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Finn Balor to the main roster. Becoming the next Sting


Occasional Pre-Show
So I got to thinking that WWE could no some very special things with Balor when he goes to the main roster. While some compare the mystique to Undertaker why not have the Sting mantle get handed down to Balor or at least have a similar idea of it when he comes to the main roster which I hope is soon. With Gallows and Anderson making their debut and merchandise sales of Balor club shirts its hinted these three could become a group. If this is the case is I'd like to see it drawn out with Balor prey on them much like Sting would stand in the rafters. Even Sting could involve himself in a non-physical role to pass on the torch (unlikely) but whether he joins them or goes against them I think a similarity to Balors demon character and the birth of crow Sting could give him a good role on RAW
He isn't the next sting. His just Finn Balor.

I definitely want to see him on the main roster, and he should only debut into a main event fued I feel like. I just question how WWE is going to handle the "Demon" side with that face paint. Currently he only brings it out at takeovers, which is closer to 3 months apart? It's just the right amount, I don't think having it on a monthly PPV is good at all - it needs to be treated as a special attraction.

It also adds more depth to his character as well, because he could go into a PPV main event as himself and lose, then the follow up PPV he HAS to get the job done so he brings out the demon. It's an interesting dynamic, I think Undertaker should give him a talk and some pointers for whenever he uses the Demon.

But yeah, I think the demon side should only be used 3-4 times a year so as long as they work that properly I think he'll get himself over just fine on the main roster.
If history thought us anything, it thought us that what works with the nxt crowd doesn't always works with a wwe crowd. It's because a large portion of the wwe crowd don't watch nxt on a regular base or at all so for them, they're just another new guy on the roster with a dumb gimmick and finn bàlor will probably just be another mid card guy that going to fail through the cracks and be wasted within a year. The only you could make something special out of finn bàlor his to introduce him properly with vignette for at less 2 months before his debut. Make people understand what the demon character is all about before he entered because if you debut him cold like you did all the others he's going to fail and he would be better off staying in nxt.
I would have him introduced normally at first, with no special entrance.

Then at a PPV to end a solid feud, have him come out as the Demon.

Imagine a programme with Bray Wyatt, Wyatt always telling him to unleash the Demon, Ballor always coming out normally and sometimes getting the win, sometimes getting beat.

Then at Summerslam, Wyatt keeps telling him to unleash the Demon and suddenly Ballor's entrance is huge.
I would like to see Finn do this, and Finn do that. He's a BOY named Finn!!!

For real though, Finn as a squeaky clean babyface would be fun at first. I'm not feeling the whole Demon dichotomy. Regular Finn is just sullen and aloof, then Demon Balor is slightly more animated with a bunch of crazy accessories.
I don't think Finn Balor is coming to the Main Roster anytime soon. WWE probably might want to keep the Demon persona within when he's coming to the Main Roster. On the other hand, they can form the Bullet Club! We have Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson and we do have AJ Styles, what's more asking?
I don't want him to be the next Sting. I want him to be the first Finn Balor.

Balor already has a gimmick that's unique to him and that Sting didn't have: The Demon. It's a another half of Finn's personality that only comes out in dire situations. The Demon persona is basically a sort of power-up – the Phoenix to his Jean Grey. Sting became a dark avenger and largely stayed in that mode while Balor switches back and forth. That's a pretty cool dynamic to play around with, and far more intriguing than having him become straight up Sting II.

Plus, having the Anderson/Gallows run roughshod and Balor preying on them from afar would be such an obvious rip-off of the nWo story that it would be detrimental in my opinion. I mean, why retread when you can do something different, something new. There are so many ways to go about this story instead of taking the obvious WCW route.

Balor doesn't need Sting to get over on the main roster. Good matches, booking, and presentation will accomplish that – just as it has in NXT.
I've said for months that they should book Finn Balor to have the Sting mystique. They need larger than life characters, and what Balor doesn't have in size he makes up for with the "demon" persona. Part of what makes Brock Lesnar so special is that he isn't overexposed. The WWE, and wrestling in general, is overexposed, and it makes it hard for anything to feel special when you see so much of it. With Finn Balor they potentially have the best of both worlds, he's a workhorse than can be there every week, but he's also a special attraction for pay-per-view as the demon.

Another problem with the product, and the way a lot of NXT guys have been brought in, is the lack of vignettes hyping up debuts and showcasing characters. Corbin got a vignette last week (which was a good idea becuase he's weak on the mic in traditional promos) but he really should have gotten a build-up before just winning the Andre Battle Royal out of nowhere. Tyler Breeze is another guy who would have benefitted tremendously from vignettes, and with his gimmick they could have been pretty entertaining. Apollo Crews would also have benefitted from vignettes, he got a pop from a smart mark crowd but the general television audience has no idea who he is or what his character is supposed to be. He's just a wrestler that came out and had a match with no build up. This is what's killing a lot of these NXT guys and what's helping to kill the product.

If you want Balor to have the mystique of a guy like Sting, it needs to be built outside of the ring, and that means vignettes. You also need a Horsemen/NWO faction for him to go up against like Sting, which in this case you have ready made in Bullet Club. Down the line, you have Styles align with Anderson & Gallows to form a faction called Bulletproof (it's a cool name, and you don't have the rights to Bullet Club). Have Bulletproof dominate for a few months, put the Tag belts on Anderson & Gallows, and put the IC belt on AJ Styles. They need to be a credible faction. League of Nations and Wyatt Family were not credible factions. Then you have Bulletproof stalked by Finn Balor from the shadows. After matches you have the lights go out and these mysterious vignettes play on the titantron, hyping the arriving of the "demon" who will destroy Bulletproof. Keep having this happen week after week to actually build it up, then finally when Balor appears as the demon have Bulletproof sell the fucking shit out of it. "OH MY GOD, AJ STYLES LOOKS LIKE HE'S SEEN A GHOST!" The whole nine yards. Have the demon clear the ring, Bulletproof retreats up the ramp, AJ is scared shitless. Now you have a money angle, you have something that's been built up that the fans want to see. AJ Styles vs. Finn Balor at Wrestlemania. The Bullet Club leader vs. the Bullet Club founder for the Intercontinental Title. If you book that properly, with Balor chasing the belt and running through this faction, you ould have about a year's worth of programming. Eventually, you could even pull a double turn with Balor and Styles (Anderson & Gallows turn on Styles and align with Balor near the end of the feud, to kick start something new/add new life to the angle). But cross that bridge when you get there.
I just had a crazy idea for his demon gimick. What if they made it so it's a different demon each time, like "The demon of Dallas" always looks the same in dallas for example. They could create a storyline of having to pull out greater demons.

Also, imagine if Balor had a fued with Kane, and came out as The Demon Kane. Wore his original mask that he tore destruction with, and some of his paint with a new design to help enhance the demon his channeling.

Now that, would be cool.
In NJPW the Demon was a face persona, when he was in the bullet Club he never really pulled it out (like his match with Okada).

With that being said, the best impact always was using the Demon to overcome odds and the big bad and get the win. If WWE has him in a heel faction then the Demon doesn't have that same impact.
I don't agree it would work if he started as the next Sting, I wouldn't want to watch a cheap immitation who could never live up to the original, Sting wasn't known as the next someone when he first started, Sting had a new and original character which was part of his appeal, I have yet to see a good Finn Balor match admittedly I've only seen 3 or 4 of his matches as I don't always have the time to keep up with NXT though but I do think we need more original characters and not just the same mould clones they usually give us.

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