Flair & Blood


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Why is it that in most of his fights Flair has to bleed so damn much? And is so predictable. 5 shots to the head and he's bleeding. :wtf:
It's just part of his gimmick, man, or at least what's become of it.

Then again, the more I think of it, Flair has always been a bleeder/blader for as far back as I can remember.

Some guys are just more willing to do it than others, he, Foley, etc. all being on the side of "No Problem".

I know a lot of folks don't like it or feel it diminishes the value of blood, and I don't really disagree, but it's just part of what makes Flair Flair these days. I mean, it's not as though he's gonna be wooing us with five-star matches any time soon, so I can understand why he takes the "cheap route" out at his age.

Hogan did the same the last time he wrestled because IMO it takes the critique out of the match quality so folks aren't so sensitive about how well they sell a bump or two.
Thanks for the valid points. I never thought of it in that manner. and yea when Hogan was wrestling he and Flair were in blood baths.
Thanks for the valid points. I never thought of it in that manner. and yea when Hogan was wrestling he and Flair were in blood baths.

I think it's also down to the fact that since Flair has bladed etc on his forehead so often over the years the skin there is just basically fucked. So therefore it doesn't take much for him to be bust open intentionally or not.

I may be completely wrong and I await a doctor to come in and tell me this isn't the case but thats what I always though anyway.
I think it needs to stop and need to stop now. Maybe it's because of the big E but I am not big on blood anymore, even more so knowing they really cut themselves.

I like to see it for big matches, but not every 2 weeks on Impact from Flair.

Plus I feel discomfort watching that old wrestler bleeding, trying to stay relevant, to me it's pathetic and it's sad, kind of like the Wrestler movie. I don't think Flair needs it and I don't think he understand that he don't either, because I am sure he is the one behind it most of the time.

He just really need to stop bleeding all the time in my opinion.
It's not the blood, he can play that out saying he's had stitches in his head or something. But it's the excessive de-clothing that's pissing me off, is it necessary for every wrestler who brawls with him to strip him? for fuck's sake NO.
I think it's also down to the fact that since Flair has bladed etc on his forehead so often over the years the skin there is just basically fucked. So therefore it doesn't take much for him to be bust open intentionally or not.

I may be completely wrong and I await a doctor to come in and tell me this isn't the case but thats what I always though anyway.

I have the same feeling as you. He has bladed so much that the skin there is so sensitive and hasn't had time to heal that when he does get hit it makes it easy for him to bleed.

I dont have a problem with him bleeding cause its always been a part of his character, he just doesn't have to do it each and every week.

I would like to know just how much blood this man has lost over the years for wrestling.
I always hated it. I think it is because he is a million years old. When you get older your skin gets weaker. And frankly given that the man should have retired 400 yrs ago, his body simply can't hold it together. As a side note the blood annoyed me second only to that stupid drop elbow on the middle of the ring when NO ONE was there...moron
Yarrie, that elbow drop is awesome!!! I like the knee drop too but you don't see that one as much as the elbow. He's a crazy old man and God bless him for it
I always hated it. I think it is because he is a million years old. When you get older your skin gets weaker. And frankly given that the man should have retired 400 yrs ago, his body simply can't hold it together. As a side note the blood annoyed me second only to that stupid drop elbow on the middle of the ring when NO ONE was there...moron

Rappers have no talent, chevy builds ugly cars and Ric Flair drops bows onto nothing. Such is the way of the world.

In all seriousness, Flair bleeds freely because of the blading. It has nothing to do with his age. Flair isn't the only wrestler who has over-bladed. Sandman got to the point that he'd bleed from tapping a beer can against his forehead.

Flair should stop the frequent blading...and wrestling in general, but he'll probably do neither anytime soon.
Ric Flair has become both the funniest and saddest act in pro wrestling today honestly. This guy should have it made for all he's done in the wrestling business, but instead he's still blading himself every other week so that he can attempt to continue living the comfortable lifestyle he was used to before he blew most of his money. It's become amusing almost in a very dark way how frequently he blades, it's come to the point where I expect it to happen every match he's in within minutes. I really wish he'd cut it out and for his own sake just stop wrestling altogether, because I'd rather see Ric Flair live retired than die wrestling a shit match in a shit company.
As stated multiple time... He has bladed himself so much that he probably bleeds when he puts his head on a pillow at night.

I agree with the above poster too... I wish Flair's fellow wrestlers didn't see it fit to rip his clothes off week in and week out. I get it, they are embarrassing the "styling and profiling" well clothed "playboy"... But jeez.

And does anyone else worry for the man's health during his promos? I am quite sure he will blow his ticker out on either "WOOOOO" or "I'm GAHD". A few times I've seen him grab his chest during heated promos and have held my breath. I have always been a huge fan, but I wish the poor guy would hang it up already.

And, there you have it.
I think Flair's just gone a bit crazy over the years. Honestly, as fucked up as this is, I think this guy is trying to die in the ring so he'll end it all in the squared circle. Weird.

Honestly, Flair's a great wrestler, 60 or 20, he doesn't need the constant river of blood to make his matches mean something. Blood should be saved for big time matches, ending hot feuds, not every single fucking match. It's disturbing. I NEVER gross myself out. I saw 2 Girls 1 Cup and didn't even think of vomiting, but Flair's matches - boy oh boy! I bet that if some non-wrestling fan saw a Flair match in TNA he'd think the guy was in a car crash.

Ric ... you're a legend and you became one not by bleeding your FUCKING ass off. You can pull off a good match at 80 if you felt like it. Stop the blood, you need it, we don't.

You'd make more money donating it than you make in TNA :laugh:
Flair has bladed so much over the decades that his forehead is overly sensitive to bleeding. Hell I've seen Flair make himself bleed during an interview just by scratching his own forehead!

And the reason why his opponents strip him is because he always brags about his custom made thousand dollar suits n shoes. So you destroy what he cherishes and brags about.
It's not the blood, he can play that out saying he's had stitches in his head or something. But it's the excessive de-clothing that's pissing me off, is it necessary for every wrestler who brawls with him to strip him? for fuck's sake NO.

After reading all the comments here regarding him bleeding, and eventually reading this, I flmao.
You guys are just hilarious.
Why is it that in most of his fights Flair has to bleed so damn much? And is so predictable. 5 shots to the head and he's bleeding. :wtf:

I agree that the blood is a bit of a turn off to Flair. I found myself wondering the same thing while watching Impact! this past week. Ric is awesome in his role and does not need to bleed to keep me interested.

Side note...I thought Ric's in ring promo was top notch this past week when he talked about banging people in the crowds mothers. The NC crowd loved it and actually cheered the idea that The Nature Boy may have actually nailed their moms.

As long as Ric keeps bringing his energy & intensity to TNA, he can blade all he wants!
I wanted to turn off Impact this past Thursday. It takes a lot to make me feel sick, but I felt physically ill when I saw Flair bleeding all over the damn place. He needs to quit it.
I wanted to turn off Impact this past Thursday. It takes a lot to make me feel sick, but I felt physically ill when I saw Flair bleeding all over the damn place. He needs to quit it.

I don't want to be rude, but if this makes you sick i guess you don't go see an horror flick or watch the UFC because there is a lot more blood. Now back on topic, Flair has done it so many times,that it has become part of his character so people live with it.
The kind of matches Flairs having, he so doesnt need to be bleeding like a stuffed pig in. Even at his ripe old age I reckon he could easily carry a 5 minute match without blading. Flair should realize people wanna see him cut his promos and if he does step in the ring just do his thing, taking shots, bumping and getting afew licks in himself.

Im sick of seeing him bleed but in no way am i sick of seeing him in the ring.
There's a debate going on in the Spam Zone about the unprotected chair shot that Rob Terry took months ago. This is in the same bracket for me.

Flair should know better. He should understand that bleeding in an irrelevant Impact match or a London house show will not get his opponent over. He bleeds far too often and it loses any impact (no pun intended) that is supposed to have. Also in this era of wrestling, we know that blading happens and suspension of disbelief is implausible or at least forced.

Flair should be given some time off by TNA in my opinion. The guy has issues and it is affecting his work. He rambled and ranted on the 3/3 show and it hurt that segment a little because he made no sense. That is a creative issue also.

I also assume that his rotator cuff injury wasn't true or just not severe?

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