For all those who don't want Reigns-Lesnar...


Mid-Card Championship Winner
For those who are complaining about Roman Reigns v Brock Lesnar main-eventing Wrestlemania, have you not considered something...

....the main event at Wrestlemania is NOT always the WWE Title Match. Sometimes it is another match with much hype. The latest example was John Cena v The Rock at WM28, which was booked a year in advance. This was not a title match, but main-evented WM.

I was thinking that WWE would be smart to get around the boos that may accompany Reigns v Lesnar by having it on second-last instead of last, and having another match be last.

I suggest having Sting v Triple H as the main event.

-People annoyed that Roman has won the belt won't switch off, since there will still be another match.

-If Sting beats Triple H, and it is the last match, it will send the crowd home happy.

-People will tune in to see history made, to see something they thought would never happen- Sting wrestle at Wrestlemania.

-If they have it that the Authority finishes up for real , it will also end the storyline, so having it on last would make sense.

-You just know how Triple H likes to hog the spotlight, and make it about him. I think that, going into Wrestlemania, Sting v Triple H will get more promotion going in than even the WWE Title Match.

This might be the perfect way to appease disgruntled WWE fans, and give them someone in the main event they want to see (i.e. Sting), and it would be a "bigger" and more high-profile match anyway. Maybe this is the year to have the WWE Title match as the penultimate match.
Reigns-Lesnar needs to be the last match - there's no one hotter in Wrestling than Lesnar and there's no one on the roster with the upside of Reigns to be a household name and a big draw.

If it isn't the last match the WWE would have royally screwed up.
Here's the thing about this match: those who aren't fans of it, most of them at least, don't really give a shit if it's the "last match" on the card or not, they just don't want it to happen period for any number of reasons that've been brought up in numerous threads, i.e. Reigns isn't ready, Reigns doesn't have the ability, Reigns has no solid rapport with fans, etc. It's place on the card, whether last or next to last or what, has little to no bearing, it's the fact that a lot of fans just aren't all that crazy about Roman Reigns being in this spot. WWE playing word games or using technicalities as to the placement of the match won't change that in the least.

Even if Triple H & Sting finished the show, there'd still be complaints like the usual of Triple H's ego being too big to not allow himself to main event WrestleMania, etc. There's usually no shortage of criticism of Triple H's ego for one reason or another, but this match being in the main event would still piss some people off.

No matter the place on the card, if this is the direction Vince wants, then he'd simply better prepare himself for what may very well be the hostile reaction Orton vs. Batista would have gotten last year.
Even with a large portion of the fan base opposing Reigns vs. Lesnar and a very smarky WM crown I just don't believe this match will be dumped on much as others anticipate it to be. At least not as much had the E went forward with Orton/Batista. There are still many Lesnar supporters to keep the match from completely falling off the tracks. In that time hopefully Reigns will be able to do enough to swing some favor to avoid being booed out of the building.
Reigns-Lesnar needs to be the last match - there's no one hotter in Wrestling than Lesnar and there's no one on the roster with the upside of Reigns to be a household name and a big draw.

If it isn't the last match the WWE would have royally screwed up.

Agreed. Brock is the biggest name in the company right now, and if they really want to solidify Reigns as the next big thing then they need to make this match the main event. Not to mention a Rollins cash-in would have a much bigger impact as the closing moment of Wrestlemania.
Well, it seems WWE is adamant on giving Roman Reigns the Stone Cold/Daniel Bryan/Chris Benoit treatment at Mania, and if that's the case than Lesnar/Reigns would have to go on last. There's also the fact that some massive swerve may still go down between now and Mania and probably at Mania as well.

Honestly, if people crap all over the main event of Mania AT Mania than that's just ridiculous. If you don't want to see the main event, what are you really spending your money for; might as well just not watch and let the people who want to enjoy the show actually enjoy it for once.
It will be the last match as it's suppose to be the birth of the next great WWE superstar, Roman Reigns. I'd love to see a swerve but probably not. Sting vs HHH isn't a main event as I don't think Sting at his age can hang with Hunter and put on an exciting match. I liked surfer Sting but he was always pretty limited in his ring repertoire. I don't see any reason for them to wrestle in back to back PPV's unless maybe for WM you put them in a cage where there is more brawling than wrestling and Sting rides off into the sunset. But since this is the WWE we're talking about they could have the American hero John Cena go over Rusev in a return bout as the main event.
There's no point putting Lesnar-Reigns match second to last. It should be the main event. As for crapping all over the main event goes, it'll all depend on how they prep Reigns for the spot. Silent ass kicking Reigns has to be the way to go.

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