For the Tournament Lovers!


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
So for those of you who love a good tournament that progresses for an extended period of time, I thought of one that im not sure if it has been tryed out or not. I call it "Duel 4 two".

The entire roster including NXT and part-timers (excluding the tag champs) all have their names placed in a lottery and two names are drawn at a time and those two men will be partners. It will be a complete random partner tournament determining the number one contender for the tag titles.

The benefits for this tournament would be amazing, Exposure to the tag titles, a tournament ofcourse, new teams, new rivalries.

Ofcourse the partners outcomes and rivalries are scripted so could you imagine seth rollins and HHH being teamed up, getting a couple wins for the authority then turning on each other setting up their rivalry? Or even it just so happens a current team gets randomly selected together like Rowan and Harper and they just destroy jobber teams looking strong and dominant!

You could further story lines maybe Amrose is teamed with Cesaro and they take on Rollins and HHH, We could see Undertaker come back who gets partnered with Kane who puts the mask back on. Comedy teams of fandango and adam rose?

The ultimate goal is to establish maybe 2 new permanent teams and create new storylines in the slow part of the WWE season.

So i want to hear your thoughts? do you like my idea? How would you change it? Do you have a completely different tournament idea? Tell about some storylines you would create from this tournament?? Im excited to hear all responses!! :D
Sounds to me like a huge build with not much pay off. I mean, I'm sure they thought that "brawl for all" was gonna get over and create a new division or something but that turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in wrestling history.

I think there isn't much of a point to it and it would bore fans for a few weeks and then fade into obscurity, just like old Bart Gunn did. They could promote it and talk about how great and exciting its gonna be, but I don't see how selecting random tag teams to fight each other would do much to improve the existing product.
Sounds to me like a huge build with not much pay off. I mean, I'm sure they thought that "brawl for all" was gonna get over and create a new division or something but that turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in wrestling history.

I think there isn't much of a point to it and it would bore fans for a few weeks and then fade into obscurity, just like old Bart Gunn did. They could promote it and talk about how great and exciting its gonna be, but I don't see how selecting random tag teams to fight each other would do much to improve the existing product.

I see what you're saying but one difference is the brawl for all was legit boxing and Bar Gunn was actually knocked out, my idea is scripted with all the chances for drama and excitement to get the fans invested.
Good idea, except for the fact that WCW already did that, and if there's one thing we know about Vince, he's not going to do anything that WCW already created. Or if he does, he's going to massively alter it and name it something else. For example: when Triple H wanted to do War Games back in 2002, what Vince did was turn around and create Elimination Chamber. Nothing wrong with War Games, except it was a WCW creation. Same problem here. Don't get me wrong, I really want to see this happen. I'm just saying there's maybe a 0.0001% chance it will until Triple H takes over.
This was an old WCW concept called Battlebowl... I don't see WWE ever using it.

One thing that would benefit from the "random" element is the Survivor Series... having a "wildcard" member of each team would be a good new wrinkle.
I see what you're saying but one difference is the brawl for all was legit boxing and Bar Gunn was actually knocked out, my idea is scripted with all the chances for drama and excitement to get the fans invested.

You know man, who really knows what brawl for all really was, lol. I remember the embarrassment that Bart Gunn suffered from Butterbean was a real boxing match, but i seem to remember a lot of grappling and other stuff. Most of the time it was just an uncoordinated brawl, you could have seen a more scientific fight in a Texas bar parking lot. And that scoring system, LMAO, what was that?

But it may have been a good thing, you can at least look back at it and get a chuckle.
I am not a fan of this idea. It just puts way too much interest in the tag team division and there is absolutely no focus on the other titles. I am all for strengthening a division but not at the expense of the other titles.

I could see maybe a concept like this working but instead of everyone on the roster how about we just use midcarders? People who aren't doing anything and they they should have a shot at the title? Only make like 8 teams or something. You can include a team from NXT in there as well.

That could lead to some fun matches and maybe even some strange bedfellows. You could have a team that works like maybe Cesaro and Swagger can "randomly" get teamed together again and some not so nice allies like Fandango and Bray Wyatt (not saying Wyatt should be in this tournament but I would love to see Fandango dance around Bray before Bray destroys him.)
This was an old WCW concept called Battlebowl.

Not exactly. The idea takes from the "Lethal Lottery" portion of the concept but the long term payoff is different. Battlebowl was about reaching a battle royal for a singles title opportunity. The OP's idea is to boost tag team competition and spin off into new personal feuds.

As for the idea itself, seems a bit of an overkill involving the entire roster. It is not something that needs to involve the main event and special attraction stars. I might find some interest in sixteen to twenty-four mid and lower card stars being involved in the tournament. It would get individuals involved with a purpose and might produce a few new tandems. As a bonus twist maybe they could reshuffle the deck each round. Select new partners each round.
I think it's a great idea. I'd love to see it, but with one condition - it needs to be given a fair chance!

Look how much of an absolute joke King of the Ring was this year. It could have been a big deal, stretched over a few Raws/SmackDowns and heck, even given a PPV like Elimination Chamber did, but no, it was thrown together and shat out and looked like garbage. That's how you do a tournament wrong.

I love tournaments. I think by their very nature make things more interesting, valuable and prestigious. I think they would be great for WWE because it would give more legitimacy to top contenders and it also is a great breeding ground for feuds because since teams or individuals have to be eliminated there is a perfect reasons for someone to interfere in a match to cause a loss and spark a new or continuing storyline.

I'd like to say that because Vince clearly hates tournaments and that's why we don't see them very often in WWE he is making a mistake, but obviously WWE is still doing steady numbers with the programming they are putting forth now, so it's hard to argue that point.

I do think if tournaments became a more regular occurrence and treated very well then it would create more viewers and more subscribers but I guess we won't know that, probably for a long time.

Vince clearly HATES tournaments and maybe hates tag teams more, that's probably why he hasn't had the ugly penny championship belts changed in so long! If you want to see a tournament like this then the best hope in WWE is that NXT tries something like this and it is so well received that it forced Vince to reconsider his stance on tournaments.
Ugly penny championship belts? Never saw them like that. But when I think it, that's appropriate AND funny! LOL.

Nonetheless, I get what you are saying. I love tournaments and have every since I found out what one of them is. Did they just have the KOTR just to put the crown on someone? If so, why? So he can spend the summer losing to R-Truth? I agree with you when you say the tourney could have served a much greater purpose. If they did wanna bring back the KOTR, they should have waited until they elevated some more NXT guys and had a tourney featuring an equal mix of established main event roster guys and fellas (no pun intended) trying to break through. It would have meant more and probably elevated someone at the same time.

At least that's how it used to be.... :(

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