Flood Aid

So, as some of you may know, my hometown of Hull was affected by bad floods last summer. Whilst my home miraculously avoided the floods, I know a lot of people who were badly affected by the floods, and I helped out in anyway I could.

However, I wasn't prepared to pay money into the Flood Aid fund. Why? Because it only paid families who didn't have insurance, the families who did have it got nothing from the fund. In my opinion this was really unfair as it meant that they were losing out because they had gone to the effort of actually protecting themselves and had paid money for it, whilst other people who didn't pay for insurance got the same pay out for free. So I refused to give money.

Am I right? Or do I have serious moral issues?
Completely agree with you. I wouldn't have done either. The people getting money from insurance companies are only getting the money back they've paid over the years, whereas the ones without insurance are getting money for doing nothing. Which means they're getting money for nothing. Which isn't fair to me.

Something which this thread reminded me of, is aid from different countries. I refuse to give money to natural disasters of different countries, because where's the money for us when we have floods? There is no big collection there. So I don't care how selfish people think I am here, but they can fuck off if they think they're getting money off me.
Well they should have insured their houses to begin with. But it's what happens. Sure they could leave the houses that don't have insurance as they are. But morally it's right for them to get help in sorting their situation. And not many things are done because they should be.

If you give to families that have insurance just so they don't have to claim then it's YOU who would have to pay more anyway. It's better that it does towards something with a purpose. Unlike Stoke council that has public art that looks like shit, nice street lamps outside the town hall and nowhere else and a gay pride parade. Where exactly is the straight pride parade? I'm paying towards it but am I even allowed to attend?

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