Fine Bros Are Killing Jesus (React Here)

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
So it seems these guys have been getting quite a bad rep lately for trying to trademark "React" videos- videos where basically people watch memes, music, etc and give a, well, reaction. React World would have it where others would be recorded and part of the profit would be going to the Fine Brothers. Essentially, they'd be making money off of Youtubers running with their shtick. Copyright claims and all that.

This has been met with a lot of backlash. It's been all over social media for the last couple of days, and people have been unsubscribing left and right. Just taking a look at their latest React video will let you know what people think of them in the Comments section and the Like/Dislike ratio.

They did issue a public apology about creating React World, and have since discontinued the idea. Still, many feel like they're shitty people that killed Jesus and brought Hitler back from the dead.

Of course, when Sony tried doing the same thing with the words "Lets Play" the scandal faded fairly quickly. I think people are overreacting (ha) about this and will get over it by next week.
Under their scheme, a video titled "Caesium reacts to water" would've been shutdown instantly, as would any "X reacts to Y" titled video. That's pretty shitty. They've also had a rather shitty reaction to anyone else who does a one off thing even remotely close to "their format" (when they went off at ellen and jimmy kimmel when they had a segment on their show one time that reacted to an Internet video). This is all pretty funny when you realise their entire "format" has existed for years before those bug eyed fucks came along. Their apology also never apologised, "we're sorry you don't understand" is a Microsoft backtracking over the Xbone being online only type of apology, and everyone knows those guys are evil.

Also if they had their way, every one of those subtitled videos of hitler going nuts in the meeting would've been taken down, even though they existed before finebros, and we can't have that! How will I know if someone doesn't like a band's new album if there isn't a hitler video about it?

I love Frinkiac.
Under their scheme, a video titled "Caesium reacts to water" would've been shutdown instantly, as would any "X reacts to Y" titled video. That's pretty shitty. They've also had a rather shitty reaction to anyone else who does a one off thing even remotely close to "their format" (when they went off at ellen and jimmy kimmel when they had a segment on their show one time that reacted to an Internet video). This is all pretty funny when you realise their entire "format" has existed for years before those bug eyed fucks came along. Their apology also never apologised, "we're sorry you don't understand" is a Microsoft backtracking over the Xbone being online only type of apology, and everyone knows those guys are evil.

Also if they had their way, every one of those subtitled videos of hitler going nuts in the meeting would've been taken down, even though they existed before finebros, and we can't have that! How will I know if someone doesn't like a band's new album if there isn't a hitler video about it?

The things I bolded aren't true, just things doomsday predictors started spouting off.

What the Fine Bros. wanted to do was receive payment for videos that used the format their React videos use, i.e. showing the content, filming some of the funny stuff people say or do while they interact with that content, and then interviewing them afterwards for a full opinion. They did not plan to take down all videos with the title, "(Blank) reacts to (blank)."

That said, the formula that they utilize isn't necessarily their own creation, and it certainly inhibits other people from effectively making their own react videos when they are told that they can't use this very common, very successful formula. I for one am certainly happy that they backed off on this one as I don't think anyone should be allowed to trademark a format. If The Simpsons tried to put a trademark on TV shows with fat, idiot husbands, literally dozens of TV shows would never have existed.
I don't follow the social medias or the Youtubes, but I keep hearing a lot about these guys. Can someone give me the rundown on what all this fuss is over?
There are things coming out from "employees" (it's reddit so you know might be legit, might be Crocker in a wig) saying they're rather focused on cutting off anything that comes remotely close to what they do, including channels that feature a few "X reacts to Y" videos, and "my reaction to X" videos. I also believe that their intention was not nearly as innocent as simply trying to get that specific type of video under their control, otherwise they wouldn't have gone after the people they've gone after in the past, and they wouldn't have tried to force other people into paying money to ensure they don't infringe on the Fine Bros when they have a video they think will get views.
This article basically sums up the deal if you want to read it.

The person who wrote it though does say that he's friends with them but it does follow what I had seen earlier.

They weren't wanting to copyright the react style videos.

They were trying to trademark using "react" in video titles which the person who wrote this says was a terrible idea.

All of this came to a head this week when the Fine Brothers announced “React World” an opportunity for other people to license the “React” brand (including all assets like logos, transitions, design, as well as marketing helped along by the brothers) in exchange for some percent of the revenue generated by content using the license. Basically, they wanted to franchise their show out to other people in other places and other languages.

The Fine Brothers discussed how they weren’t trying to police reaction videos, but only content that used “all of the elements” of the React brand. Now, what “all of the elements” were was and remains unclear, but the naysayers heard that as “whatever we decide.” From there, the Fine’s opponents extended the narrative that they were trying to squash competition and stifle creativity.

So it seems like the intent wasn't to get rid of "react" style videos. It seems the intent was to offer a certain formula that the Fine Bros. use. Whatever that formula is. The Fine Bros. would then help market the videos of people that agreed to this and the Fine Bros. would take 30%.

I read another article earlier into this that I'm having trouble finding right now that suggested that all these videos would be under one channel. I'm assuming that's what React World would have been.

I had no idea that these guys were so hated already. I watch some of their videos and don't have any issue with them. I guess they don't have very good attitudes though.

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