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So Full Impact Pro, or FIP:icon_mrgreen:, is a small Indie company from Florida. It is the sister company of ROH and borrows some ROH talent for thier shows. FIP has an "old school" vibe to the shows with very clear faces/heels and a more basic, nonflippy, wrestling. Also all interviews are done in front of the there is no footage backstage!!

Now admittedly the early FIP shows were pretty bad. However over the past year, this promotion has become very good. They had a killer fued with Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens that created many classics. As long with some great matches with Go shiozaki, Davey Richards, and Tyler BLack.

I have become a follower of FIP and I am very excited about what this year could bring for the company.

So has anyone heard of FIP before? and if you have what are your thoughts of this promotion?
I have about five FIP DVDs, but they're all mostly from 2004/5. I have one from 2007 when the Briscoes were feuding with Necro and Mad Man Pondo.

But yeah... it's a nice little promotion. I quite enjoyed CM Punk's work there, and it had a great old school feel to it. The fans aren't "smart" down there, so from the shows I've seen, Gabe was able to book in such a way that clashed cheesy, typical babyface vs. cheesy, typical heel, and have the fans buy into it. That was fun to watch for a change, and I think the ROH wrestlers really benefited working there, not only for the extra paycheck, but in preparation on how to get heat with “non-smart" fans.

However, like I said, I only have a few DVDs. While I enjoyed what I've purchased, I just don't go as far as to spend a lot of money on them for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen as much FIP as I would like to. I know that while Gabe was booking ROH and FIP, alot of the storylines were run on in both promotions. I don't know if that is still the case since Gabe was removed from the position. I have had the opportunity to see alot of the FIP talent as part of the undercard at several ROH shows, and I have always been happy with the performances. Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens are both under utilized in ROH, so FIP has been a great platform for these two to be main eventers.

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