Forgotten storylines


Dark Match Winner
Ok so here is the deal , I just went on YouTube and viewed some footage from 2006. I come across a backstage segment with Edge , Lita and Snitski. Now I'm pretty sure we all remember the horrific storyline in 2004 I believe where Snitski fell on Lita giving her a misscarige. Right? Well this was a pretty big mid card storyline on Raw in 2004.
But two years later Lita and Snitski are both in the same room acting like nothing has happens.


Now I'm sure there is more evidence of WWE doing this ( forgetting past storylines ). My question to you all is what storylines stand out to you that the E has forgotten ?
I'll go with Undertaker as American Bad Ass. A good example is how when he was going to feud with HHH at either Mania recently they fail to mention at all that HHH already challenged the streak, but it was back when Taker was American Badass. Vince stuck the Deadman gimmick back on and basically is trying to erase the years Taker had the biker gimmick. It's never shown or talked about and everyone in the company pretends it never existed cause they want to keep the mystic that is Undertaker as The Deadman.
I'll go with the Nexus Greater purpose angle. It was never revealed as to what or who was the driving force behind the group.

In 2003 Booker T recieved notes saying "I still remember" I believe this was suppose to lead to an angle with Golddust, but never revealed or followed up on.
Unless I have missed something I'm sure AJ won a future diva's title match a few months back that she has never used.

We never found out why the Nexus buried The Undertaker
As said above by two others, Nexus, who was behind them and also why did they bury the Undertaker.

Another one, is Vince's limo blowing up (Even though it wasn't forgotten, just ended due to the passing of Benoit)
I think the poster was correct in that AJ did win a future divas title match. Nexus is also a good one. We never did find out the higher power or why they buried The Undertaker.
The Million Dollar Mania set crashing down on Mr. McMahon. I remember reading some rumors that Kane was behind it and this would've lead to some push for him, but nothing ever happened cause Vince turned up on TV a few months later without a scratch on him, and there was no mention of the incident.
I seem to recall Melina coming out once and announcing that she would sue Batista for sexual harassment. They must have dropped the storyline immediately because the very next week it was as if nothing ever happened.

Then there was the quietly forgotten mystery of the Anonymous Raw General Manager... Until they eventually revealed Hornswoggle that is. :wtf:
I do recall Lita saying at one point she was grateful to Snitsky about not giving birth to Kane's kid. You know, when she dumped him.
As said above by two others, Nexus, who was behind them and also why did they bury the Undertaker.

Another one, is Vince's limo blowing up (Even though it wasn't forgotten, just ended due to the passing of Benoit)

They did answer that, he faked his death.
Why does there need to be a huge explanation to Nexus helping Kane bury Taker? They're bad guys. They gang up and beat people up and Taker just happened to be that person. They had already beat him down once beforehand at The 900th Raw so what other motive was needed?
My favourite is the Austin vs Shane and Vince ladder match from a mid nineties King of the Ring. They never revealed who raised the briefcase away from Austin.
Kelly Kelly's forgotten program with Drew McIntyre was puzzling. He was giving her the "I'm not the man you think I am" treatment, involving in-ring and backstage segments. At first, she was walking away from him.....then, when she was finally getting interested, the program was abandoned. In the final segment, she stepped in the ring to confront him after his match, only to have him walk away up the aisle. That's all there was.

Why was the angle ended? With Drew, many would say it's because he wasn't getting heat. The problem here was that there was no heat to be generated at that point; it was all dialogue and no action. The fun part would surely have started once they got together, for good or bad.

Personally, I think they stopped this program because of alternate plans for Kelly. She went on to become a partner for Edge in a couple of matches .....and shortly afterward, began her run as diva's champion.

I was disappointed because this seemed like a good chance for Drew to gain some ground in WWE. Since that time, they've given him nothing.

Kelly Kelly's forgotten program with Drew McIntyre was puzzling. He was giving her the "I'm not the man you think I am" treatment, involving in-ring and backstage segments. At first, she was walking away from him.....then, when she was finally getting interested, the program was abandoned. In the final segment, she stepped in the ring to confront him after his match, only to have him walk away up the aisle. That's all there was.

Why was the angle ended? With Drew, many would say it's because he wasn't getting heat. The problem here was that there was no heat to be generated at that point; it was all dialogue and no action. The fun part would surely have started once they got together, for good or bad.

Personally, I think they stopped this program because of alternate plans for Kelly. She went on to become a partner for Edge in a couple of matches .....and shortly afterward, began her run as diva's champion.

I was disappointed because this seemed like a good chance for Drew to gain some ground in WWE. Since that time, they've given him nothing.


I thought this was gonna lead to Drew McIntyre & Kelly Kelly vs. Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero at Wrestlemania since K2 was feuding with Vickie around the same time this storyline happened.

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