Football Fan Legends


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the help of Sly, I was able to get the software needed to create a forum. I created a fan based football forum, for everything football. I'm nowhere close to being finished, but I've got most of the sections and categories. I still need to post the classic sticky rules thread in most of the sections, as well as certain rules threads for specific sections. I also need to work on the background. I found a football background, but it's a Serbia based background, so I had to get rid of it. I have a post in the request forum asking for any help in designing a new skin for this football forum.

Hopefully this site can really succeed. Obviously there is no members now, only me, but if anybody wants to help out, I'm welcoming anyone. Although if participating in this forum would disable you from being an active Wrestlezone poster, then don't come. Wrestlezone is number one, and in no way am I trying to steal visitors. But if anybody is willing to multi task, and is a big football fan like me, come on board, and if you're well experienced, I'll even make you a mod. I probably have no idea on what I'm doing, which is why all help is being requested. For those who don't like football, but baseball or basketball is your thing, I have small sections dedicated for that too.

Check it out, tell me what you think. Obviously it's nowhere near being finished, but I think I have all the sections I want for now. I just need to get things running. And like I said, I need to put the sticky rules thread in all the sections.

Once again, if being a member of this forum would keep you from being a member of Wrestlezone, pick Wrestlezone over me. I am not trying to steal visitors, nor am I "Jumping ship" either. I'm still going to be on wrestlezone, just as much as I'll be shaping this forum up. Thank you for reading, and if you have any interest with helping me out, please send me a private message.
If anybody is a big fan of NCAA, and knows teams, players, conferences, I would gladly let you design the NCAA section of the forum.
Yes Crock, I am. And yes Sparky, you should've. It would've been harder to do though, because you still have to activate it through email, plus...if I didn't know who it was, and the name was extremely similar to mine..such as "Sully1", I would've simply deleted it.
You need to make me an admin bitch. :lmao:

Great idea! Then you could like..delete all my sections, and ban random people. Brilliant!

If I trusted you more, I would, but considering you already made an account named "Sully1". Plus, you have no Admin experience...then again neither do I.
Hey I did that as a joke I was going to ask you to change it back and on those kind of forums I do have experience. and i wouldn't delete anything like that.
If I was going to be a dick I would of posted more then what I did. i could of been the first person you banned. :lmao:
Sorry if the name sounds cheesy, I'm bad at deciding names. The only problem right now is finding a background theme. I can resort back to the serbia one, with is pretty footballish, I could keep the gray one, or I could try and find another one. So far, there isn't many other forum skins for NFL. I found some team ones, but I need an NFL one.

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