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Flex's 5


Dark Match Jobber
Ok, so I want to make my prison term meaningful. That's why I have decided to do Flex's 5. It'll be a thread for people who want to talk about wrestling, and wrestling only. If you feel like flaming me or anyone else, please use the FlexBuffchest thread. Chastize me in there if you feel you must.

On to it then. This week's Flex's 5 is going to cover the 15th anniversary of Raw. I'll be talking about the 5 best moments of the show(in my opinion). Feel free to agree or disagree.I'm doing this like Letterman's top 10, with 5 being good and ending with 1, the best.

5. I'd say this moment would have to be Godfather coming out with Ho's for Hornswaggle. Come on, Hoes, Horny, and who doen't love Godfather? Mostly enjoyed looking at Hoes though.

4. Rob Van Dam's return. What a pop from the fans! WWE management has got to be on notice how over Van Dam is. I'm sure they did take notice.

3. Jeff Hardy vs Carlito. Ladder match on Raw equals awesome. I haven't been Jeff's biggest fan recently as he has missed a few spots, but he was great in this match. Carlito came out with alot of fire and in my opinion, wrestled one of his better WWE matches. His jump from the ropes onto the ladder was a great spot!

2. The return of Evolution. It was great to see all the members in the ring together again. Many people will probably disagree with me but, put all that star power in one ring together and it'll always be entertaining. Team RKO was a great highlight to the whole reunion.

1. I hope many people will agree with me on this, Triple H moreless breaking kayfabe and announcing that he and Stephanie were a real couple. We all love wrestling for the entertainment and athleticism. I myself also enjoy when real life situations are addressed in the ring(sometimes, not all the time). Triple H was great on the mic in that segment.

All in all, I thought the whole show was good. Everyone on Raw should be proud of their perfomance.

One last thing, I saw a report saying that CM Punk was drinking beer at the end of the show. I've watched it a few times now, and I couldn't tell as there were no real close-ups of him drinking. I think one would have had to have seen the show live to know for sure. And anyway, would it be so bad for the "straight edge" to have one beer at an anniversary show? I don't think so, let me know your thoughts. Hopefully this bit will make the guards happy enough to give me time off my sentence for good behavior, feedback from the guards is always welcomed.

Flex out.
I'd give a top 5, but I didn't see the show (read the reports though). Just no way I'm giving a review in anyway on a report ( I can't stand that).
Well I guess I should pipe in and layeth the smacketh down on your candy buttocks on this one huh?

#5 Hogan returns. I mean how can you not pop for the guy? He has been in the business for my whole life and still looks good doing it. I creamed my pants when the Hulkster came out to face off with The Punjabi Nightmare.

#4 Lita and Trish Return. What man did not miss these two gorgeous ladies of wrestling. They truly were a welcomed addition to my eyesight. trish looks great. Lita, well so so.

#3 The Gimmick Battle Royal. Now while I was a bit disappointed to see many of my favorite superstars missed out on the WWE memo about paying for them to go to Jenny Craig (if there aint one, there should be one), but it was very nice to see The Million Dollar Man come in at the end and win it all with the power of the almighty dollar. I'm actually really excited that his son is training to be in the WWE. I can see him doing the spoiled Million Dollar Kid gimmick with his father as his manager, buying him wins along the way.

#2 The return of Eric Bischoff. I don't care what anybody says, this guy know how to work a crowd. He made them pop first, and then made them boo as if they were trained dogs. His segment was enjoyable from beginning to end.

#1 The Opening Segment. Now I usually hate the WWE's opening segments as they usually drag on make the show boring, but this one was different and entertaining rom beginning to end. Whether it was, as Flexxy pointed out, Triple H breaking Kayfabe or the return of The Godfather, it was one endless segment that kept my attention.

I would have the say that they most disappointing thing aboutt he night was that The Rock didn't show and that no "out of the usual" wrestlers showed up like Sid Vicious, Paul Bearer, or anybody that doesn't usually show up at these things came out to show their faces.
Yeah when WWE has these things with legends anymore its always the same group like Doink, Million Dollar Man, and others.

I think a cool thing could of been having like the Undetaker show up in his old attire, along with HBK in his 93' HBK attire, along with HHH in his DX attire with the full tights (black w/ green insides). But those small things like looks and attire I think could of done alot for a show. But then again I didn't see it so I wouldn't know anyway.

Also maybe have some once in a lifetime entrance stage that mixes all the different Raw stages (like put the huge RAW logo with the new tron above it, on the sides to you the old square trons, and maybe also where wrestlers come you got the small flashing lights, if you dunno what that is just watch WM8). Lol maybe they can do that for the 20th anv. show though..

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