First To Be World Champ: Ted Dibiase Jr or John Morrison.

John Morrison or Ted Dibiase Jr?

  • John Morrison

  • Ted Dibiase Jr.

  • Both

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Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
So this is a simple question, who do you think will win the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship first? Ted Dibiase Jr or John Morrison?

Ted Dibiase Jr: I have said it all along, my pick for the 2010 Royal Rumble is this man, I truly believe he is going to win it and go on to beat Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, I know I know hes never really been a Singles wrestler, well neither was Batista and WWE loves re-using story lines. Plus I think in the last couple of months, especially with the DX feud, he looks really really good, almost Randy Orton esc.

John Morrison: He is just waiting for a push. He is going to be a World Heavyweight Champion soon, very soon. Possibly this year. I could see him winning it from CM Punk, or even 'Taker, but I see it. Many have compared him to Shawn Michaels and I agree with that comparison, so this could very well be his year, if not next year.

My Pick: Both. Let me explain. Now I know this is going to sound far fetched to the maximum but hear me out and I know I will be bashed for this but, I say Dibiase wins the Royal Rumble now Smackdown! needs a Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship and CM Punk is the Champ, so who else but John Morrison becomes Numero Uno Contender and thus setting up: Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase Jr- WWE Title and CM Punk vs John Morrison- World Heavyweight Title. And just like WM23, two new champs are born thus thrusting them into the Main Event caliber.

Your Thoughts?
Id say Morrison, because he's already being pushed that direction, while DiBiase is getting exposure with DX its in a tag team, when they split he's gonna have to show that he can be a good singles wrestler first in my opinon so John Morrison for me
Ted Dibiase hasn't even held a Singles Title yet. There is no way that he is going to beat Morrison to a shot at the World Title.

I really don't get this love for Ted Dibiase. He hasn't really shown me much at all. Granted, most of that can be blamed on WWE Creative, as most of the problems in WWE can be pinned upon, but still. I need to see more out of him someway, somehow.
It'll be DiBiase. He's working Main Event guys already, with Shawn and HHH, and you know that it's DiBiase vs. Orton next. Morrison may have a belt, but he's on the midcard level.
John Morrison for the simple fact he has had singles career titles with good success in my opinion, and he is getting pused in the Main Event direction, as with Ted even though he is getting tag team exposure with main eventers he still has to prove he can wrestle as a singles wrestler and win some type of singles title.

JoMo has already proved he can work as both a tag team and singles wrestler and win titles in both divisions.
I can't see Morrison as a world champion yet. To me he doesn't sound natural on the mic. He doesn't seem over with crowd as hard as they are trying to push him as a face.
Ted Jr. has the look more of a champ and has been involved in matches with more main event guys. Yes he needs to wrestle singles matches to prove more that he is ready. And I think he's the best choice of all the young guys as of this point to be the next champ.
So my pick is Ted Jr. as he has the look and feel of a world champion.
i'd have to say morrison just because of where he is in his career. like others said dibiase hasnt even held a single title. we needs atleast one good run as us or intercontinental champ before he goes to the ME. both will be wwe ME in the future but morrison will get there first
This would be a much better question about a year from now. Neither guy is all that close to holding the top gold. Morrison is probably closer due to his one on ones with Punk and showing his matches will draw in that capacity. What he must do going forward is create more of a character for himself and learn how to sell feuds and matches on more than just seeing his gymnastics. It is possible that he is in the discussion for potential Money in the Bank winners this coming Wrestlemania and obviously that would set up even a short title run, but even if he gets the MITB, expect him to hold it for a while to build him up enough to justify a reign.

As for Mr. Dibiase, he is a LOT further away. This isn't the first and won't be the last time I say this, but Sidious and I see eye to eye on this one. It seems there is a blind love for Dibiase, probably because everyone wants him to win to make up for his father never getting the top gold. However, his father was uber talented, his son, eh. His promos do not have a distinct delivery and are quite boring, his in ring work is average (second best in his team and not debatable given his partner is an experienced amateur wrestler and a mat specialist) and basically, he incites no reaction as an individual. This isn't a problem now, as the team of Legacy has done a nice job together and I expect them to stay together for a while. The next step is them leaving Orton TOGETHER. I don't know when they will split, and I hope it isn't soon. What might be smart would be to have them work midcard singles matches while remaining a tag team to gage how they fare as individuals. Either way, both Dibiase and Rhodes are at least 2 years from the top belt, maybe more, and you'd like to see them win midcard titles before the top belt. The ONLY way Dibiase beats Morrison to the punch is if WWE creative listens to some of the morons on here and pushes him too quickly now, creating a similar situation to Orton's short title reign in 2004 which took him almost 3 years to recover from. That would be a colossal mistake and I think most would agree that the slower the push, the more successful in the long run.
I'm gonna have to go with JoMo here. He's much more established than Dibiase is at this point in time. He's much more over with the crowd and seemingly keeps building on that support week by week, and most of all has shown he can hold his own with the main eventers. Dibiase on the other hand has not proven himself as a singles competitor yet which makes it much more hard to judge if he will be alright on his own, since the day he came into the WWE he has been with cody rhodes so I'm not too sure on his capabilities as a singles star whereas morrison has proven he can more than hold his own in singles. At this point Morrison is leaps and bounds ahead of Dibiase and I can definitely see him being world champ within the next year or so if he keeps on building momentum. Dibiase needs to prove himself in singles land first before we should even consider him as a future contender for the World title (I definitely think Dibiase has potential as a future singles competitor, even if he breaks away from Legacy and goes into a program with Orton immediately, there is no way he'll become champ until he proves he can carry the ball).
I don't think this one is even close, I think its almost a certainty that JoMo wins MITB at next years Wrestlemania. Of course there's Swagger as well, but I think The Miz and Morrison will be battling at the top of the ladder and JoMo will come away with the briefcase. Then inevitably he'll win the title.

Dibiase is set to feud with Orton shortly, but Cena will be champ, Orton will be chump and blame it on Legacy causing the feud. Since the Orton Cena feud has to come to an end after this iron man match and Cena is not going to Smackdown, no way in hell after they just moved Batista. Anyway through all that blabber, that means the Orton Dibiase/Legacy feud will not be for a belt, it will be to just build up Legacy.

Also JoMo and Dibiase are not big enough names to headline wrestlemania. Not even close. When it comes to Mania they don't throw guys like them in the ME.
While no doubt Dibiase will hold the belt sometime in his career provided he doesn't do anything stupid, there's no way he's anywhere close as my boy Morrison is.
Morrison is easily in the top tier of the Smackdown roster now and only climbing. He's already had a title shot back when Hardy was champ and put on one of the best matches the shows seen in a few years. They need to seriously put this guy behind the mic more often to build his character. He's surprising me as a face, I was so used to him as a heel from ECW, I want to see how far he can go with it.
Dibiase hasn't had any run at singles and will undoubtedly have to deal with a feud with Orton before he launches off on his own.
It is just way to early for Ted Dibiase. As Lord Sidious has said, he hasn't held a singles title. Honestly, until this DX fued, i don't think he's won even about 5 singles matches. His matches are always interrupted by Cody Rhodes, or he will just lose to Triple H. He's not at all ready, YET.

So because of all that, i say John Morrison will get it first. I don't really think it's that close to that date but it will happen. I don't watch Smack Down! because i don't have time on a Friday night to watch it, but what i hear from this site is that he doesn't get that big of an ovation when he comes out. If that's the case, wwe won't give someone the belt until they do get recognized. (just correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't watched Smack Down! since i went to it in Boston like 2 years ago)
It'll be DiBiase. He's working Main Event guys already, with Shawn and HHH, and you know that it's DiBiase vs. Orton next. Morrison may have a belt, but he's on the midcard level.

Morrison has two victories over main eventer CM Punk in the last three months. He has a midcard belt, but has shown an ability to work on a main event level.

I think it will be Morrison. CM Punk is in the dog house right now, and Smackdown wants the belt on younger athletic guys. He will have a chance to shine and once Edge comes back and takes the belt from Taker, it will be Morrison to step up and challenge him.

Ted DiBiase will be a world champion someday, though. I think he will beat Randy Orton at some point for the world title. He is ready to work a match at a main event level. When his father guest hosted Raw, and put him in the match with Orton, he certainly held his own. He has looked good in the matches with DX. I certainly think he will be a World Champion, but not before Morrison.
Definitely John Morrison. John Morrison has tons more singles experience and even has victories over CM Punk while Punk was World Champion. Morrison also has experience having a program revolve around him with his brief time as ECW Champion.

However, me saying John Morrison does not validate the idea that he will win the Royal Rumble this year. John Morrison and Ted Dibiase are both nowhere near ready to Main Event Wrestlemania. I know the IWC always loved the idea of new talent becoming World Champions at Wrestlemania, but no way. I also don't see the comparison between Dibiase and Batista. Batista had plenty of singles experience before winning the Royal Rumble, what are you talking about? Ted Dibiase Jr. is just a glorified tag wrestler, yet everyone is always talking about him and when he'll be a main all this just because of the rumor that he might end Taker's streak? Because if not, I don't see why everyone is so convinced he is the next big thing. Even if he is the next big thing, it ain't going to happen any time soon.

I see John Morrison being in the title hunt possibly next year.....I think Crotchknocker hit it on the head when he said John Morrison will win MITB at Mania. After that, who knows what will happen.
Morrison has two victories over main eventer CM Punk in the last three months. He has a midcard belt, but has shown an ability to work on a main event level.

I think it will be Morrison. CM Punk is in the dog house right now, and Smackdown wants the belt on younger athletic guys. He will have a chance to shine and once Edge comes back and takes the belt from Taker, it will be Morrison to step up and challenge him.

Ted DiBiase will be a world champion someday, though. I think he will beat Randy Orton at some point for the world title. He is ready to work a match at a main event level. When his father guest hosted Raw, and put him in the match with Orton, he certainly held his own. He has looked good in the matches with DX. I certainly think he will be a World Champion, but not before Morrison.

Maybe, but there's a difference between working with Punk on the "B" show (maybe the better show, but it's undeniably viewed by corporate as the B show) and working with HHH and HBK, and Randy Orton. Orton is the top singles heel (Jericho would be, but obviously he's in the tag teams), and HBK is the legend, as HHH is the bosses son. All three are seen as bigger stars than Punk. Sure, Punk is working with Taker, but he's getting squashed in the first match...
If either, it's easily going to be Morrison. He's been around since 2002, even through a few different gimmicks. He's done nothing but get better and better, held countless singles titles, and just has a better gimmick. I'd say he needs to drop the coat and find a slightly better theme song, but below the gimmicks, Morrison is just better right now.

People are saying DiBiase hasn't had any singles titles yet? He hasn't even had a singles run at anything yet! Since his debut, EVERYTHING he has done so far has involved Rhodes by his side. At least when Batista became champion the first time, he wasn't build up as two people being one unit, he was his own man in Evolution. Even if they were to split sometime soon, only the true fanboys can really hope he'll feud with Orton right away, because anyone that's been watching WWE for long must know that Orton and Legacy have become so distant lately, that their alliance is just going to disapear, just like La famila, like the Cabnit, all those stables, Legacy is just going to go their seperate ways, and I doubt Orton will have anything to do with DiBiases face turn.

If EITHER of these two men ever win a World Title (not counting the ECW title Morrison already won) it'll easily be Morrison.
JoMo, only because I like him more.

Haha, not really. I just think it's because John Morrison has more long-term experience with WWE. He's been around since he was Eric Bischoff's assistant. Dibiase hasn't been around nearly that long. I mean, I know there are guys that jump into the WWE and are world champions in no time, but it's obvious WWE has somewhat shyed away from the Brock Lesnar days. Dibiase is being given time to prove himself right now alongside Rhodes, however Morrison has proved himself as a singles wrestler multiple times, a tag wrestler multiple times, and now that he's a face, he's starting to connect with the crowd. I know everyone's always "John Morrison doesn't get loud pops like WWE wants" but when Smackdown came to my hometown of Hamilton, Ontario, JoMo got quite the ovation, and he's not even Canadian!
Maybe, but there's a difference between working with Punk on the "B" show (maybe the better show, but it's undeniably viewed by corporate as the B show)

It was the Jeff hardy show. The target audience worshipped Jeff hardy. In their eyes, Morrison beat the guy that beat their hero. Look at the target audience when evaluating standing. Furthermore, HHH's not jobbing for someone isn't a sign of status. Furthermore, I guess the jump to main event status these days is symbolized by HBK's jobbing to you, so I guess we need to wait for that, but it won't be long.

and working with HHH and HBK, and Randy Orton. Orton is the top singles heel (Jericho would be, but obviously he's in the tag teams),

You're so wrong here. This is such a typical IWC statement. Jericho is not, nor has he ever been the top heel in the WWE. During Orton's injury he stepped into the role, but was only recognized as such in absentia. Randy Orton's status in the company right now is so far beyond that of Jericho. How can you even say that Jericho would be the top heel, but he's in a tag team. In the present state of wrestling, when has the top guy had an extended tag run?

and HBK is the legend, as HHH is the bosses son. All three are seen as bigger stars than Punk. Sure, Punk is working with Taker, but he's getting squashed in the first match...

OK, well, wrong again. Punk won the first match. He got squashed for acting like an ass on the trip. Most straight edge kids act like that. They think they're better than people, and act like it. That's when they get their asses kicked. Being that Punk is a member of corporate American, he got his ass kicked the way it happens, by being demoted. I don't think HBK is recognized as being ahead of Punk on the WWE depth chart either. HBK is either in DX or a jobber to the stars. It's what he wants to do. He puts people over in a big way, but Punk is a main eventer in the title scene.

I would put Cena, Orton, HHH, Edge and maybe, maybe Undertaker ahead of Punk as far as current status goes. Obviously, there are tons of guys on the roster with more acclaim, but as far as it goes right now, Punk is pretty high up on the charts. It pains me to say this, as I hate Punk's botchy ass with a passion, but it's true.
ok we all know edge is gonna come back and win the royal rumble 2010. neither john morrison or teddy is gonna win it. y would they split legacy up....look at their feud with dx...its AMAZING!! john morrison could possibly hold it just a month or 2 more, and try to get in the world title picture with undertaker batista and cmpunk. john morrison would make more my pick is: John Morrison
I am leaning more towards john morrison.. I just think hes a better wrestler and i think he deserves it.. hes making a big name for himself, and its wrestlers like him and kingston,bourne,and others that make wwe worth watching.
Never said they would head line WM. They would most likely have like a 2 month reign a champ then lose it. But in choices I pick JoMo. Im actually a fan of his since his change to face but as for Dibiase...sorry Legacy fans I just cant get behind Dibiase. He has skills no doubt its just I see Morrison more legit.
Morrison has already been a world champion. He held the ECW Title.

I know, many people don't consider the ECW Title a world championship. But WWE programming has referred to the ECW Title as a world championship on numerous occasions.

In my view, Morrison has already won the race. He may have held the least prestigious world title in WWE. But it's a world title nontheless.
Morrison has already been a world champion. He held the ECW Title.

I know, many people don't consider the ECW Title a world championship. But WWE programming has already referred to the ECW Title as a world championship on numerous occasions, especially in 2006. Therefore, Morrison is a former world champion.

We're not talking "a world championship" here. We're talking one of the big 2. the original question was who was going to be WWE or World Heavyweight champion first. I don't believe the ECWWE title is automatically assumed into the other two, since it's nowhere near that level. I still believe that Morrisons numerous mid-card titles (ECW title included) shows he's more ready for a world title, than Dibiase. I would love to see Dibiase get a US title run before I make any conclusions about him, after this whole "Miz's first singles title, omgz, who's the jannetty now?" storyline is in the past. I do believe he has the look of a champion, but in a more generic wrestler type. I don't believe this whole Legacy thing is really what will push him into the main event once it's all over. He's just a wrestler that's following Orton with some other dude. I know alot won't agree, but I don't believe that's a gimmick worthy of a title shot. Orton was the Legend Killer, Batista was... awful. I seriously don't understand the logic behind that guy but that's for another time.

ok we all know edge is gonna come back and win the royal rumble 2010.

Yes, because Edge is a magician and his achilles tendon is just going to fix itself. Have their even been any reports yet of Edge being allowed into rehab yet? That's an honest question, I want to know, because last I heard doctors weren't even sure if a return was possible. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, if he is able to return, Wrestlemania would be quite a stretch.
Just for starters and to answer the main question of the thread, I like most of you feel that John Morrison will be the first of the two to get either the WWE or World Heavyweight Title. However, I am going to explain this the way I see it.

Speaking of John Morrison, if any of you caught the Hell in a Cell pay per view, he and Dolph Ziggler had the best match of the night. That is case and point enough as to why he will have a title sooner rather than later. He has great matches with whomever his is placed against. Take into account his outstanding performances in the Money in the Bank matches, successful tag tam runs and that's "RUNS" with an "S" meaning more than one, his previous and current Intercontinental run, and his ECW world title run and this guy has a pretty solid resume. I don't generally count the ECW title run due to the fact that he only got it as a result of the Benoit tragedy, but he did get it, he did defend and hold it for a while, and it was still a major title regardless.

Someone earlier mentioned that he'll probably win this years MITB match and I would like to see that, but I am not sure that he would even be competing in it if he is still the Intercontinental champion by then. I keep wanting to say that Shelton Benjamin was intercontinental champion or U.S. champion when he's competed in it but I am not sure so one of you might want to look into that. Point being that he might have an Intercontinental Title match at Wrestlemania and not be involved in the MITB which would ruin that whole idea unfortunately. I think Royal Rumble winner is out of the question for him as well. I figure that will be held for someone in the title hunt or someone generally in the title hunt already like Batista, Jericho, or someone else in that upper tier.

Someone else, possibly the same person who mentioned the MITB possibility, also inferred that after Edge comes back Morrison might feud with him for the title. I like the sound of it since they are both great in ring performers but I don't foresee that for one main reason. I have a very strong feeling that Edge is going to return as a face. His return is probably going to be a lot like Triple H's first one, and I don't think they are going to want to put two faces against each other. Especially when they are trying to build one as a new face or up and comer, and another one as a returning hero of sorts. It is a really unclear path that John Morrison will walk in the near future, the only thing we know is that it will lead to world championship gold at some point.

As for Ted DiBiasie Jr. I am in concurrence with most of you on the fact that he has a long way to go. I don't really see the DX-Legacy feud as all that big a step up for him, it's just another step towards being cemented in the tag team division where there is little gold to be had, especially with the gorilla kung-fu grip that Jericho and Big Show have on it at the moment. Ted is going to have to get out there on his own for a while and let creative figure out what to do with him. There is a big problem with Ted right now that is going to heed his progress and I feel already has.

Some have mentioned that he has all this fan following on the net that is pretty unjustified and I agree. I don't think he's done anything special yet, and I don't think he has shown anything impressive about himself as a wrestler either. He needs to first figure out who Ted DiBiasie Jr. is actually going to be. So far he and Cody Rhodes have just been Randy Orton clones. There has been little to distinguish a from b on the matter. I think he and Rhodes taking on this Randy Orton persona is really detrimental to their characters and careers. They walk to the ring like Randy Orton, wrestle like Randy Orton, talk on the mic like Randy Orton, so on and so on like Randy Orton and there seems to be little to no Ted DiBiasie in there. He needs to figure out who his character is really going to be, rather than letting it be an attempt at creating another Randy Orton. I think it is bland and unoriginal. I know that being in the Legacy Stable warrants some of that but still, he and Rhodes need to be forming their own identities to become stars rather than borrowing one.

Evolution worked, and everyone from Evolution was successful because they all had their own identities. Batista was the muscle the enforcer, Randy Orton was the Protoge, Ric Flair was the mastermind behind all of it, and Triple H was simple the leader. Batista and Randy Orton weren't trying to emulate every aspect of Triple H's character, they were their own characters, and that is what is lacking for Ted DiBiasie Jr, and Cody Rhodes. If you can hardly distinguish one of them from the other, how great a job are they doing in making themselves anything in the future. You could switch their names around and there would be no difference really.

Take a look at Shawn Michaels, or Bret Hart who both came from tag teams. They both knew the had to get free of the twin identities of their tag teams, and form their own, which they both did and were successful at doing. Shawn Michaels was one of the Rockers, and came out with a completely different persona that got people watching him. Bret Hart was mostly the same character in the Hart Foundation but was able to get more attention drawn his way without the distraction of Jim Neidhart at his side, and hone his character and who he was outside of the tag team division.

I don't know if Ted DiBiasie Jr. really is championship material or if he will be. I don't think so in the current place he is. Like I said, he needs character. But if he is it is being hidden and wasted. Maybe WWE Creative was smart enough to know that neither he or Rhodes was going to make it on their own, so they've done what they've done, hoping that they will become big by association. That's all I can draw from all of it. We could very well be in the infant stages of creating a champion in DiBiasie, but I wouldn't be looking forward to it any time soon.

From the way things are looking at the moment there is going to be a falling out with Randy Orton and probably some kind of feud with either him, or else they go for the tag titles and stick around there for a while. But still, if they split from Orton and go for tag gold, Who are they? We know their names but who are they? What is their angle? What is there to them? Other than being 3rd generation wrestlers, nothing. Randy Orton minions who turned on their leader, that's it. No real character, to real edge to them. Just a couple guys who act like Orton.
I Don't get what people see in Ted Jr Or legacy his Promos Suck His in ring skill is average his music sucks the guy is just plain boring.. So my pick is jomo dude has crazy talent

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