

From 1996 to 2002 the WWE produced the most memorable Royal Rumble matches to date and with Austin winning 3 out of the 6 during those highlighted years, he's your guy. Austin is to The Royal Rumble match what The Undertaker is to the casket match or Mick Foley is to the Hell in a Cell match. He's synonymous with the event more so than anyone. In reality, if your Mr. Royal Rumble is anyone but Stone Cold Steve Austin, you're dead wrong here and you deserve a Stunner. A royal one.
Kane. Kane is the answer.

Whilst the case could be made for a number of superstars (namely Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin), Kane should be considered the best Royal Rumble superstar of all time.

First of all, he has, by far, been in the most Royal Rumble matches. If you compile all of his appearances under different aliases, Kane has taken part in 19 Royal Rumble matches - a feat that is matched by absolutely no one.

Furthermore, he holds the record for most eliminations in Royal Rumble matches with 42 career eliminations. Again, no is even close to that. And when you consider that everyone who comes immediately after him on that list are retired and Kane is still going, it should give you an idea as to how impressive that stat is. He also holds the record for most consecutive Royal Rumble matches too with 13. Incredible stuff.

In fact, had it not been for Vince's love for Roman Reigns, Kane would still hold the record for most eliminations in one Rumble - a record that should never have been broken if you ask me.

He should have joined the list of winners in 2001 but that's another story for another day...
I'm gonna go with someone who hasn't been mentioned at all yet. Chris Jericho.

He's spent more cumulative time in the Rumble than anyone else, clocking in at nearly 5 hours which is really incredible when you think about it. Think of all the names that have been in Rumble matches before. Triple H? Surpasses him by nearly an hour, the same goes for Shawn Michaels and Kane who many have dubbed the, "King of the Rumble". When you take his cumulative time and divide it by the number of Rumble matches he's been in, you get an average of 30 minutes per Rumble meaning that when he enters the Rumble, he's almost guaranteed to last AT LEAST half of the match! He's made it it to numerous final fives, fours, and made it to the final two in 2012. And last year, he became only one of six men to last one hour in a Royal Rumble match.

I don't think the fact that he's never won should be held against him. We regard Shawn Michaels as Mr. WrestleMania despite the fact that he has a pretty dreadful record at the Show of Shows. It's about the performance, and you can't deny Jericho's.

Outside of the Rumble match itself, his numbers are even more impressive. He carries a record of 3 wins to 1 loss. All three of those wins have come when a championship was on the line. He's successfully defended both the Undisputed and Intercontinental Championships at the event.

I know his name isn't the first one you think of when you hear, "Royal Rumble" but whether he's making history in the match itself or coming out on top when the stakes are high and championships are on the line, I don't think you're going to find a better overall performer at the Royal Rumble.
It may sound pretty corny to some, but I believe John Cena is Mr. Royal Rumble.

Now hear me out, Ever since he made his debut, Cena has never missed out on competing at the Royal Rumble (with the exclusion of 2016), whether it was in the Royal Rumble match himself, or in a singles match. Despite somewhat sloppy performances in his first 2 Rumble appearances, John Cena shined in the 2005 Royal Rumble, becoming the last to be eliminated after him and Batista alone had to restart the Rumble.

After coming close the previous year, John Cena missed out on taking part in the Royal Rumble as he went on to compete against Edge for the WWE Championship, which Cena went on to win for the second time in his career. In the following year, Cena went on to successfully retain his WWE Championship in a Last Man Standing match against Umaga (who at the time was unstoppable).

After suffering an Injury that had an estimated recovery time of 6 months to 1 year, Cena returned at the 2008 Royal Rumble and went on to win the Royal Rumble match by last eliminating Triple H. The eruption Cena received from the WWE Universe on his return that night is now one of the most infamous moments in Royal Rumble History. In the 2009 Royal Rumble, John Cena went on to successfully defend his World Heavyweight Championship against JBL.

In 2010 & 2011, John Cena competed in the Royal Rumble Match once again, becoming the last person to be eliminated once again in 2010, being eliminated by the returning Edge. In 2011, John Cena would put on a strong showing, eliminating 7 people (tied with the most eliminations in that match with CM Punk) before being eliminated by an outside interference by The Miz. John Cena would then go on to compete in a singles match against Kane on the 2012 edition of the Royal Rumble, which resulted in a double count-out.

In 2013, John Cena went on to win his second Royal Rumble Match in his career by eliminating Ryback. After this however, John Cena would then be unsuccessful in regaining the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in both 2014 & 2015, losing to Randy Orton in 2014 and the triple threat between Seth Rollins, Brock Lesnar and himself. It wasn't until Royal Rumble 2017 where Cena defeated AJ Styles to not only regain the WWE Championship, but to tie with Ric Flair with the most World Championship wins with 16. This year, John Cena is looking for a 3rd Royal Rumble victory, which will tie him with Stone Cold Steve Austin for the most Royal Rumble wins.

Now why is John Cena Mr. Royal Rumble and not someone like Kane or Stone Cold Steve Austin? Well despite Kane having competed in the most Royal Rumbles as well as the most eliminations, he had never won a Royal Rumble in his career. As for Austin, although Austin has had more success in the Royal Rumble match than Cena, Cena has a lot more Success in the Royal Rumble PPV overall than what Austin did.

Without including Royal Rumble eliminations (The royal rumble match eliminations doesnt effect streaks) John Cena has a record of 6-2-1 at the Royal Rumble PPV, A record that is a very good standing for the title of Mr. Royal Rumble.

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