Flair and Kaz??? Can this work?


JC CooL 420
I just wanted to get some opinions and see what you guys think about the alliance between Flair and Kaz...

Is it a set-up? Will Flair turn on Kaz? Will Flair choose Kaz over AJ? Will Kaz join the group of Wolfe, AJ, and Beer Money?

Personally, I think it could lead to an AJ face turn or atleast AJ seperating himself some Flair...

I'm not sure if I like the idea of AJ being replaced by Kaz, but atleast I can say for a fact, that Kaz needs Flair ten times more than Aj does...

AJ could easily drop the heel gimmick and go back to being one of the companies top faces... While Kaz on the other hand, can't seem to get over no matter what they do with him... Maybe alligning with Flair and having a fued with AJ could elevate him to the main-event finally...

What do you guys think?
Seems to me like it'll spell a face-turn for Styles at some point in the future, coupled with a heel-turn for Kaz, which IMO would probably be one of the only ways he could remain relevant right now.

Don't get me wrong, I like Kaz. I think he's a good wrestler, and is more than capable of working a good match (Kaz v. Angle, anyone?), but he's most certainly a card-carrying member of the Dialtone Personality Club (DPC) in TNA (along with a number of others like Amazing Red, RVD, etc.)

As you noted, Kaz needs Flair more than AJ does, and it can even be argued that AJ never needed Flair to begin with, so the dual turn could actually benefit both wrestlers fairly well, I'd presume.

Then again, this could also mean a face-turn for Flair...
I think your looking into it a bit too much. I think it was more about Flair and Lethal than Flair and Kaz, Kaz was just in the match with Lethal.

Although i agree with you that Kaz needs Flair more than AJ i dont see it happening anytime soon.
I think your looking into it a bit too much. I think it was more about Flair and Lethal than Flair and Kaz, Kaz was just in the match with Lethal.

Although i agree with you that Kaz needs Flair more than AJ i dont see it happening anytime soon.

I don't know... It started lastw eek on Impact when Kaz went into Flair's locker room and asked to speak to him... And the way Flair was talking about Kaz having skills, I don't think it was just a one time thing... And Flair took up for Kaz after AJ ran out and got in Kaz's face... Flair actually seemed mad at Aj for coming out...

I really believe this isn't just a Flair-Lethal thing...
I do not get Kaz-he is like Chris Kanyon in the way people see him. As Mortis he kicked ass; same with Kaz as suicide. But unmasked, nothing. Kaz is way less over than Kanyon and not as innovative. Kaz is bland. He is not particularly good looking, in a marketable, heart throb, or heel way; he doesn't have an emotional face; he is super adept wrestler; but he is like watching paint dry. I actually fast forward through his segments. He cannot cut a promo; if he could at this point I could not care less. He is not a jobber; but at this point he does not have any "It". There is no reason I would pay for a ticket to see him; none. He has no personality.
I do not get Kaz-he is like Chris Kanyon in the way people see him. As Mortis he kicked ass; same with Kaz as suicide. But unmasked, nothing. Kaz is way less over than Kanyon and not as innovative. Kaz is bland. He is not particularly good looking, in a marketable, heart throb, or heel way; he doesn't have an emotional face; he is super adept wrestler; but he is like watching paint dry. I actually fast forward through his segments. He cannot cut a promo; if he could at this point I could not care less. He is not a jobber; but at this point he does not have any "It". There is no reason I would pay for a ticket to see him; none. He has no personality.

Hey, did Michael Cole start posting on the boards? Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing Kaz with Flair. This could be the spark the Kaz needs to get over more. Seriously, who better to help you get heat than Ric Flair? He's golden on the mic, and hopefully, he could teach Kaz a thing or two. Plus, as it's already been stated, AJ simply doesn't need Flair, but it was interesting while it lasted.
Some interesting thoughts...

I can also see the AJ/Kaz feud starting up. It might be time to move AJ away from the main event scene, as it is getting a little crowed (RVD, Hardy, Anderson, Wolfe, and Angle).

I expect an AJ/Kaz feud, but I see Flair double-crossing Kaz in yet another of TNA's attempt to make him a relevant face. It won't work, but that's how I see it.

I would much rather see Flair go w/ Kaz as heels and have AJ either go face, or remain a heel (as a loner).
Ok so i'm sure most people will not agree with this, but for some reason when I watched Impact last nite, i got a vibe from Kaz, He reminded me of a Hall Of Fame wrestler from WWE and WCW. I really noticed it in the locker room segment with him and Flair last night. He reminds me of Curt Henning. He has the persona of someone who could be cocky and think he is better than everyone else.

Now i can expect many snarky remarks towards this but, honestly, with the help of Flair to tune mic skills and personality adjusted a bit, I really think Kaz could be a great Henning type wrestler. I can even picture Kaz using the Perfect Plex for a finisher.

Imagine the feud between Kaz(heel)/Styles(face). These would be incredible matchs and it would be great to see this on Impact and on PPV. It could even main event Impact. Kaz with the persona of Curt Henning, and Styles using his new persona but as a face. I dont know if this would deffinently work, but i really see a lot of Curt Henning in Kaz.
Ok so i'm sure most people will not agree with this, but for some reason when I watched Impact last nite, i got a vibe from Kaz, He reminded me of a Hall Of Fame wrestler from WWE and WCW. I really noticed it in the locker room segment with him and Flair last night. He reminds me of Curt Henning. He has the persona of someone who could be cocky and think he is better than everyone else.

Now i can expect many snarky remarks towards this but, honestly, with the help of Flair to tune mic skills and personality adjusted a bit, I really think Kaz could be a great Henning type wrestler. I can even picture Kaz using the Perfect Plex for a finisher.

Imagine the feud between Kaz(heel)/Styles(face). These would be incredible matchs and it would be great to see this on Impact and on PPV. It could even main event Impact. Kaz with the persona of Curt Henning, and Styles using his new persona but as a face. I dont know if this would deffinently work, but i really see a lot of Curt Henning in Kaz.

You're not alone there. I said almost a year ago when Kaz was buried as Suicidey that I thought he has the potential to be a "Kaz"anova type character who was "better" looking, performing, etc. than everyone else. I also said at the time that the only thing that would really help Kaz get over is if he bailed on the pseudo-Metallica tributes and started branding himself with a stronger gimmick like "The Future", or something of the sort that also hinges on him being better than everyone.

I don't think Hennig is the best comparison because Hennig had something Kaz can only dream of having – oodles of personality, but I do get where you are coming from with it.
Comparing Kaz to Curt Hennig is an insult to Hennig. Hennig had the entire package, Kaz can wrestle, but wrestling just isn't enough. Kaz has zero character, zero charisma, zero presence.. I don't even know why he's still around and continually being given chances. If Flair wants to waste his time on Kaz then let him, Kaz certainly will benefit by Flair's guidance a lot more then AJ Styles who didn't need Flair to begin with and doesn't need Flair now. I hate AJ Flair, so the sooner he's back to carrying himself as he should be in his own spotlight I'll be happy. Kaz is never going to get over because you can't teach or make charisma and personality, you either have it or you don't, and Kaz has it less then almost anyone I can name. This partnership doesn't interest me in the least, personally, I'd rather not see Kaz at all and give someone else more time and effort. Look at what they're doing with Beer Money! Why can't Flair take them under his wing and TNA actually start developing and building that relationship on television and beyond, instead of just using them as voiceless muscle who run in or job and nothing more. What a waste. But Kaz of all people gets a push? TNA is hopeless.
Kaz is great...give it time and you'll see it too. Especially with Flair's help.
Show a little respect to these guys. They bust their ass to entertain you and this is how you repay them, by bashing them?? People need to stop bitching about the product and just enjoy the show instead of thinking they know it all and thinking they could run the company better! what a joke! Nobody is forcing you to watch it :)
Seriously though, Kaz is a great wrestler..and Flair will help with his mic skills. It's about time Kaz is getting a decent push. He is MY favorite wrestler in TNA.
It's kind of refreshing to see someone go to the ring and WRESTLE as opposed to talking for 10 minutes.

I was liking the dynamic between the three. I do not think this is signaling a face turn for AJ. I think it might be suggesting he splits and becomes his own heel, which is perfect. He can further his character by putting down old man Flair and being cocky own his own. Then he can adapt his wrestling style to his own liking. Flair then can help another wrestler build some personality and can work in a niche outside of the event scene building up a midcard guy towards better things. The initial AJ-Kaz feud would give AJ something to do away from the title for a while.
I think he will join the alliance witht he rest of them...but seeing that they were having words between them to see who would beat up the black machismo, it looked like they will be doing some seperation..i think now AJ will be bettwe off on his own, could go on to be a top face again...that is his best..Kaz will probably become the next man Flair will take to the top..and by top i mean no world title..
I haven't seen anyone say anything about... what if Ric is creating a stable like Heenan did back in the 80's? Think about it, he obviously can't re-create the 4 Horsemen, cause Vince & Arn Anderson will never let that name go. But he has the Main Event in AJ and Desmond, the Tag Team in Beer Money and now he can get the X-Division with Kaz. Just a thought!

And holy monkey is it me or should Flair keep his shirt on? What the hell is with those saggy man boobs? It looks like two eggs sliding down a brick wall. Horrible.
To me, it's TNA's way of getting Styles back as a face and turning Kaz into a legit contender who may even get to put over Styles to hammer that point home. At least it's a start of a possible turn back to face for Styles. This heel run's been a failure as far as I'm concerned, as Styles has gone away from what made him as good as he was. Acting like a poor man's Ric Flair's no way to get yourself over as a heel. Now, taking a little bit of Flair heat, and mix it in with your own personality being narcissistic and cocky, then you'd have a fine heel.

Alas, Styles' character right now is tough to watch.
There are many paths TNA can take with this storyline,
1. This could lead to Flair turning on Styles, or vice verca, corrupting the team flair group

2.Flair could be setting up Kaz, leading to a styles Kaz feud

3.AJ could turn on Flair and become a megaface. and possibly feud with Kaz

I think it will be option 3, AJ could feud with Kaz and Kaz could possibly take AJ's spot (unlikely) but I think this would be a good feud, and then Kaz could become a main event player.

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