Find the lady


Ayatollah of Coca-Cola
"Find the lady" (aka "3-card Monte") is a famous parlour game, played mostly by streetside hustlers trying to make a quick buck.

Three cards are placed face-down, one of them being a queen. The dealer moves them around, briskly, and the mark has to pick the queen. Variations exist, with cups or tumblers and a coin, but the aim is the same - picking the right one to win the bet. Usually, trickery ensues, but it's up to you if you want to play it straight-up or not...

In this game, each poster will list three random facts about himself/herself (<- note how PC I'm being), but one is a lie. The object of this game is for the next poster to pick out the lie. After guessing, that next poster lists his/her own three "facts", irrespective of the accuracy of their guess.

I'll get the ball rolling by:
1) Wears swimming trunks on laundry day.
2) Is a huge RoH-fan.
3) Has a monthly poker game.
I'm gonna go with answer 2 Bear, based off the logic of "it makes too much sense and is therefore false" :p

my three:
1) I was once in the top 15 chess players in my country.
2) Despite being an extremely manly man, I have an unhealthy obsession with bunnies and the colour pink.
3) I like basketball.

Have fun :)
It's number 3. Australians HATE basketball.

1. My first TNA match involved Velvet Sky, and that's why I mark for Velvet.
2. I have horribly twisted feet which limit my participation in physical activity.
3. This is only the second website I have joined under this name.
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1 = I dress up as Kids TV Charactors for Cancer Research projects
2 = I've already got an English, Drama, Geography, RE and History GCSE
3 = I've sucked a guy off who is the same gender..
2) - It's Hollywood, we're all gay once in a while.

1) A month ago, I woke up in an empty bath - fully clothed and in somebody else's house.
2) I'm a southpaw.
3) I'm an only child.
3 is a lie bear man.

Anyway my three...

1.) I have met Raven and had a 10 minute conversation with him.
2.) I have been to all 4 major sports (Baseball, Football, Basketball & Hockey) Hall of Fames.
3.) I have dated one of my closest friends sister.

Which one is the lie?
I'm gonna say number 2. It just seems least likely to me.

The Blade 3:

1) I lived in Dubai for several years
2) I once played for the Arsenal youth team
3) I have a copy of the 1990 Nintendo World Championships for the NES, worth roughly $6,000

Pick the non-truth.
Calling Bladeshit on door #2.
I am currently:
1) listening to my neighbours having a loud argument
2) having to listen to my flatmate tickling her annoying girlfriend
3) listening to my neighbours going at it
Door #3

It's Hollywood...
1) Got pulled over for drunk driving
2) Dinged my car while drunk driving
3) Dinged somebody else's car for drunk driving
Door #3

It's Hollywood...
1) Got pulled over for drunk driving
2) Dinged my car while drunk driving
3) Dinged somebody else's car for drunk driving

2) Because it sounds like the most boring part of a drunk driving story. And you were correct with my one.

Next one:

Which of these is not one of my two crippling fears?

1) Clowns
2) Flying
3) Drowning
2) Because it sounds like the most boring part of a drunk driving story. And you were correct with my one.

Next one:

Which of these is not one of my two crippling fears?

1) Clowns
2) Flying
3) Drowning
Clowns. Too cliched.

1) I've been inside Vince McMahon's house.
2) I've sold pot to a WWE performer.
3) I've been backstage at a WWE event.
2 is a lie. You are Linda McMahon. (if you really are Linda McMahon, go fuck yourself)

1. My surname is Goodcock
2. As a child, I gave someone a headache that lasted a year by hitting them with a lunchbox
3. I am banned from all branches of Carphone Warehouse
Highly unlikely

1) I was at the house show that had the Ultimate Warrior/Andre match where Andre no sells Warrior and nearly knocks him cold by simply holding up his fist and letting Warrior run into it.
2) When I was a child, Jerry Lawler held me after his tag team match with Superstar Bill Dundee. I grabbed his crown and put it on my head, where it slipped down and covered half my face. He did this because Dundee grabbed me first and I started crying hysterically because of his Australian accent.
3) I've met Maria and CM Punk while they were eating inside a Waffle House. Punk was stand-offish but not an asshole, while Maria was very sweet gave me a hug instead of an autograph because I didn't have anything for her to sign.
#2. Seems more like a story you heard than a story you experienced.

1) When I was 5, I once convinced everyone in school that I had a younger sister who died in a fire.
2) On holidays in Las Vegas, I won nearly ten thousand dollars at a Blackjack table.
3) My friends and I once broke into an abandoned mansion where we found a dead bum.
#2 Seems the most unlikely and #3 sounds a lot like the plot of Stand By Me, so I'm going with #1 ...River Phoenix!

1) Once spent 18hrs lost on Helderberg Mountain, made the local paper
2) Was involved in a head-on bus crash, made the local paper
3) Was fished out of the sea by lifeguards five times, never made the local paper
It's easy to make a local paper in South Africa, so 3 is a lie.

1. I have accidentally visited a brothel
2. I created a joke religion about worshipping Custard Creams
3. I have severe confidence issues in real life

1) I've knocked out a moose by falling into a decaying tree which then fell onto the moose.
2) I had my cross that I was swearing stuck in a bathtub drain which caused my head to be under water for over a minute before I found a way to break the chain.
3) I have kissed (on the lips) Megan Fox
3) I've met Maria and CM Punk while they were eating inside a Waffle House. Punk was stand-offish but not an asshole, while Maria was very sweet gave me a hug instead of an autograph because I didn't have anything for her to sign.

If this is true, I kind of want to touch you... (though I'd rather touch Maria) :blush: I'd settle for giving you a green rep though.


1) I've knocked out a moose by falling into a decaying tree which then fell onto the moose.
2) I had my cross that I was swearing stuck in a bathtub drain which caused my head to be under water for over a minute before I found a way to break the chain.
3) I have kissed (on the lips) Megan Fox

Gotta go with 3 because if that were true, I'm thinking everyone would know about this by now. Meaning there's no reason for you not to tell everyone, besides the slim odds anyone would believe you anways.

1) I'm ambidextrous
2) I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters
3) I once convinced a girl that I had two little boys
1) ...just because

1) I once convinced a girl I'm the only student at my uni who's there on a sumo-scholarship.
2) I used to have a six-inch ponytail.
3) I got a tattoo of Roy Orbison on my ass ten months ago.
3 because I've never seen you type "Water sucks. Gatorade is better."

1) My first game bowling over 100 was when I was 5 years old.
2) I compete in a bowling league every Wednesday night.
3) 2 days after purchasing my first bowling ball, I broke my wrist.
^ I'll go with number 1.

1.) I am Klunderbunker's southern neighbor
2.) I often stop and do the Rock's signature pose in the middle of whatever i'm doing.
3.) I never had a heel turn in real life that ended up well.

which one?
Well nobody's heel turn will ever go well and if by neighbour you mean you live in the next state over, you do. That leaves number 2.

I am a blogger
I am a cheerleader
I am a volunteer for charity

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