For all you Benoit lovers



It looks like Chris Benoit will be making his in-ring return to WWE sometime within the next month. He has been taking time off and rehabbing some nagging injuries.

Right now there is no word on what role he will play or storyline he will be involved with when he returns.

Seems like benoit is comin back.... dont have a clue what role he'll play... what do you think he's gonna do?
Oh ok, thats good to hear.

I think when he comes back he WAS going to feud with Mark Henry, but now that hes gone... who knows. Maybe he will team up with Gunner Scott or something.
isnt scott in ovw... i really hope he doesnt comeback... id bring him back as and get in the chavo and rey fued
When he comes back i see him in a fued with either mr. kennedy, finley, or that new guy sylvester something. Kennedy doesnt seem to have a good opponent now and finley needs a new opponent anyone other than lashley. As for sylvester he needs a main event opponent if they want to give him a desent push.
I'm kind of surprised Chris Benoit is returning this soon as I expected him to take a LOOOONG leave to let his body rest aswell as gather the guy's thoughts as it has been a rough year for him with losing his best pal in Eddie Guerrero. Though it will be a boost to WWE in general when he comes back regardless of where he goes.

If he goes to Smackdown, I'd expect him to take Rey's side against Chavo or even take Chavo's side..but in all honesty I just don't want this Eddie thing to be drag out. I myself would give Chris Benoit a fresh start in ECW. It would give the contreversial brand a much need kick and could see some fueds and matches with Test, CM Punk, Sabu, RVD, and maybe even Angle once again.
yeah benoit is originally from ecw... id like to see him there also... didnt think of that
but SD! really needs a top star like benoit... so i really dont see him goin to ecw
Smackdown doesn't really need him, since coming to Smackdown he has been floating around in mid card and in the US Title hunt and IMO I think Chris Benoit is a strong upper midcarder or main eventer. He's briefly fueded with Batista in Evolution, fueded with Booker T many times, fought Rey Rey many times same as Chavo. The only guy's he hasn't really fueded with is Lashley and The Darkside Undertaker. ECW a brand restarted really need's all it can get in terms of established former ECW alumni that will make viewer's tune in or give the brand a little kickstart or boost. Smackdown seem's to have no problem with bringing up talent from OVW and trade's can be made from RAW.
I'd like to see him with Batista and Lashley for a possible survivor series match putting them 3 +1 against Booker, Regal and Finlay +1.
Benoit is a great wrestler, hes one of the few(along with Kurt Angle) who can actually wrestle but also have alotta skills in other things. Hes cool to watch and is entertaining cant wait till his return.

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