Forget India, Try the UK!


Pre-Show Stalwart
There are probably many reasons as to why TNA are establishing a new promotion in India, but it all seems abit far flung if you ask me.

Why not take advantage of a country that already loves TNA, where they already have an impressive TV ratings, where they already have strong ties to the networks, where they already sell out arenas, where Jeremy Borash seems to visit every other week. Basically, why don't TNA create a new brand right here in the good old United Kingdom!

Can't find room for the British Invasion (Doug Williams and Magnus) on Impact Wrestling? Then sod it. Let them stay at home and anchor their own promotion for you.

There hasn't been anything approaching a televised British promotion in the last twenty to thirty years, so it's not even as if there would be competition. Sweet talk Challenge TV into another slot for the new show, hire some talent and away you go with TNA UK.

... :banghead:

It's not exactly a new promotion. What the TNA-India project is , is that they're getting paid by a network to produce original content for them, and they're doing that using a mix of ex-TNA/WWE talent and some indy guys. They're doing tapings over the course of December and then they're pretty much done if I remember correctly.
dont you guys not only get impact but Xplosion on TV as well? Quit being greedy lol. We only get one show on tv over here...I kinda miss tna reaction but even that wasnt another show but more of just an extension
You (the OP) basically answered your own question.

TNA already has a huge fanbase in the UK. Which can afford them the risk of trying to expand in India. It's not like they're going to lose you.

Expand/Cater to UK: More of the same, as in you raise an already high fanbase a small percentage.

Expand/Cater to India: TNA adds India's fanbase (support/$$) to an already exsisting coffer in England.

And in the end India has like 90 billion (of course exaggerated) people. That's $$$ in the long run.
Personally, they are wasting their time. You see in India, professional wrestling isn't that big a deal. You have some casual fans who tune in occasionally and then you have a minor amount of hardcore fans like me who tune in everyday. So what I am basically saying is that WWE isn't viewed, recognized or cherished by most people. And I'm talking about the WWE. So there's a good chance 90% of the people don't know what TNA is.
No but most do know who Great Khali is... they know who John Cena is or Hulk Hogan... I lived there for a while and I would often see the Indian fans in bars watching PPV's rather than the expected football games.

TNA is trying it out there as there is little cost risk if it doesn't work... If it does, they can transplant the model to other countries, even the UK. It is a shortcut way to building global recognition. TNA's tv deal here in the UK is only on Challenge. It would have to absorb the production costs for any UK show... If their ratings continue though, I can easily see Channel 5 getting interested in a wrestling show.
Excuse me fellas, but where did you get that precious information of pro wrestling not being big in India? Can you please offer some data in the form of research for instance? Something to solidify your claim? Or are you just being ignorant by stating that there's not a big wrestling following in India just because it's India and it's beyond your spectrum of information about other countries?

I'm Bulgarian and I remember that when our stations were broadcasting WWF shows in the late 90's it spread like wildfire. Every man woman and child was hot for it, we were collecting these little cards and dressed in wrestling T-shirts, buying all the fake WWF merch because they didn't ship to Bulgaria, so Bulgarian factories made WWF shit for us to buy because it was a craze. It's Bulgaria we're talking here, and it wasn't much better back then. Just some measly 8-9 years after the whole country broke down. If it was huge in that spit of land, then I'm guessing there's a following in India we just don't know much about it.

If TNA starts a project there, obviously they do it with a reason. If there was no particular wrestling following in India, why did the pick it? Surely there are plenty of countries that don't give a damn about wrestling.
Excuse me fellas, but where did you get that precious information of pro wrestling not being big in India? Can you please offer some data in the form of research for instance? Something to solidify your claim? Or are you just being ignorant by stating that there's not a big wrestling following in India just because it's India and it's beyond your spectrum of information about other countries?

I'm Bulgarian and I remember that when our stations were broadcasting WWF shows in the late 90's it spread like wildfire. Every man woman and child was hot for it, we were collecting these little cards and dressed in wrestling T-shirts, buying all the fake WWF merch because they didn't ship to Bulgaria, so Bulgarian factories made WWF shit for us to buy because it was a craze. It's Bulgaria we're talking here, and it wasn't much better back then. Just some measly 8-9 years after the whole country broke down. If it was huge in that spit of land, then I'm guessing there's a following in India we just don't know much about it.

If TNA starts a project there, obviously they do it with a reason. If there was no particular wrestling following in India, why did the pick it? Surely there are plenty of countries that don't give a damn about wrestling.
And most of those countries don't have a rapidly developing market of 1.2 billion people. In fact, none of them do. China had something close to that, and they've already had their Western business rush. If you haven't been paying attention to the business pages for the past decade, and especially the past few years, there's a business rush on to India.

Obviously TNA/IW must have "a reason", but your mistake in thinking is making that second additional leap and assuming "and that reason must be wise and unknowable to anyone else".

There is a fan following in India for professional wrestling. As I said in another thread, the WWE has sold out cards in Mumbai for a while. But every time the WWE has tried to expand into India, they've ended up scaling back their plans and withdrawing. Using your same logic, if the WWE kills two projects in India, surely they must have a reason. You just don't have to worry your pretty little head about actually thinking of what that reason would be, whereas I take that little extra lunge of thought and examine the fact that while competitive violence for profit has been a Western tradition since the Romans, India doesn't have near the West's history of paid pugilism.

Now if you're going to ask people to solidify their claim, you have to respond better in your own post than "surely they must have a reason, and I don't have to think about it". Not a very solid statement, is that one. Lately you've been doing that popular internet "ask someone for an impossible proof of an opinion thing", so you have to knock that shit off. No one here can say, yea or nea, that TNA India will be a success or failure, and prove it "solidly". That "solidify their claim" statement is a bullshit additive to claim your opponents are using poor fact checking while your post consists of an anecdote about a country a continent away, and "they must know better".

I've at least provided a historical narrative on why I believe that TNA India is a flawed investment, between this post and the one I made in the other India thread. (I've got a shitload to do today and absolutely do not have the time to make a grand, cross-referenced post. You get about three minutes of me typing.) Would you care to go deeper into that "obviously they must have a reason" and try to think of one so that you can approach this discussion with a counterpoint?
Population of UK: 62,218,761
Population of USA: 307,006,550
Population of India: 1,170,938,000

That right there is why TNA would like to get into India. If TNA can get even one percent of the population of India to watch their show, then that's a good six fold increase on their current viewership in the USA (it's still arouind 2 million, right?) Combine that with the fact that India's ecconomy is growing and yeah, this is a direction TNA should head.

Not to mention that they have literally nothing to lose in the deal as the network (which has tried to bring wrestling into India once before using a South African fed) is paying for everything. If the show flops, so be it. TNA already made money from it. If not, then TNA have themselves a foot in the door of a bigass market. Win-win.
I never thought so many people would defend an Indian product they're never going to see.

At least if they started a new brand in the UK, the show could be aired both sides of the pond no trouble. Americans steal our shows all the time.

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