Footage Leaked From WWE Performance Center


I was reading an article a few minutes ago explaining that some footage of wrestlers of NXT working on "presentation skills", AKA cutting a promo, leaked out earlier this month. Most of the footage was removed but someone managed to get their hands on a little snippet.

The footage features Australian wrestler Matt Silva, who was signed to NXT in March 2013, under the name of Buddy Murphy. Silva just turned 21 years old late last month, stands about 5'10" and weighs around 230 pounds. Initially, he comes out to do his promo and it's basically an Australian stereotype before he "breaks character" and delivers a worked "shoot" promo. The article states that Murphy's character has "multiple personalities" and one of those "personalities" surfaces in the promo.

The alternate "personality" pops up when he looks at the camera and tells the guy to stop filming before speaking again saying: "Are you happy? Are you happy? So finally, the Australian's doing the stereotype Australian gimmick. Finally, Buddy Murphy is coming out his shell. Finally, Buddy Murphy is showing some personality. I've always had this personality, I just don't know what personality you're going to get.

"See that guy walks through the door, he's upstairs, doesn't have a smile on his face, that's me too. The guy that sits in the locker room and stares at holes down the wall, and you're wondering what he's thinking, if he's going to go home and murder my kids, that's me too.

"But, this is what you want. This is what you want. Well just remember this; you might get what you want, but you don't always get who you want."

The line in which you wonder what he's thinking, "if he's going to go home and murder my kids" line, will probably generate some controversy. If so, then some fault definitely has to go towards the author of the article. The exact way the article is worded is: "NXT Wrestler Cuts Promo About Murdering Children In Leaked Video From WWE Performance Center." When I saw that, of course I clicked and read it. The way it's worded conveys the sense that this guy's promo centered around going out and killing kids but that's not what it's about at all. The theme of the promo was to convey a sense of "I'm MUCH more and could be MUCH darker than this silly stereotype." You can even hear some laughter in the background after he says the "murder my kids" line.

I thought the guy did a great job, the red hair and the very white skin made me think he looked more like a pure blooded Irishman like Sheamus. At any rate, I enjoyed watching the guy work, though I won't be at all surprised if Vince grows a rectangular asshole and shits a plasma screen.
I like him already.

The Australian gimmick is horrendous and I think he saved face by cutting his promo the way he did. I would definitely watch this kind of personality pop up now and then, and a wrestler with multiple personalities could be featured in several angles.

I just don't see how he could keep it fresh, or even if WWE would go along with it if one of the personalities wants to kill half the audience.

I'd enjoy it though. More than I probably should.
I like this. This is exactly what we need on the main roster, some personality because it lacks a whole lot. Even though the 90s was full of gimmicks, they made the characters big.
I will this about Matt, firstly I'm involved with the wrestling industry, I'm a trainee/rookie for a local promotion based in Sydney and one of the best in the country to wrestle and train. Now a few peers know Matt and other personalities in Aussie wrestling know him personally. Back here, he has a tendency to be a social ******, and say silly stuff. But yeah we don't know how we receive his gimmick yet.
I'm curious about the video, can anyone get me a new working link?

From what it sounds, the gimmick seems edgy, and I like edgy. Always love things what push the boundaries.
I just watched it. Nothing special imo. I have seen ALOT of leaked vids from NXT. Older and newer ones. I like this new french guy they signed. He is playing with words. Reminds me a litle of PG DX. But hes talking really "dirty" usind words and phrases that have a double meaning. Looks like the other wrestlers enjoyed his promo. Everyone was laughing. His accent and his voice sound exactly like the french manager on NXT. I believe those 2 could be worth GOLD together given the right gimmick and "freedom".
And i also have seen some leaked NXT vids of Samurai del Sol. Cant wait to see him in NXT and the main roster too!
Is it possible this is just an acting exercise? In an attempt to help this guy find a character or increase his range as a performer they have him play a guy who acts in multiple ways?They may even have him write his own lines. This just seems more like something you may see in acting class than a PG somewhat sensitive environment.
Is it possible this is just an acting exercise? In an attempt to help this guy find a character or increase his range as a performer they have him play a guy who acts in multiple ways?They may even have him write his own lines. This just seems more like something you may see in acting class than a PG somewhat sensitive environment.

Ofcourse its an acting class! As far as i know they tell the wrestlers every month to go and try create a promo and excercise and on it and deliver it in front of the camera...
Is it possible this is just an acting exercise? In an attempt to help this guy find a character or increase his range as a performer they have him play a guy who acts in multiple ways?They may even have him write his own lines. This just seems more like something you may see in acting class than a PG somewhat sensitive environment.
It's very annoying that there are only about seven people worth repping on this board.

The Performance Center is a game changer in professional wrestling. Previously, evaluating and working with talent meant flying from Stamford to Florida frequently, and predominantly relying on your trainers to provide insight and feedback to upper management. Now, thanks to the interwebs, that's all under one roof. The highest levels of WWE now have direct, constant access to their minor league system- which means that upper management can now oversee development of future performers to fulfill the needs that the company can see arising in the near future.

If that sounds like a whole lot of marketing bullshit, well, it kind of is, but it's a long way of saying that the WWE can plan for the future much quicker than they used to be able to do.You won't notice its effect, because the end result isn't supposed to be visible to the viewer. But it's a biggie.

Also, that's a pretty good promo. Too bad people here still pop for a Benoit reference. :(
Is it possible this is just an acting exercise? In an attempt to help this guy find a character or increase his range as a performer they have him play a guy who acts in multiple ways?They may even have him write his own lines. This just seems more like something you may see in acting class than a PG somewhat sensitive environment.

My brother mentioned this to me last night, after I'd told him about this little link, and he reminded me that Triple H has guys in NXT learning to cut promos the "old school" way. I'd forgotten about that. Earlier this year, maybe as long as 6 months ago, reports stated that Triple H's new policy was that NXT wrestlers wouldn't be given scripted promos. Initially, I expected Trips to be mostly just kind of a figurehead, a glorified messenger boy relating what Vince wanted done. I remember being surprised when I read the report on him doing away with scripted promos in NXT. I think this is really when I started to accept that Vince truly did hand the reigns of WWE's development program to Triple H and that he trusted his judgment.

If Triple H ultimately takes over WWE down the line, it wouldn't surprise me if scripted promos are done away with altogether. When NXT guys get to the main roster, they might have to do scripted promos so long as Vince is still running things as it's something that he likes because it helps the idea of WWE being an "entertainment" company.
The other thing that is getting on my nerves is every report I have seen say "nXt talent cuts promo on killing kids"'

That is SO misleading.... He didn't say he killed kids he said that the look others give him.

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