For the Sake of TNA: Get Rid of Hogan & Bischoff


Dark Match Jobber
I have been a fan of TNA since 2004 when i was on holiday in america(im from england) and when we visitied universal studios Jimmy Hart was their inviting people to come to Impact, i have been a fan ever since, i loved the X division, the 6 sided ring, AJ and Petey Williams where my favourites, but i loved seeing Sonjay Dutt v Jay Lethal, great matched between these too, I have been to see them alot since,

BUT that all changed when they brought in Hogan and Bischoff, they have pretty much ruined it all, i have still watched it as i still like a lot of the people in it, but since they have come in the whole thing is just a WWE-lite show now, i know they want to get bigger but those 2 have not learnt a thing since the demise of WCW, its happening all over again, Jeff Hardy is a disgrace but whats worse is that people who make the decisions let it happen,

i honestly thought TNA was doing just fine without them 2 coming in and basically ripping it to pieces,

i carried on watching when Hogan was going through his jobs for the boys, i stayed when they let talented wrestlers like petey and fallen angel leave and brought in no marks like Orlando Jordan,

Im not a Russo fan but i would like to say 1 thing here, people say he was the reason WCW crumbled, and now TNA but he was here before Hogan and Boschoff and it was going well, then them two came and things start to go downhill, so i ask who really was responsible for WCW it seems to me that a pattern is a emerging that when all 3 of them are together things go down hill, maybe all 3 have ideas they want to push and as a result thing become disjointed,

Dixie needs to clear out all 3 and looks for new writers, and people who will say NO, she needs to not let every ex WWE employee come in and get a high spot as not all of them are good, i am a huge WWE fan too im not slating them but they do let certain wrestlers go for a reason, i dont want to see matt in TNA as he is nowhere near as good as he thinks he is,

TNA if they are not careful will go the way of WCW and i would be gutted as i really do think when they get it right they are brilliant,

Motor City v Beer Money best of 5 has been the only highlight of the bischoff hogan reign so far, and these are guys that where there from year dot,

id rather see AJ v chris sabin than Matt v AJ, id rather a sonjay dutt than a gunner whoever the hell that is, petey williams had more talent in his little finger than orlando jordan will ever have, dont get me wrong people like Angle and sting are legends and i welcome them everytime and Flair on the mic is still as good as ever, but please get rid of Hogan and Bischoff cos they wont care if TNA goes out of business they will just move on but for the fans who have loved this company and wrestlers for years its painful to see what it has become,

i regularly would hear the fans chant TNA TNA TNA, Never did i think i would hear THIS IS BULLSHIT and that is a real shame,

Please Dixie get rid of them
Oh my God, you people again.

I won't spend much time on this post because I'm really sick of this Hogan/Bischoff hate.

1. Dixie does not read WrestleZone. If you think she, or any other person who works for TNA will see this and heed the desperate (and pathetic) begging of some random IWC person - you're plain stupid.

2. Hogan and Bischoff are not going anywhere. It's been a year, the company scored some of its highest ratings ever, now is going on the road more frequently and is showing nothing but improvement. They're doing something right. More "right" than whatever the fuck they were doing before Bischoff and Hogan got there.

Before you mention the deal that happened at Victory Road, bear this in mind - this was not TNA's idea. We don't know if Hardy was on drugs, if he was high or not. That's the dirt-sheets talking. They are "journalists", and just like all the other journalists they spew half truths (or no truths in this case), spice up a recent event so people click on their link and read their article, giving their website more views. That's all they do. If you want to believe them, if you want to believe lies - do so, but don't point fingers. Hogan and Bischoff can't look into the future and see what happens. We don't know what happened, so refrain yourself from blaming anyone for it until all the facts come out. Otherwise, be an idiot, be ignorant.

3. If you want to see all those matches you mentioned, go watch old TNA YouTube videos. There are plenty. If you can't accept change, that's your problem. You want to see those matches, I want to see TNA expand, which it is. TNA won't go back to its old ways, so stop the bitching. It won't go back to what it was. Period. End of discussion. Go cry in a pillow.
Soooo... The Victory Road main event didn't piss you off? It was Jimmy Hart going around with a megaphone telling you to go watch TNA? Shit, really? That's it? Why the hell does that have anything to do with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff? Better yet. Excatly what change are people expecting if they are fired? Because I would only see things getting worse with nobody in charge.
Soooo... The Victory Road main event didn't piss you off? It was Jimmy Hart going around with a megaphone telling you to go watch TNA? Shit, really? That's it? Why the hell does that have anything to do with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff? Better yet. Excatly what change are people expecting if they are fired? Because I would only see things getting worse with nobody in charge.

People think that firing Hogan and Bischoff will somehow "fix" TNA. Here's what happens when Bischoff and Hogan leave.


All the people they brought in will still be in TNA. The writing will remain the same. The storylines will remain the same. The booking will remain the same. Why? Because Hogan and Bischoff do not run TNA, they are not writers, they are not bookers, they are not wrestlers, they are not co-owners. They have roles backstage, maybe major, maybe not, but in the end all the ideas that come from Hogan and Bischoff must be filtered and approved by Dixie Carter because she's the head of the company. That's it.

If Hogan and Bischoff are out, they'll go out with some of their ideas. The majority of the ideas come from the writing team, so a large portion of what you see on iMPACT now, the stuff you don't like, will stay the same!

I'm sorry to piss on your bonfire, but if Hogan and Bischoff are gone, Petey won't go back to TNA, the X-Division will not become awesome again, AJ Styles won't win the TNA Title in a matter of weeks, Sonjay won't go back, Anderson, The Hardy's, RVD, Shannon More and every person that was brought in from the WWE to TNA after January 4th will stay under contract and remain on their current positions, with their current pushes, the ring will remain 4 sided and TNA will be the same, if not even worse.

Personally, I think TNA had a much needed make over since Hogan and Bischoff came on board. Before they did the company was stagnant, it didn't even show promise of going anywhere. You had SharkBoys, CurryMen, a bunch of great wrestlers but without any name recognition, bland storylines made better only by some above average wrestling, a dying X-Division, a dead tag-team division, a dying women's division and a desperate need for change. That's what TNA was for about 2-3 years before January 4th, 2010. It pleased the hardcore wrestling fans, but it did not please the business.

TNA, with Hogan and Bischoff on board, did what they couldn't do for the last 9 years and that's take iMPACT on the road, even if it's 2 weeks every month. They scored some of the highest ratings in the last 3 months than they did in the last nine years, all of that achieved with a product that was MUCH different from what they were doing before. Hate TNA all you want, they're doing something right. There are hiccups along the way, there are things that shouldn't happen - but show me a company that doesn't fuck up, and I'll watch an entire episode of Monday Night RAW.
In fairness it's not Hogan/Bischoff that are the problem it's the creative department and from what I saw on the PPV last night (I caught maybe an hour of it) and it reeked of WCW, the ending to the first blood match was ******ed they could of done something better with the same results like possibly have a fan jump the guard rail and clock Morgan then do a runner referee runs down and Matt's covered in blood, he still gets screwed and it leaves the door open for someone from Mexico to come into the storyline (since Mexico's been talked about a fair bit).

Lance Storm said it best, TNA just need to think and re-word their storylines to maximize enhance and their product, example like Joe/Sting @ BFG their will be no rematch... yet they did weeks later, but would it not have looked better if it was ONE TIME ONLY Sting VS Somoa Joe?

People blaiming Hogan and Bisch need to understand their ON AIR talent, they MIGHT i use that might loosely have SOME input into storylines but I'd go out on limb here and say I bet they're input goes no further than suggestion, It's creative like I said a few weeks back WWE and TNA from a product stand point WWE casts a massive shadow over TNA, from PPV names (not much so since the whole gimmick PPV's) to stable names look sharper and better than TNA's, yet talent wise I believe TNA goes toe to toe with WWE, but it's creative that messes up, not Hogan, not Bisch
Oh my God, you people again.

I won't spend much time on this post because I'm really sick of this Hogan/Bischoff hate.

1. Dixie does not read WrestleZone. If you think she, or any other person who works for TNA will see this and heed the desperate (and pathetic) begging of some random IWC person - you're plain stupid.

2. Hogan and Bischoff are not going anywhere. It's been a year, the company scored some of its highest ratings ever, now is going on the road more frequently and is showing nothing but improvement. They're doing something right. More "right" than whatever the fuck they were doing before Bischoff and Hogan got there.

Before you mention the deal that happened at Victory Road, bear this in mind - this was not TNA's idea. We don't know if Hardy was on drugs, if he was high or not. That's the dirt-sheets talking. They are "journalists", and just like all the other journalists they spew half truths (or no truths in this case), spice up a recent event so people click on their link and read their article, giving their website more views. That's all they do. If you want to believe them, if you want to believe lies - do so, but don't point fingers. Hogan and Bischoff can't look into the future and see what happens. We don't know what happened, so refrain yourself from blaming anyone for it until all the facts come out. Otherwise, be an idiot, be ignorant.

3. If you want to see all those matches you mentioned, go watch old TNA YouTube videos. There are plenty. If you can't accept change, that's your problem. You want to see those matches, I want to see TNA expand, which it is. TNA won't go back to its old ways, so stop the bitching. It won't go back to what it was. Period. End of discussion. Go cry in a pillow.

I think it is hard not to blame hogan and bischoff a little for the current state of TNA.

First, it was reported that having creative control is part of the condition in hogan's contract.

They did achieved SOME of the highest ratings, but tats like 2-3 times per year and its like 1.4-1.5 but never stayed there. It is a fact that the ratings has always been same before the arrival of hogan. What was the ratings like during the "war"

They are not going on the road. TNA USED to host majority of ppv on the road but ever since the arrival hogan and bischoff, everything stayed on impact zone. That north Carolina impact was the first time since 2 years ago maybe.

How can TNA not be responsible for the ending of victory road? Couldnt they just get replaced by rvd vs anderson or whoever? Maybe have a story telling that hardy got took out or something? The last thing tna wants to do is to piss off their fan by having a one minute mainevent in their ppv.
I think it is hard not to blame hogan and bischoff a little for the current state of TNA.

First, it was reported that having creative control is part of the condition in hogan's contract.

They did achieved SOME of the highest ratings, but tats like 2-3 times per year and its like 1.4-1.5 but never stayed there. It is a fact that the ratings has always been same before the arrival of hogan. What was the ratings like during the "war"

They are not going on the road. TNA USED to host majority of ppv on the road but ever since the arrival hogan and bischoff, everything stayed on impact zone. That north Carolina impact was the first time since 2 years ago maybe.

How can TNA not be responsible for the ending of victory road? Couldnt they just get replaced by rvd vs anderson or whoever? Maybe have a story telling that hardy got took out or something? The last thing tna wants to do is to piss off their fan by having a one minute mainevent in their ppv.
You're kinda off with the PPV's not being on the road. Their last regular (non Big 3) PPV outside the Impact Zone was Genesis 2009 (Jan/11/09). That was way before Hulk signed. I believe the reason was because they weren't selling out the arenas. Their last Impact on the road was at the Las Vegas Hard Rock following BFG '08. It wasn't full. Pitting TNA's short comings when they first tried leaving the Impact Zone on Hogan and Bischoff is pretty wrong. If anything, they can be attributed to finally pulling in a full attendance on a major venue.
I think it is hard not to blame hogan and bischoff a little for the current state of TNA.

It's hard not to blame them when you're a "member of the wwe universe".

First, it was reported that having creative control is part of the condition in hogan's contract.

Who reported it? The dirt-sheets? Since when do fat people in their parent's basements have information about people's contracts? No wait, how did they get their hands on that information? Answer me that.

Don't believe the dirt-sheets.

They did achieved SOME of the highest ratings, but tats like 2-3 times per year and its like 1.4-1.5 but never stayed there. It is a fact that the ratings has always been same before the arrival of hogan. What was the ratings like during the "war"

The March 3rd iMPACT scored a 1.53 with the over-run. Count that if you want. Something tells me you don't.

They are not going on the road. TNA USED to host majority of ppv on the road but ever since the arrival hogan and bischoff, everything stayed on impact zone. That north Carolina impact was the first time since 2 years ago maybe.

Well, they just had two iMPACTs on the road, planning two more in KC (or KY). Sounds like "going on the road" to me, even if it's not all the time.

How can TNA not be responsible for the ending of victory road? Couldnt they just get replaced by rvd vs anderson or whoever? Maybe have a story telling that hardy got took out or something? The last thing tna wants to do is to piss off their fan by having a one minute mainevent in their ppv.

Again, we don't know what happened. Don't believe the fucking dirt-sheets! Nobody knows if Hardy was in bad condition or not! Didn't the dirt-sheets report that Hardy was drugged when he lost the belt to Anderson or whatever the match was? First he was high,then he was drunk, then he was drugged, then he was beat up, and in the end it turned out that the guy was just exhausted and still had a good match.

It's easy to say "couldn't you do ____" AFTER it happened. Yes they could. Vince could've kept WCW. TNA could've kept Christopher Daniels. That's stupid talk.

What happened in the ring was spotnaneous, it was out of the blue, it wasn't planned, you could just see it. Therefore, TNA is not to blame for something that happened out of their control. Capisce?
For what it's worth Holmsey I think you're right.

TNA was better in 2006 and before.

And despite what people on here think. The show doing better by .3 in the ratings doesn't have shit all to do with the content of the show being any better because it has gone from cutting edge and fresh to near garbage.

Russo can be blamed for all the screwy endings on seemingly every match.

Bischoff and Hogan, if anything, can be blamed for not being leaders and letting the bullshit that is ruining the company happen in the first place.

Not to mention the influx of WWE stars that I was beginning to get tired of whilst the TNA talent they replaced were kicking so much arse.
Does anyone here know exactly how much pull both have? was Hulk the one to go "yeah brother i want to lead the biggest stable in TNA" or did someone else pitch that having Hulk in the biggest stable would help buy-rates

I have no idea about the reach of influence of Bischoff and Hogan, but TNA was starting to rot before they came, save credit for creative and the person with the blank chequebook who thinks hiring an obviously seriously injured wolfe and a drug addicted former star to the books.
Well you might be right, but your detailed opinions seem to be a bit off. I do want Hogan and Bischoff to leave. Though EB has no creative control, Hulk Hogan does. Hogan is trying to give us MODERN day wrestling, and yes, he's doing it rather well, except for the storylines and promos, each of them are cliched. He doesn't exactly do well at that, because in WCW, all he had to do was be a wrestler. He had no creative control, and if he did, WCW would've been much worse than TNA right now.

Anyway, I don't find Hogan and EB to be a big problem. TNA would still have Vince Russo, who is the REAL killer of TNA. I never really thought of TNA to be that great of a brand since 2006. I liked it in 2004 to 2005 where the wrestling was more entertaining and the X-Division was the best division ANYWHERE in wrestling. Though, Kurt Angle did start in TNA since 2006, and he made great matches, Kurt Angle came at an unfortunate glut of TNA wrestling.
How anyone can justify or even support Hogan, Bischoff OR Russo being there for one day longer is beyond me. This team scored a record rating somewhere between .5-1.0 sometime last year am I right? Say what you want about Vince (I can't stand 99% of his show), but I have never heard his crowd chant bullshit (aside from the Montreal Screwjob, which coincidentally Russo was also writing for Vince when this happened), EVER! TNA going on the road to NC isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be. ROH got there before TNA with a smaller budget and probably did better numbers.

For people who think Bischoff knows what he's doing, I highly recommend watching J.J. Dillion's shoot interview with R.F. Video. He spells out in detail how little Bischoff knows about the wrestling business and even gives some numbers to back up his claim. He further goes into exactly what is wrong with Vince Russo in explicit detail, again using numbers which I have been monitoring since watching the interview. Dillion says that in a 2 hour wrestling show, the average is around 36-39 minutes of wrestling with 25% of the show devoted to angles and promos. When Russo came in to WCW, the average dropped to 14-16 minutes. I have used a stopwatch and Russo averages between 15-20 min in TNA with a majority of those minutes in the last two matches of the night (I have clocked some of his early matches around 1:30, while his later ones clock in around 4-8 min on average). Russo has got to go, he's been pulling the same tricks out of his hat since '99 and they haven't worked. Bischoff goes on the radio and talks about how he disagrees with Russo, but when confronted on low numbers, says he has no role in creative. That's B.S. Eric and you know it. Hogan has gone on record numerous times saying he has input in creative (implicitly saying things like how he's going to come in and run the company, he's in charge, etc).

What it comes down to is that all 3 of these guys have sold themselves as successes of an era where they had little actual input to the actual success of the company they worked for at the time. Sullivan booked WCW when it was on top, not Russo, not Bischoff, not Hogan. Hogan got booed out the building in Chicago in 1995 as a babyface and it took him a YEAR to turn heel at Sullivan's request. Bischoff couldn't win ratings back once Sullivan was taken off as head booker. Russo never achieved success outside of WWF when other people were in charge over him. That being the case, none of them should be hired based on any "success" they claim to have or have had then or now. They're con-men and we the fans suffer because of it.
Oh my God, you people again.

I won't spend much time on this post because I'm really sick of this Hogan/Bischoff hate.

1. Dixie does not read WrestleZone. If you think she, or any other person who works for TNA will see this and heed the desperate (and pathetic) begging of some random IWC person - you're plain stupid.

2. Hogan and Bischoff are not going anywhere. It's been a year, the company scored some of its highest ratings ever, now is going on the road more frequently and is showing nothing but improvement. They're doing something right. More "right" than whatever the fuck they were doing before Bischoff and Hogan got there.

Before you mention the deal that happened at Victory Road, bear this in mind - this was not TNA's idea. We don't know if Hardy was on drugs, if he was high or not. That's the dirt-sheets talking. They are "journalists", and just like all the other journalists they spew half truths (or no truths in this case), spice up a recent event so people click on their link and read their article, giving their website more views. That's all they do. If you want to believe them, if you want to believe lies - do so, but don't point fingers. Hogan and Bischoff can't look into the future and see what happens. We don't know what happened, so refrain yourself from blaming anyone for it until all the facts come out. Otherwise, be an idiot, be ignorant.

3. If you want to see all those matches you mentioned, go watch old TNA YouTube videos. There are plenty. If you can't accept change, that's your problem. You want to see those matches, I want to see TNA expand, which it is. TNA won't go back to its old ways, so stop the bitching. It won't go back to what it was. Period. End of discussion. Go cry in a pillow.

some of your points are valid, but a 1.5 isnt exactly earth shattering and one road trip for Impact so far hasnt exactly shaken up the world.

theyve done some good things, but when they get embrassed they get really embrasseed

1) the monday night move turned about to be awful and they were shipped back to thursday almost immediately.

2) I dont know what happened with the M.E.M or Fortune turning on immortal angle, but its clear from the way its been booked that Fortune turning was not the original plan. Fortune should be the top baby faces right now, instead theyre wrestling Matt freaking Hardy, Ink Inc., and X division guys respectively, and why ? because........

3) they thought they were clever with 3-3-11, but all they did was look bad for ripping off the undertaker and they put theyre world tittle on a 50 year old guy who cant go as well as the young guys anymore. I love Sting dont get me wrong but hes not anywhere near the wrestler he used to be. And now hes the top face instead of the 4 guys who were suppose to be youre major angle when they turned face.

4) and of course last night, doesnt matter who, doesnt matter why, but someone is to blame for 2 reasons

a) Hardy shouldnt be booked in main events because they had to know this risk of this happening was out there, if Hardy was drugged, well they played with fire for a long time and finally got burned

b) the main event obviously should have been re-booked , how they could allow a 90 sec match is obviously an embrassment.

If Hogan & Bischoff arent making the decisions, then whoever it is makes them look bad, because theyre the names of this company behind the scenes, its just fact. The embrassment has outweighed the good, and before the 2 of them got there it wasnt anything like this you have to admit.
People think that firing Hogan and Bischoff will somehow "fix" TNA. Here's what happens when Bischoff and Hogan leave.


All the people they brought in will still be in TNA. The writing will remain the same. The storylines will remain the same. The booking will remain the same. Why? Because Hogan and Bischoff do not run TNA, they are not writers, they are not bookers, they are not wrestlers, they are not co-owners. They have roles backstage, maybe major, maybe not, but in the end all the ideas that come from Hogan and Bischoff must be filtered and approved by Dixie Carter because she's the head of the company. That's it.

If Hogan and Bischoff are out, they'll go out with some of their ideas. The majority of the ideas come from the writing team, so a large portion of what you see on iMPACT now, the stuff you don't like, will stay the same!

I'm sorry to piss on your bonfire, but if Hogan and Bischoff are gone, Petey won't go back to TNA, the X-Division will not become awesome again, AJ Styles won't win the TNA Title in a matter of weeks, Sonjay won't go back, Anderson, The Hardy's, RVD, Shannon More and every person that was brought in from the WWE to TNA after January 4th will stay under contract and remain on their current positions, with their current pushes, the ring will remain 4 sided and TNA will be the same, if not even worse.

Personally, I think TNA had a much needed make over since Hogan and Bischoff came on board. Before they did the company was stagnant, it didn't even show promise of going anywhere. You had SharkBoys, CurryMen, a bunch of great wrestlers but without any name recognition, bland storylines made better only by some above average wrestling, a dying X-Division, a dead tag-team division, a dying women's division and a desperate need for change. That's what TNA was for about 2-3 years before January 4th, 2010. It pleased the hardcore wrestling fans, but it did not please the business.

TNA, with Hogan and Bischoff on board, did what they couldn't do for the last 9 years and that's take iMPACT on the road, even if it's 2 weeks every month. They scored some of the highest ratings in the last 3 months than they did in the last nine years, all of that achieved with a product that was MUCH different from what they were doing before. Hate TNA all you want, they're doing something right. There are hiccups along the way, there are things that shouldn't happen - but show me a company that doesn't fuck up, and I'll watch an entire episode of Monday Night RAW.

This is a stream of complete and utter bullshit.

Nothing would change if Hogan and Bischoff left? Hogan and Bischoff changed EVERYTHING about TNA, you say (as do Hogan and Bischoff) that they have no real power in TNA, yet once they showed up they changed everything from the ring, to what talent was being pushed.

You think it's a coincedence that aside from Sting, nobody has touched the TNA title who wasn't brought in with Hogan/Bischoff.

You say that AJ wouldn't be bumped into the main event, yet before Jan 4th of last year, he was the top face of the company.

Impact used to be my favorite wrestling show, but ever since they showed up the storylines have been full of holes and completely inconsistent. Complete garbage wrestlers like Abyss have been given huge pushes and loads of TV time, horrible segments, usually involving Jeff Jarrett, have run rampant.

I know no company is perfect, and as you said, everyone has little hiccups now and then. But TNA doesn't have "hiccups" they have huge issues to deal with, one being their top star needs to take about year or two off and go to rehab, and don't pull that "We don't know what happened yet" BS, anyone with half a brain and even less common sense could tell that Hardy was gone on something.

I like Dixie Carter, I really do. I think she's a pretty damn good business woman when she's not letting herself get conned by an egomaniacal has-been and the one trick pony who's been riding high off beating the WWE for about 15 years now
I do think they need to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff, BUT along with them, they need to restaff the entire creative department. Hire Paul Heyman and/or Jim Cornette....
[cL];2933176 said:
I do think they need to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff, BUT along with them, they need to restaff the entire creative department. Hire Paul Heyman and/or Jim Cornette....

I know Jim Cornette hated working there with Vince Russo and he not on good terms with Jeff Jarrett because of him Cornette had to work with Russo. Nobody wants to be in the middle of a company that doesn't know what they are doing. It looks like they have to start from stretch
Sorry I'm done discussing about garbage half ass promotions., TNA in my book is lower than Indy.. Talking about TNA is like talking about a bad tomato.. Pointless.. More threads on Wrestlemania and stuff. Let's not waste time discussing about something that has no value and get on the Road to Wrestlemania
It always amuses me when people want to go Hogan/Bischoff bashing. Do you not remember what position TNA was in before Hogan arrived? Nobody knew about the product, the X-Division Champion was Amazing Red for Gods sake and the main event scene consisted of AJ Styles and oh AJ Styles. People may mention Daniels or whoever but Daniels never was and never will be a main eventer. Now you've gut guys like Matt Morgan, Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy etc in the main event. TNA now gets more publiciity than they've ever had, higher house show attendances, higher ratings etc It's not now just a show where multiple men enter a gimmick match and woo the crowd, the fueds and rivalries actually have feeling and a story behind them now.

So yea we got a crappy main event last night, but it seems a little bit to convienent to me to just forget about the other 5 great matches we got.
Sting should have taken the WM pay off when he had the chance. TNA has been a sinking ship for almost two years now and Dixie Carter is to blame. Current TNA feels like watching WCW during its final year. I can't wait for the Rise and Fall DVD, produced by the WWE.
It always amuses me when people want to go Hogan/Bischoff bashing. Do you not remember what position TNA was in before Hogan arrived? Nobody knew about the product, the X-Division Champion was Amazing Red for Gods sake and the main event scene consisted of AJ Styles and oh AJ Styles. People may mention Daniels or whoever but Daniels never was and never will be a main eventer. Now you've gut guys like Matt Morgan, Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy etc in the main event. TNA now gets more publiciity than they've ever had, higher house show attendances, higher ratings etc It's not now just a show where multiple men enter a gimmick match and woo the crowd, the fueds and rivalries actually have feeling and a story behind them now.

So yea we got a crappy main event last night, but it seems a little bit to convienent to me to just forget about the other 5 great matches we got.

TNA was AMAZING before Hogan and Bischoff.

I like how you use "nobody knew the product" as an argument, like the ratings are substantially higher now... they get maybe .1 more consistent viewers. Maybe.

And yes, Red was the X-Division champion, and I too am not a fan of Amazing Red, but at least there WAS an X-Division then.

The main event scene consisted of AJ, Joe, Angle, Morgan was just as involved in the main event as he is now, and as you said, Daniels (who is just as much as a main eventer as RVD)

And what the hell are you talking about? Five other good matches? Outside of Ultimate X and AJ/Matt Hardy the ENTIRE CARD WAS SHIT!!
It always amuses me when people want to go Hogan/Bischoff bashing. Do you not remember what position TNA was in before Hogan arrived? Nobody knew about the product, the X-Division Champion was Amazing Red for Gods sake and the main event scene consisted of AJ Styles and oh AJ Styles. People may mention Daniels or whoever but Daniels never was and never will be a main eventer. Now you've gut guys like Matt Morgan, Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy etc in the main event. TNA now gets more publiciity than they've ever had, higher house show attendances, higher ratings etc It's not now just a show where multiple men enter a gimmick match and woo the crowd, the fueds and rivalries actually have feeling and a story behind them now.

So yea we got a crappy main event last night, but it seems a little bit to convienent to me to just forget about the other 5 great matches we got.

Last I checked TNA's highest PPV buyrates were pre-Hogan/Bischoff from the Kurt Angle-Samoa Joe PPV. So yes, TNA was MUCH better than that shitfest we saw Sunday.
TNA was AMAZING before Hogan and Bischoff.

I like how you use "nobody knew the product" as an argument, like the ratings are substantially higher now... they get maybe .1 more consistent viewers. Maybe.

And yes, Red was the X-Division champion, and I too am not a fan of Amazing Red, but at least there WAS an X-Division then.

The main event scene consisted of AJ, Joe, Angle, Morgan was just as involved in the main event as he is now, and as you said, Daniels (who is just as much as a main eventer as RVD)

And what the hell are you talking about? Five other good matches? Outside of Ultimate X and AJ/Matt Hardy the ENTIRE CARD WAS SHIT!!

I also enjoyed the Bully Ray/Dreamer, Beer Money/Ink Inc and RVD/Anderson matches.

You cant be saying Daniels is as much of a main eventer as RVD with a straight face surely. Van Dam is known World wide and gets a huge ovation whenever he enters an arena. I dont remember Daniels getting those sort of reactions. I remember him as AJs best pal if im being honest. I reckon if u asked a wrestling promoter who theyd rather have: Joe and Daniels or Van Dam and Anderson, the latter two would win everytime.
I don't think that they should be fired, but i do think that they should be held responsible. They do have some control of what is going on, and they could have changed that match. I love TNA and want them to succeed, but on the other hand I bet Dixie Carter was present and as the real president of the company allowed Jeff to go out there. She should resign her post and take Russo along with her and strip some of the powers of Hogan and Bischoff.

That would make a statement along with firing Hardy Live on Impact this Thursday, putting the roster on notice.

Now to the posters who have said TNA was better in 06 is absolutly nuts. Do we have crap stories now, yes we do. We have some of the same matches that we had then, the main difference is the Hvywt title is the focus not the spot fests that happened before. I did like those matches but now its not all spotfest, they are trying to develop stories (wish Russo knew how though).

I still think they need a creative writing think tank, then a team of writers other than Russo to fix the stories.
I also enjoyed the Bully Ray/Dreamer, Beer Money/Ink Inc and RVD/Anderson matches.

You cant be saying Daniels is as much of a main eventer as RVD with a straight face surely. Van Dam is known World wide and gets a huge ovation whenever he enters an arena. I dont remember Daniels getting those sort of reactions. I remember him as AJs best pal if im being honest. I reckon if u asked a wrestling promoter who theyd rather have: Joe and Daniels or Van Dam and Anderson, the latter two would win everytime.

Agreed, its the samething with Bischoff/Hogan. Ask people who they know as an on air personality in a wrestling company , except for Mcmahon who do you think they know the most? Thats right you guessed it Bischoff and Hogan.
Agreed, its the samething with Bischoff/Hogan. Ask people who they know as an on air personality in a wrestling company , except for Mcmahon who do you think they know the most? Thats right you guessed it Bischoff and Hogan.

LMAO, nobody I know outside of wrestling fans knows who Eric Bischoff is. I'd bet more people would know who the Honky Tonk Man as a wrestling personality before Bischoff. Randy Savage for sure. The Rock definitely.

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