First Royal Rumble Privilege To Be Lost (you know, since the last time) Next Week?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
You watched Raw last night, you know what I'm talking about. If you didn't watch Raw, not only did you miss a pretty damn good show, you missed a HUGE announcement in the form of the WWE Championship match's future.

In the opening segment, CM Punk & John Cena confronted each other for the first time in a while and Punk mentioned how The Rock beat him "fair & square" even though he had him down for the 18-Count & Cena spoke about his WWE Title match against The Rock at Wrestlemania in 47 days. In what then became a twist in the tail, Cena & Punk manage to agree on having a match next Monday, where if Punk won, Cena would give up his chance at the WWE Championship and Punk would have it instead, meaning a HUGE change in the Main Event at Wrestlemania.

We all know that John Cena has never defeated Punk & he didn't shy away from mentioning it to Cena last night, just to put the shits into him a bit more. The match was made official and set for the Main Event on next week's Monday Night Raw. This has the potential to be an absolutely brilliant match, but seeing as it's on Raw, it's obviously not going to have as much time as a PPV match because we still have to see Brodus & Tensai dance (yaynot). The only problem that I do have with this is that, is there any possible chance Cena loses? Rock's beaten Cena once & Punk twice, but Cena's never beaten The Rock, so the technical list is Rock>Punk>Cena. This would mean Cena shouldn't actually have much of a chance against him, but I just don't see Punk coming out on top. I think it may well be a way to have some kind of alternative in case The Undertaker can't make WM to face Punk, so Punk might end the match next week in a DQ, or make Cena lost via count-out so that it ends up being a triple threat. However, if Cena wins I'd assume Undertaker would arrive on Raw the week after when Punk goes on a verbal rampage declaring he's still the best in the world.

What do you guys see happening?
Well, this wouldn't be the first time. Vince McMahon lost his WM match to Stone Cold at St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

I think this could shake out one of three ways:

1. Punk beats Cena, and Punk goes on to WM's ME while Cena is gifted a way in also.
2. Punk and Cena draw, in which case Punk is gifted a chance into WM's ME along with Cena.
3. Punk is about to beat Cena (Or Cena is about to beat Punk...then the lights go out...they go out long enough, and quietly enough for you to think it's SHIELD...and then the Gong hits and Taker screws over Punk, creating the feud between the two of them going into WM.
Well, this wouldn't be the first time. Vince McMahon lost his WM match to Stone Cold at St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

Shit, quick typing forgot about that one.

I think this could shake out one of three ways:

1. Punk beats Cena, and Punk goes on to WM's ME while Cena is gifted a way in also.

The only problem with this one is, Where does Cena go? Does he go back to fighting The Shield along with Ryback & Sheamus?

2. Punk and Cena draw, in which case Punk is gifted a chance into WM's ME along with Cena.

Possibly the better option of the three.

3. Punk is about to beat Cena (Or Cena is about to beat Punk...then the lights go out...they go out long enough, and quietly enough for you to think it's SHIELD...and then the Gong hits and Taker screws over Punk, creating the feud between the two of them going into WM.

This sort of sounds heel-ish on the side of Taker, BUT he could get away with it. I'd say the lights go out and The Shield come out and are on the apron. Before they can make their way in, the lights go out again, this time we hear the gong, then Taker is at ringside and takes out The Shield, addressing Punk at the end.
I’m not 100% sure about this, but I believe this situation happened before. Triple H was the first SuperStar to lose his Royal Rumble win / WrestleMania Main Event spot in a match against Kurt Angle in 2002. Rey Mysterio was the second SuperStar to lose his Royal Rumble win / WrestleMania Main Event spot in a match against Randy Orton in 2006.

Either way this match goes next week, I will be happy with the result. I wouldn’t mind seeing CM Pun inserted into the WWE Title match at WM XXIX, but I also wouldn’t mind seeing Punk team up with Lesnar to take on Triple H and Undertaker, in Taker’s first WM Tag Team match with his Streak on the line.
It's an interesting development to say the least. I only see this shaking out two ways:

1. Punk and Cena draw which would put Punk into the title match at WM effectively making it into a Triple Threat.

2. Undertaker costs Punk the match setting up their feud going into WM.

Option 2 is the most likely but if option 1 takes place then it'll only be because Undertaker can't make this years possibility. WWE from what I understand, isn't sure if Taker will make WM this year so they're covering all of their bases in case he can't so Punk will have something to do.
For the most part, I think next week's match will be an excuse to not only have a big time money match on free television, but I think it MIGHT be the set up for the return of The Undertaker. If Taker is going to compete at WM, then I think next week is when he'll show up.

If Taker does pop up, I don't know that he'll interfere in the match. After all, Cena wants to go over Punk to prove he deserves the spot against The Rock at WM 29, so having Taker show up to provide some sort of distraction or interference sort of takes away from that.

At the same time though, having Taker cost CM Punk a chance to go to WrestleMania to wrestle for the WWE Championship could be a nice way to build for a match between them. A reason why Taker could challenge Punk is because Punk's constant referral to himself as "Best in the World". Being an "old school" guy, Taker might take exception to such a boast. Taker's stance is that you're not the "Best in the World" unless you're able to end the streak.

At any rate, I don't see Cena losing next week but he just might. There've been a lot of things happen this year that we didn't really think would happen thus far.
My guess: Draw, tripple threat at Mania.

It all depends on Taker. If he is ready to compete i am guessing they could go with "Best in the world vs Streak" route, if he is not ready(and some reports say that he isnt) then it will be tripple threat.

And trust me with one thing, Cena will not lost privilege to mainevent Mania this year. No logic in so much pushing Cena-Rock 2 if it isnt going to happen. :)
I have not seen anyone say this but I would have taker return and cost cena the match. Setting up taker v cena, cm punk v the rock in maybe a last man standing matching.
I think this could be the confirmation that Taker is out of Mania. The initial plan may have been Cena/Rock and Taker/Punk but since Taker is injured they had Punk spare. Logic suggests he gets in the WWE title picture.

This could be like the Mysterio/Orton match in 2006. Orton won taking Rey's place in the main event but he was later added back in to make a triple threat. That is what they should do this time. Punk wins and VKM obviously spites Heyman by making it a triple threat. Other option is it ends in a no-contest and it is made a triple threat anyway. I see no chance of a clean Cena win unless Taker is coming back.

A triple threat means EVERYONE is happy. Great match. Punk gets what he deserves. Star power. It fits perfectly.
I wouldn’t mind seeing CM Pun inserted into the WWE Title match at WM XXIX, but I also wouldn’t mind seeing Punk team up with Lesnar to take on Triple H and Undertaker, in Taker’s first WM Tag Team match with his Streak on the line.

Undertaker already had a tag team match w/ Nathan Jones against the Big Show and Lord A-Train (sarcasm) at WM 19.

I want a 3-way match for the WWE title at Mania. 3 ways aren't unprecedented for the main event at WM. Remember WM 20 and how great the HBK/HHH/Benoit main event was? Granted they are 3 of the best in-ring workers of all-time, but it was tremendous. I remember last year's Rock/Cena match and they just didn't seem to 'click' so maybe adding Punk would allow a better flow? It'd still have a huge match feel, in my opinion.
I hope there is some sort of contraversial finish, or a double pin, or something that lets them throw Punk in the match. I have little faith in Taker coming back for a match this year and if he does it makes more sense to have him fight Brock than it does Punk. Also, we saw face Rock v face Cena last year. No need to watch the same match again. Now if they want to flip either Rock or Cena before or during the match than that would work, but I doubt that's the plan.

When it comes down to it, your main event at Mania should feature the companys top guys. And right now, Rock, Punk ad Cena are in their own league. It would be a step down for either guy to not be in this match and take on a lesser opponet.
This tells me that Undertaker has a week to let Vince know about his WM status.

So if Taker says he can go, we'll get a clean Cena win. If Taker can't go at Mania, then we'll see a screwy finish that allows Punk to enter in as a Triple Threat.
This Wrestlemania spot being up for grabs between Punk and Cena is being done because the WWE obviously wants to insert Punk into something big for Wrestlemania. All in all it will be 1 of 2 things depending on how Undertaker is health wise. Either Taker shows up and him and Punk are fighting or Punk cheats and wins and it turns into a triple threat match for the title.

Maybe the WWE really doesn't know if Taker can handle a match this year so they are stalling as long as they can.
I'm fairly sure this will have some sort of controversial ending to set up the triple threat at Mania. Therefore meaning Taker isn't up to it this year.

But hey, I'll take a wild guess at what could happen ...

Punk & Cena are putting on a great match, Cena starts the the build up to the AA (no, I wont call them the 5 moves of doom) and as he's about to hit AA ... lights go out and the shield are surrounding the ring. As they are about to attack, the lights go out again and the Deadman is brawling with the shield when they go back on. This provides a distraction for Punk to get the roll up or hit the GTS for the win.

Punk goes to mania with the Rock, Cena challenges Taker because beating him at Wretlemania is the only thing he can do to get back to the top of the mountain.

Punk wins his title back, Cena ends the streak and the IWC's head explodes.

Hey! It could happen
I really think WWE realizes no one cares about Cena vs the Rock. The WWE's most interesting character/talent/storyteller right now is EASILY CM Punk. What they have going with CM Punk and Paul Heyman is as good as anything the WWE has had going in awhile. These guys are actually good actors with attitude, that deliver great promos and can think on their feet. The Rock lately has been garbage on the mic and his promo at royal rumble was embarrassing. CM Punk actually has a following of fans similar to what Stone Cold had. Fans who try to act like Punk by calling themselves "World's greatest" and things like that. It is much cooler when you are trying to act like CM Punk then when you try to act like Cena, or the Rock. Punk reminds me of the good ol' days with his ability on the MIC and his ability to sell his attitude.

WWE has really been smartening up lately. Concentrating on the more old school aspects of the show like THE WRESTLING. CM Punk is EASILY the best technical wrestler out of Cena and the Rock, and in my opinion he is the most interesting on the mic too.

"Vilify me now but in 20 years you will say I am a genius." Punk is really on his game lately.

I expect a draw. There is no way the WWE is going into Wrestlemania with Cena vs Rock, unless there is some huge match underneath like Punk vs HHH. We will almost certainly get the triple threat match. Can't really see it shaking out any other way but I guess you never know.

But yea I really did get the impression WWE is stalling. Going to see what the fans want and how the fans react to Punk vs Cena. I have a good feeling Punk and Heyman are going to get quite a bit of cheers and the ratings will be sky high. WWE will realize that the ratings are sky high because of Punk and Heyman's mic work/selling ability lately and they will insert Punk into the main event at WM.
I really think WWE realizes no one cares about Cena vs the Rock. The WWE's most interesting character/talent/storyteller right now is EASILY CM Punk. What they have going with CM Punk and Paul Heyman is as good as anything the WWE has had going in awhile. These guys are actually good actors with attitude, that deliver great promos and can think on their feet. The Rock lately has been garbage on the mic and his promo at royal rumble was embarrassing. CM Punk actually has a following of fans similar to what Stone Cold had. Fans who try to act like Punk by calling themselves "World's greatest" and things like that. It is much cooler when you are trying to act like CM Punk then when you try to act like Cena, or the Rock. Punk reminds me of the good ol' days with his ability on the MIC and his ability to sell his attitude.

WWE has really been smartening up lately. Concentrating on the more old school aspects of the show like THE WRESTLING. CM Punk is EASILY the best technical wrestler out of Cena and the Rock, and in my opinion he is the most interesting on the mic too.

"Vilify me now but in 20 years you will say I am a genius." Punk is really on his game lately.

I expect a draw. There is no way the WWE is going into Wrestlemania with Cena vs Rock, unless there is some huge match underneath like Punk vs HHH. We will almost certainly get the triple threat match. Can't really see it shaking out any other way but I guess you never know.

But yea I really did get the impression WWE is stalling. Going to see what the fans want and how the fans react to Punk vs Cena. I have a good feeling Punk and Heyman are going to get quite a bit of cheers and the ratings will be sky high. WWE will realize that the ratings are sky high because of Punk and Heyman's mic work/selling ability lately and they will insert Punk into the main event at WM.

I don't post that often, but I just have to. Are you kidding me? There's no interest in another Rock/Cena match? You may not have any interest, but I'm fairly certain that the general wrestling public has plenty of interest in. Why would the WWE have reservations about another Rock/Cena match? Are they worried it would make a ton of money again like it did last year? That must be it. Vince McMahon secretly hates money.

Out of all 3 men, Punk is my favorite. However, I'm not letting my fandom cloud my common sense. As much as I Punk, I have no interest in seeing him added to this match. All that Punk being added to this match would do is throw even more people into a hissy fit when he doesn't walk out with the belt.
I don't post that often, but I just have to. Are you kidding me? There's no interest in another Rock/Cena match? You may not have any interest, but I'm fairly certain that the general wrestling public has plenty of interest in. Why would the WWE have reservations about another Rock/Cena match? Are they worried it would make a ton of money again like it did last year? That must be it. Vince McMahon secretly hates money.

Out of all 3 men, Punk is my favorite. However, I'm not letting my fandom cloud my common sense. As much as I Punk, I have no interest in seeing him added to this match. All that Punk being added to this match would do is throw even more people into a hissy fit when he doesn't walk out with the belt.

The lack of interest isn't a minority. It's a waste of a WrestleMania main event when even the casual fans who don't go on the internet are 95% sure John Cena will win. It's not the match itself, it's the fact there isn't any suspense regarding who will win. Throw Punk in the equation and it's a different ball game. Cena hasn't held the title in a long time, and Punk is the face of the company at the moment.
I don't post that often, but I just have to. Are you kidding me? There's no interest in another Rock/Cena match? You may not have any interest, but I'm fairly certain that the general wrestling public has plenty of interest in. Why would the WWE have reservations about another Rock/Cena match? Are they worried it would make a ton of money again like it did last year? That must be it. Vince McMahon secretly hates money.

Out of all 3 men, Punk is my favorite. However, I'm not letting my fandom cloud my common sense. As much as I Punk, I have no interest in seeing him added to this match. All that Punk being added to this match would do is throw even more people into a hissy fit when he doesn't walk out with the belt.

Quality over quantity. Solid point, and I agree.

I'm a Punk fan as well, but it seems to me like some CM Punk fans started having mini-nervous breakdowns leading up to Royal Rumble, though. They saw the end date on Punk's title reign and got angry or went into denial. Then, when The Rock beat Punk, it turned into full psychotic episodes. Any number of posts around the WWE forum show that. So, if Punk were to get into this main event of WrestleMania and lose the match? God help us all.
The lack of interest isn't a minority. It's a waste of a WrestleMania main event when even the casual fans who don't go on the internet are 95% sure John Cena will win. It's not the match itself, it's the fact there isn't any suspense regarding who will win. Throw Punk in the equation and it's a different ball game. Cena hasn't held the title in a long time, and Punk is the face of the company at the moment.

I agree with a lot of what you've said except that Punk isn't the face of the company. I agree that Punk being added to the match will throw a lot of uncertainty as to who would win. But make no mistake Cena is still very much the face of the company. I love Punk and I'm no Cena fan, but that doesn't make him any less the face of the company. If Punk is put into this match I could see him winning but I still believe that Cena walks out by pinning Rock, allowing Punk to say that Cena still has yet to beat him. This lets the Rock fade away so Punk and Cena carries the WWE into the Summer.
This isn't the first time that the Royal Rumble winner has lost the privilege of main eventing Wrestlemania. Even Vince McMahon losing it at St Valentine's Day Massacre isn't the first time. Stone Cold was the first winner that for whatever reason didn't Main Even at WM. The first time he won the Rumble he went on to have the classic I Quit Match with Bret Hart rather than face off against Diesel for the championship. I"m not really sure why he didn't though? The previous 3 years the winner went on to main event, and the years since then, but that one year is an anomaly.

Anyway, as far as CM Punk/Cena/Rock are concerned. I would prefer if Cena wins clean and Punk goes on to face the Undertaker. Personally, I think that would be an interesting feud and be something different than what the Taker has done the past four years. Even though almost everybody knows the Taker will win, it would be an entertaining match.
What's really crazy is this sets up Cena to potentially lose a MITB breifcase match and a Royal Rumble winner WM title shot within one Mania cycle. Talk about unprecedented bad luck if he loses.

I can't see Cena losing his shot, but I do think they are setting up for another dusty finish in the match that will end up in eventually adding Punk to the Mania main event.

The writing just seems to be on the wall. First Punk has his shot against the Rock and he technically wins the match first. He claims throughout the entire gap til EC that he is rightfully champ until he gets his rematch. In the rematch he once again is in position to score the winning pinfall first, only to "get screwed" a second time. It seems they have gone out of their way to keep all three men involved in the title build and have gone the extra step to try and make Punk look to be on Rocky's level despite the losses. Hell, Punk has been booked stronger in his losses to the Rock than he was in most of his successful title defenses(especially the ones against Ryback).

Now couple those booking decisions with the move to set up this match next week, and the fact that we are closing in on Mania and Punk is still very much a key component in the WWE title picture, and closed last night's Raw standing over Cena telling the Rock he wants "that one" referring top the new belt, and it all just smells of Rock defending in a three way(no pun intended).
The final image from last night's Raw did feel like they were setting up a triple threat, especially given how strong Punk was booked at EC and the way even the commentators were agreeing last night that he had that match won.

In the end though I suspect that will simply be a misdirect and Cena will just beat Punk clean. Punk will then go on a rant the week after and challenge Taker, putting over the idea that ending the streak is even bigger than being in the WWE title match at Mania.
I do believe that Cena "gave up" his Wrestlemania rights a month early in 2008 to fight Orton for the title at No Way Out. So, it wouldn't necessarily even be the first time this would happen for Cena, though he did still get a title shot as a result the first time.

I fully expect there to be some kind of swerve where they double pin setting up a triple threat. If not, Taker returns and gets involved somehow, setting up Punk/Taker. Either way, it's a win-win.
Undertaker already had a tag team match w/ Nathan Jones against the Big Show and Lord A-Train (sarcasm) at WM 19.

No, he didn't. They were going to do a tag match but before it happened they removed Nathan Jones and went ahead with a handicap match.

As for this Punk/Cena match, I certainly hope the result is a draw and a triple threat at Mania, then I would actually be interested in the main event of Mania.
if taker is ready to go this would be the best spot for him. no one wants rock/cena 2..most want to see cena/taker..i say the lights go out when cena is about to win when they come back on punk takes advantage and wins then taker comes to the stage and has a stare down with could also work the other way with taker and punk..i believe in punk was in nexus he cost taker a match..eiter way if taker can go this is his spot..a triple threat at mania with rock/cena/punk sounds too much..a little to clashy..but VKM can do whatever he wants

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