Fire One, Promote/One, Change Gimmick, Enjoy One:)


Dark Match Winner
So this is a rather simply question that has 4 parts, similar to a game some people play. Let's say you are in charge of WWE for a week and have full power. Answer the above four questions.
For number 4.) I hope i can ask, but I will try to make it PG-ERA so we could just say someone you find attractive, or would go on a date with etc.
These apply to the entire WWE roster & NXT. Preferably say names that are somewhat relevant.

1.) Fire Someone---- ???
2.) Elevate/Promote a Talent---???
3.) Give a Gimmick Change---???
4.) Have relations with, hangout out with, date, attractive, etc. ????

My Choices:
1. Fire---- Dolph Ziggler. Very tired of hearing about how he needs to be pushed etc. Would rather just have him be fired so we could all complain about his firing then move on. However, I think he would be a great ROH or TNA talent so the talks would probably never end.

2. Elevate-- The Miz to Upper Mid-Card, Baby Face status. In hopes that he can eventually be a main event Face again. I actually enjoy his mic skills, look, and his improved wrestling abilities.

3.) Gimmick Change---John Cena. We will not see a heel turn any time soon so lets come to terms with that but I am really ok with even taking Cena back to some of his earlier edgier gimmicks or whatever other ideas they may have.

4.) Date, etc ;)-- Hmmm threw this one in for fun but I would say Nikki Bella as I enjoy her look if you know what I mean. Seems like a good time, John probably has fun with her!
Fire - Rey Mysterio. Rey, just please, go away. You stopped be releveant in any capacity ten years ago. Nobody makes me change the channel faster than Rey Mysterio.

Elevate - Too tough to limit to just one, but I won't go ape on it. I'll say Damien Sandow and Heath Slater.

Gimmick Change - Cody Rhodes. Nothing is worse than forcing Cody to tuck his tail between his legs and take on the embarrassing, insulting gimmick of his brother. Anyone who knows the history between the McMahons and the Rhodes family knows what I'm talking about. I feel really sorry for Cody. He must feel like his dad in his late WWE run, overweight, in polka dot skin tight shirts... all done so people in the WWE office could laugh at him. Ugh... Ryback needs a gimmick change too.

Hang out with - I'd never be lame enough to even give an answer on dating some WWE diva, but I'd be interested to hang out with Daniel Bryan, John Cena, or the Big Show.
Fire - I don't mean to copy Anti above, but I'd also pick Rey Mysterio to be future endeavoured. I like the guy, but it's just sad to hear he keeps picking up injuries every few months. He hasn't had a lengthy match since Survivor Series, and even then the Rhodes brothers and the Usos took most of the bumps. His moveset is horribly predictable now, and I just don't get excited about seeing him anymore. I don't want him to get more hurt for the sake of prolonging what has been a great career.

Elevate - I'll go against the grain a little and say Luke Harper. I'm absolutely in awe of this guy in the ring! If he was moved away from Rowan and given his own run, I think he would be a great heel, and I don't see why he couldn't hang as a main eventer. I've enjoyed his promos the last few weeks, and his mannerisms as the batshit crazy guy just work for me.

Gimmick change - Found it hard to pick one, as the ones I'd probably give a gimmick change to are wrestlers I have little to no interest in. I'll say Damien Sandow. Although I'd like him to keep the "You're welcome" pompous gimmick, I'd give him more of an edge, and more of a mean streak. No more bending over and taking whatever the WWE throw at him (him addressing this would be kayfabe, despite the fact it does ring true) and taking it upon himself to become a serious and legitimate threat. No more jobbing, no more dressing up as superheroes or sports stars, just talking a lot of trash and actually backing it up with some brutal attacks on top stars.

Hang out with - Although we're getting embarrassed in the World Cup, I'd love to hang out with a fellow Brit, Wade Barrett. He seems really cool, and we'd always have something to talk about both being big Football (Soccer) fans.
Fire one? No. Fire three: Xavier Woods, Adam Rose and Bo Dallas. All of them are not interesting at all. I wonder how good Adam Rose would be if he has a different gimmick, cuz I really haven't seen much of him. His current gimmick is terrible and so is Xavier Woods and Bo Dallas. Oh God Bo Dallas is absolutely terrible. They are new to the main roster but I still don't think they're gonna make it big. There is just something missing in all of them. I'm not including Ryback here cuz RybAxel is not such a bad team... albeit I don't see them staying with the WWE for long.

Elevate one: Rob Van Dam. Now many of you would say that he's already a big guy, but he has been doing nothing since his return last year. They could have done so much with his feud with Del Rio, but they didn't. Elevate him to the upper mid-card, and after giving him the Intercontinental championship, have him feud with younger talents. And by 'feud', I don't mean simply putting the younger talent over in a match. He should have long feuds with them.

Gimmick change: John Cena... forget it. No use of talking about him cuz it's not gonna happen. I just mentioned him cuz if there's anyone who needs a gimmick change, it's him. He doesn't need to turn completely heel, he can at least get that edgy character back, the rapper gimmick.

WWE can form some teams to elevate talented superstars that are being wasted.

The Paul Heyman faction (Obviously heel team): Brock Lesnar, Cesaro, Damien Sandow and maybe Alberto Del Rio (Del Rio can either be a corporate or join this faction. He's not the most fun character ever, but he is awesome in the ring and he already is a 4 time world champion). They can add a diva here as well.

Another Nation of Domination faction (Heel team): Mark Henry, Big E, Titus O'Neil, Darren Young and R-Truth. I loved Truth's heel run in 2011. They should either turn him heel or have him fired. Cuz honestly, he was never fun except when he was a heel. I know Young and O'Neil has split, but you know the others can just say that they couldn't succeed individually so they have to team up or something. Henry can be the leader. I wouldn't mind Kofi turning heel as well cuz he's highly talented but is being wasted.

I don't know what name to give... but they can form a team with Ric Flair managing them (Face team): Dolph Ziggler and The Miz. Miz is not that interesting as some people say he is, and is definitely not a main event superstar. He can be a great mid-carder tho. Have him team with Ziggler and let them hold on to the tag team championships for a while. Hell Ziggler can go after the Intercontinental championship and Miz can go after the United States Championship as well.

This way they can elevate all these superstars, and they can have some awesome tag team feuds over the championships.

Oh and I think Bad News Barrett should turn into a tweener. I think he's ready for main event
1. Fire- can I fire 20? If I had to pick just 1 it would be Big Show. I'm not interested in anything he does. Heel, face, heel again, face again, skull cap wearing bad guy, cry baby giant. I've had way more than enough of him. Rey Mysterio gets the honorable mention.

2. Elevate- how about Tyson Kidd? I was very interested in his mini feud with Fandango spinning off of Total Divas. It looked like he was set to play the part of jealous boyfriend and I wanted to see where that would go. It only lasted 2 weeks maybe then he was gone from TV again.

3. Gimmick Change- Kofi Kingston, for the simple fact that I could only fire 1 guy. Lose the Jamaican act. Do something different, anything. Try to capture my attention I beg of you.

4. Take out- Red heads do it for me so I gotta say Eva Marie. She's gorgeous. Lana is a very close #2 though, and Paige is starting to creep into the mix for me as well.
Fire: Mojo Rawley & Titus O'Neil. As far as Rawley is concerned, its 2014, I don't feel like wrestlers need to fear butt based offensive attacks from dudes who are big enough to be gorilla press slamming them. And every time Titus wrestles, I fear he is going to hurt someone. Probably the worst main roster wrestler. Honorable mention goes to BNB. He's never been interesting to me.

Elevate: Dolph Ziggler. "Snakebit" or not, give the guy a shot. He got himself over & We enjoy his work.

Gimmick Change: Big E. If his instagram videos are any indication, the guy has the potential to be a hilarious (& believable) face or heel. Kind of like the Rock in his prime. Its okay to be "big, HOSS wrestler" but let the guy grow a personality.

Take out: Sasha Banks & Layla.
Hang out: Big E & the Usos
I would say if I was to fire someone it would be Ryder only because he won't ever be used relevantly again.

Promote or elevate would be a toss up between Fandango or Adam Rose, both have wins over former world champions. One of which was Fandango's win over Jericho just to be relegated to corny jobber matches with Santino I mean c'mon.

Gimmick Change goes to Ryback and Axel, they had momentum but they need tweaking to be relevant again.

Date - Velvet Sky even though she isn't on the roster she let me and my wife squeeze her ass once at a house show in Michigan so yeah...
Fire: Zack Ryder, had the hype and did nothing with it.. Average in ring, below average gimic, awful long term prospects. (honorable mention to the Miz)

Promote: Jack Swagger, with Zeb in tow.. I'd have him enter the scene as the Real American and have him rise up against and oppose a strong heel. USA chants will happen, the crowd will flock to him if you give him a 100% commited underdog vibe. Similar to HBK, Benoit, Cesaro and Bryan, performance and effort in ring has always resulted in gaining popularity with the fans.. Reward him for putting in the hard yards. I think he has the look, the skills, and the mouthpiece to make it work. Brock vs. Swagger, Wyatt family vs. Swagger, Orton vs. Swagger.. (honorable mention to Ziggler and Cody Rhodes)

Change: Sheamus, the guy is a heel... A big nasty heel. (I think the rest of the roster is in okay shape, injuries and restrictions have limited a lot recently)

Take Out: Stephanie McMahon - Hang Out: Goldust, in character.
i would fire dolph ziggler, kofi kingston and zack ryder so that they can show their talent in the indies rather than get no time in the wwe but if i had to choose 1 it would be kofi. i would promote alberto del rio because he is good in his promos and wrestling. i would change big e to a more comedic character since that's how he is in real life. i would date my fellow brit paige and hang out with william regal 'cause he seems like a cool guy to hang out with.
Fire: either Rey Mysterio or the Great Khali. both are injury prone, one cant wrestle while the others gimmick is past it's prime.

Elevate: two choices. either Damien Sandow (he's too talented) or Seth Rollins and with Rollins, i think he should win the briefcase and eventually cash in on Bryan.

Gimmick Change: well Cena needs a change, but it wont happen. Rollins needs a few tweeks to his character. if i were in charge i would have Rollins claiming he's the best wrestler in the WWE today or something and say he's the chosen one or the chosen future. but a full gimmick change, Adam Rose. have his party gimmick as a heel and i do think they should make Bo Dallas' character better, he can clearly talk, but he needs better material.
Fire- I wouldn't pick anyone whose going to get cut soon or just doesn't really matter anymore. People like Great Kahli. Jack Swagger. His pointless. His got the size and look for wwe, but he doesn't fit. His a Kurt Angel rip off, his title run was just bad timing and idea, his in ring work is sloppy. His been around for a while but his just boring, sloppy mess. Time to say good-bye.

Promote one-. Dolph. He might not see Top gold again, but doesn't mean he should get walked all over. This guy is entertaining on many levels. Mic skills and in the ring. He can out perform a lot of people, even if he loses he still tries his best and look great. This guy needs to be in Money in the back matches, top mid card feuds, chamber matches, championship scramble, anything big but not get the win, and win in the mid card area. His talent, use your talent.

Change gimmick- LOTS. Big E and Fandango. Big E i enjoy, but his missing something. Being another big guy int the the outfit, the rvd/ryback/mark henry/bigshow gear. Its not working. Lets re package this guy. Throw a small bit of goldberg into him. The aspect of confronting a and challenging. No need for mic time, just having the bigger balls to fight. Throw some heel mark henry into him. This mercy-less, vicious side of Big E. Backstage encounters, ignoring the ref. Big E can be all about his time, his rules, and takes nothing from anyone. I think this can work, its when i enjoy the big guys the most is when they are so brutal and vicious, and can bring out some good work from others. I'm a fan of Fandango, but its dying. Jericho maybe saw something in him, he did loose to him at Mania. Now where is he? Maybe he looses one too many, drops the dancing gimmick, and shows us what he can do. Id like to see an orton side to it. Very smooth style, everything paced and planned. Id like to see him have this focus style, and show us some good promo work, and can be a top mid card player.

Hangout and date. I'd love to hangout with Dolph but since i put him on this list, its going to be Bad new barret. Date Paige for sure. Same age, so it would work out nicely.
Fire: Kevin Dunn and John Lauranitis. Both of them suck.

Elevate: Triple-H. The product has improved significantly since he has taken charge of many things. I'd love to see him get control of more things so that the product gets less of childish, ******ed content, poor jokes and everything that we don't want to see.

Change gimmick: Alberto Del Rio, Zack Ryder- both are very capable in their respective fields, but their current character just doesn't seem to be clicking. Alberto now has gone back to his heel entrance music, but that isn't gonna make much of a difference because the number of people that care about him is still close to zero. Zack Ryder is a guy that has the same gimmick since the ECW days and now desperately needs something new to proceed forward.

Date/Hang out/ Sleep with: I'd do Dean Ambrose from the rear ala Pat Patterson and record his facial expressions. John Cena would be at the bottom of the list because he would totally no-sell my invasion and F-U me through the bed or something.
Fire- Ill try and look at it from a business perspective, so Rey (he was my childhood hero so I can't fire him lol, but too much merch), Khali (ambassador in India), or Big Show (merch plus too many people love the guy and the things he does for WWE projects). I'll go with Ryder because he just has no use left in wwe.

Promote- Ziggler. Not even close.

Gimmick Change- Sheamus. As stated, he's a heal. He's JUST a heal.

Sleep With- Eva Marie cause even tho I hate her as a person, as a wrestler, and performer, my place has no connection to my brain on the hottest girl on the roster.
Rey and Khali still have incredible value in their markets. I'm ashamed of the way the IWC treats Rey; dude is a legend, despite how lame his last several years have been. There are WAY more useless members of the roster. Such as...

Fire - Heath Slater. How did this ass make it and Drew didn't? Never could stand him.

Elevate - Dolph Ziggler. 'Nuff said.

Gimmick Change - Kofi Kingston. Cena will NEVER turn, and honestly doesn't need to. I think it would potentially damage John's career irrevocably. Kofi, however, could become a cocky heel, he could join that long rumored "disgruntled wrestlers" stable, get Titus as a bodyguard, etc.

Diva Date - Stacy Keibler, after inventing a time-machine and traveling back to 2002.

Chill With - RVD. We have similar..."hobbies."
Fire: Just one? How about ONE announce team that is currently working the main roster. Don’t worry Rodriguez, you and the Spanish announce team are safe. I am talking about the god awful combination of JBL, King and Cole. I fully understand they are being fed lines and an agenda but they are still responsible for effectively articulating and projecting a positive feeling about the product.

Elevate: Adrian Neville. I guess Sami Zayne could be tossed into this spot but I’ll give the nod to the current NXT Champion. The guy is ready for the call up and unlike recent NXT addition Neville will not need some cheesy gimmick to try and get over. He will accomplish getting over on with his in ring presence. A group including Rollins, Ambrose, Kingston, Ziggler, Dallas, Kidd, Zayne and Neville maybe with the backstage guidance of a Dean Malenko would seriously elevate the mid card scene.

Gimmick Change: This is a tough question. Everyone pretty much has a distinctive role on the roster and to change one means a shift in how others fall into the ranks. In a number of cases the gimmicks fit the individual but fall short due to how they are being used. For the sake of the conversation I will say Big E. The guy supposedly has loads of personality but the most we’ve ever seen on TV is him standing backstage watching a match on the monitor. Let the real Big E shine as a person and an athlete. The guy could be a Cena type, not that they would ever put an African American in that type of role.

Diva/Female Date: Renee Young. She is the best female at doing what she does. She seems real and incredible beautiful.

Bromance: Brock Lesnar. It’s the f’n 1 in 21-1.
Fire: Rey Mysterio. Never was a fan of his in ring work and those that were can all admit he's lost a step or fifty.

Elevate/Gimmick Change: I combined these two because they go hand in hand. Big E. I'm sick of seeing him have to job to all the white boys. He's an incredible powerhouse and he was an awesome face on NXT. Let the man show some personality. I follow a lot of WWE wrestlers on twitter and instagram and he has by far the most entertaining feed. I'm not saying slap the world title on him but give the man a proper feud with a proper story at lest.

Hang out with: AJ Lee. I know this makes me sound like a total loser but AJ is like the perfect girl to me as far as "celebrities" go. I'd be awesome just to spend an hour or two chilling with her.
Fire- There are a few candidates, and some of my would be choices actually just got released. But if I had to pick one, I feel David Otunga offers the least upside to the company, so he'd be my pick.

Elevate- Again, so many choices. Ryder, Sandow, and Tyson Kidd are talents that Cena be so much better utilized. But Dolph Ziggler would be my first choice. He's a money maker they're letting go to waste.

Gimmick Change- Emma. She's clearly a very capable wrestler. I just can't stand her stupid dancing.

Hang Out- I'd love to spend some time with Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, and Johm Cena. Just listening to them would be awesome.

Date/Everything Else- I was, and still kinda am, infatuated with AJ Lee. But she's off theater now. At the moment, I would do absolutely anything to go out with Sasha Banks. I'm in love with her. That's a fact.
Fire - Aiden English
Hey may be in NXT still, but I detest this wrestler and dread the day this guy makes it to the main roster. He's horrible, has an idiotic gimmick, and I refuse to watch any match he is in.

Promote - Heath Slater
Give the guy a chance. I've said it ever since NXt Season 1 Episode 1. He is a star waiting to happen, if they gave him a legitimate push he may surprise many.

Gimmick Change - Bo Dallas
I don't hate the guy, but the "Bo-Lieve" thing has GOT to go. I'd give him a second chance if his gimmick was anything else. Currently he is too annoying to endure watching.

Date - Emma
I've always had a thing for pretty blondes with a silly personality. Out of all the divas, Emma is the one I would most want to date.
Fire: The Great Khali - The last time I remember seeing Khali on WWE TV was Battleground 2013 where Cesaro performed The Swing on him, almost a year ago. He is literally just taking up space now. I think Zack Ryder has overstayed his welcome in the WWE as well.

Elevate: This is the hardest one because there are so many great & deserving up & comers right now like Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Bray, etc. Not to mention Adam Rose could already start moving up a little & I really want to see guys like Zayn, Breeze, Rawley, etc. on the main roster asap. But it is Cesaro's time right now & I think WWE should pull the trigger on him while he is hot. Cesaro has already competed in main events for the world title & looked great at Mania XXX winning the Andre Battle Royal. Before all these fresh faces completely take over the title picture, why not build one more credible World Champion/main event superstar?

Gimmick Change: Damien Sandow, all the recent flip flopping of his character has been terrible. Sandow is so much better than the role he is currently cast in & deserves to be elevated down the road as well but first he needs to rebuild his character & all the damage he has done to it over the past 9 months or so.

I had some fun with the last one & did the ol' one to hook-up with, one to date & one to marry...

Hook-Up: Eva Marie - A bit of a drama queen & kind of annoying but she is ridiculously hott & probably has a pretty good idea of how to please men.

Date: Alexa Bliss/Renee Young - Cute, smart & both seem extremely nice, basically the ideal girl to date. But something tells me both are the kind of girls that have extremely high standards & are very demanding.

Marry: Stephanie McMahon: I've had a crush on Steph for year but damn, did eveyone see her at WM XXX?!?! If that isn't the definition of MILF then I don't know what is. Even in her late 30's she is entertaining millions & looks damn sexy doing it. Not to mention she is a smart & successful business woman, richer than most can imagine (with the WWE basically guarenteed to her) & a mother of 3. Now that's a woman!
Fire:- Brock Lesnar! Yes, you read right. I would offer Brock an utimatim-either wrestle a full-time schedule, all Raws, SD and PPVs, or get out. He is too young to be a part-timer.

Elevate:- Bad News Barrett- I would put the WWE World Title on him, and would have done it years ago. He is the consummate heel, and would be great to battle the top guys. A series between him and Daniel Bryan would be interesting (and they may even bring up being in Nexus together). I would love to hear him say:- "I'm afraid I have some bad news for you-I am the WWE World Heavyweight Champion!"

Gimmick Change:- This is easy! Damien Sandow. Stop making him have a different gimmick each week, and have him go back to being the "Intellectual Savior Of The Masses". The character still had places to go, and Sandow is an unfulfilled talent, and needs to be given another chance.

Date & Hook Up:- Paige is very pretty, but I am twice her age, so it would be out of the question (unless she likes older men). Maybe Summer Rae, as she is very sexy with her long hot legs and fantastic body. I'm sleep with her if she asked me.

As for dating, I would probably pick Renee Young. She is attractive, seems like she would be fun to hang out with, and she is a real fan of wrestling, so we would have some things to talk about.

Hang Out:- I would like to hang out with lots of the locker room, as they seem cool. Maybe I would pick Goldust, as he would be hilarious, and does impressions, so that would be entertaining.
Fire One- Jerry Lawler. He needs to go away.

Elevate- The Miz. I would have had him as a member of the Authority a long time ago.

Gimmick Change- Alberto Del Rio. Give him a badass Scarface gimmick.

Hang Out- Cody looks like a pretty cool guy to hang out with.
Fire - WWE Creative Team. They just f**** suck! (Honorable mention - Vince McMahon)

Elevate - Damien Sandow. He has the potential to be a top heel. The WWE needs more credible heels. He's also very entertaining even when they have him doing this stupid stuff now. (Honorable mention - Cody Rhodes)

Gimmick Change - Big E. I would like to see him show more personality. When he held the IC belt we really didn't see much mic time with him. (Honorable mention - Kofi Kington)

Hang Out - Dolph Ziggler. He seems like a cool guy with personality. (Honorable mention - Dean Ambrose)

Date - Paige. The way she looks is a turn on for me. (Honorable mention - Sasha Banks)
1.) Fire Someone---- I have to roll with the popular decision of Rey Mysterio. I've been watching him since his days in WCW and he has went on to become a bigger star than I imagined. I see him more at risk than any kind of asset to the product now.

2.) Elevate/Promote a Talent--- Being that I am of African-American descent - I would love to see another black superstar on the main event level. I don't want to see an all black stable composed of oppressed Negros but an actual singles wrestler. Kofi or Big E are only two that come to mind. 3.) Give a Gimmick Change---Kofi Kingston - this modern day Ricky Steamboat good guy role has long ran its course.

4.) Have relations with, hangout out with, date, attractive, etc. Limousine Riding, Jet Flying, Kiss Stealing, Wheelin' Dealin' son of a gun...Ric Flair. All-time favorite.
Commenting on your choices:
1) Ziggler is an excellent talent. People are bitching about him to be pushed all the time, BECAUSE HE NEEDS TO BE PUSHED! Then we will stop bitching about it
2)The Miz?? Are you crazy? As if his last babyface run didn't fail..
3)Who else...
4)I see the added plastic is doing the work it was intended to do.

1) Difficult choice. So many irrelevant guys around that need to be fired. I read someone saying Mysterio and I would go with that, but I'll pick Big Show. At least is a bit more exciting than Big Show and he will provide with better matches than the giant.

2) PUSH ZIGGLER. There are guys on the bottom of the card that are really talented. Sandow is another guy.

3) Cena. Self explanatory.

4) I would enjoy dating either AJ Lee or Paige. AJ is the girlfriend most men like, because she enjoys the stuff that no other woman does. Paige on the other hand is something unique and amazing, so I'd like her too.

About hooking up, Eva Marie or Summer Rae. Eva Marie is just from another planet and her red hair.... Summer Rae on the other hand, those legs....

About hanging with males, uhmm... Bryan seems like a really cool and funny guy to be around, laid back and all. Heyman is also someone who would be amazing to hang out with, even though he is quite older than most of us. Punk is also someone I would want to hang out, simply to see his character outside the ring.
Fire one- The Great Khali. We havent seen much of him lately and I hope that is a sign he's being written off soon. All he does is chop people and dance. Theres no need for him.

Elevate one- Natalya. No question the best womens wrestler in WWE today, which probably isnt saying much looking at most of the divas. The divas division should've been built around her and not Aj. Complete waste of talent on WWE's part.

Gimmick Change- Cena. I would change him from the whole "superman" gimmick into one that kind of mirrors the truth. Give Cena a story about him being the aging face of the company becoming more and more jelous of the new potential young stars being groomed to take his place. Like Roman Reigns. I could go more into detail but I dont wanna.

Hang Out- Cm punk, Daniel Bryan, Kofi, Sami. These guys seem cool and down to earth.

Date- None of them. I doubt any of those divas have any morals.

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