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Pre-Show Stalwart
For the first time in soooo long i have no bad things to say about a wwe program...well smackdown..

Okay so watched smackdown and i have to say..i was def impressed..Yes ladies and gentlemen there is life after HBK..let me just run down all the things they did right this past week

Hart dynasty getting its rightfully deserved push..i know it was over those losers whose name i keep forgetting...oh yeah dumb and dumber..but ever since mania and the dvd release they are getting that small inch by inch push that they need..i cant wait to see at the end of 2010 and see where they are..

No more cryme tyme!!!!-Look everyone loved the promos and the ebonics and fast talking and stealing..but like all cheesy gets old..and for a while it looked like they were going to be stuck in some rut and never get out..what i saw this week when Shad walked out to the ring was a man that was serious and looked liked the real deal...when he was standing in the ring cutting his promo i looked at him a for the first time i said this about Shad "he has the makings of being a champ" what kind of champ??not sure but i see him getting a hugggge push..not sure about JTG yet..cant really see anything for him yet...but with Shad i see him as a possible IC champ or in the bottom main event have a few good feuds with some high profilers to get him further over

edge jericho swagger-Okay we all knew from the beginning that it was going to be a triple threat match but they way they executed it was perfect..they didnt have edge and jericho laid out and not making the ten count they had them fighting and growing there starting to actually beilve him as a champ..besides making fun of him because of his lisp hes not jumping around like a lunatic and smiling all the time..he looks sooo serious and..dare i say the look of a champ..i know alot of you wont agree with me because you think its to soon but come on look at all our champs right now..besides Cena, Big show...we got all champs that are the future of the wwe and i def see miz being the next Kurt angle...thats right i said it...KURT ANGLE!!!!!his match with orton on raw was flawless and his match on friday with morrison was awsome

so what do you i wrong..did you see a you think swagger deserves to be you like what they are doing with Shad??? give me your thoughts
I agree with you on everything except for the Cryme Tyme part. I think the last thing the Dub needs is 2 more mid-carders. They need more tag teams. Cryme Tyme was one of the few actually, legitement tag teams still around. I was actually hoping that R-Truth coulda went with Cryme Tyme and do a 3 Live Kru type stable on Smackdown. Oh well, I honestly don't see Shad and JTG being apart for too long. I think it's only a matter of time before they're a team again.
With you on the Hart Dynasty and their involvement in the Hart/McMahon match, I think that was the right place right time for them and now they're starting to make their presence known. I don't agree on splitting Cryme Tyme up because they only work as a tag team to me. I don't see them doing well in singles. It'll be like Deuce and Domino all over again. Split them up and both sides crumble. Cryme Tyme I liked them before they got canned. When the cryme part of their name made sense and they were stealing from opponents and auctioning them off to the crowd and saying things like "If you desire it, we'll acquire it" Since they were hired back, they were nowhere near what they used to be. I look at it as WWE dropping the ball with another tag team like Deuce and Domino, London and Kendrick, Cade and Murdoch, Jesse and Festus and now Cryme Tyme.
i agree with u entirley and i mean in all honesty tag team wrestling isnt nearly what it used to be , i agree that over all cyme tyme works better as a team but jtg will be impressive to see he can really do well , the side of that team that will crumble is shad and thats sad that , hes the one they want to push, they need to stop breaking teams and make more.
i agree with this post except yeah dont like where jtg will end up because he is the better wrestler hands down.also i like what they are doing with ziggler.but mostly what drew mcintyre brings to smackdown he reminds me of the 90s triple h he def has all the skills to be on top his finisher is even cool and can be used on any size person....only bad part of smackdown is hardy and kane are now cannon fodder
Yes ladies and gentlemen there is life after HBK

Ok look, I understand your point, but the matter of fact is that SmackDown and Raw just isn't related. Raw has always done well, but so has SmackDown minus the bullshit. The Hart Dynasty got the push they deserved, no doubt. But this past week against Croft and Barretta or whatever wasn't anything to be noted.

As for Cryme Tyme, how can you say their promos get old and boring. As long as DX is talked about, nothing is too boring. Shad is getting a push, potentially the next IC champ or Unified Tag champ, while JTG will be dropped. But the problem is that Shad will never be a world champ, so like Vladimir Kozlov, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, etc, he will become a nobody and will eventually start doing skits then get the "good luck on future endeavors".

Swagger, he's like a CM Punk, as soon as he drops the world title, he's never going to win it unless he wins MITB again. I know Punk won it back for a 3rd reign, but since then, he's done close to nothing. Sure his feud with Rey has been pretty cool, but as for a world title, I can't see it happening for Punk or Swagger.

As for The Miz, he's not a Kurt Angle. Batista's not a Kurt Angle. John Cena's not a Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is a Kurt Angle. Cannot be compared, but The Miz could become a someone like Syxx Pac. No world titles for Miz.
Ok look, I understand your point, but the matter of fact is that SmackDown and Raw just isn't related. Raw has always done well, but so has SmackDown minus the bullshit. The Hart Dynasty got the push they deserved, no doubt. But this past week against Croft and Barretta or whatever wasn't anything to be noted.

As for Cryme Tyme, how can you say their promos get old and boring. As long as DX is talked about, nothing is too boring. Shad is getting a push, potentially the next IC champ or Unified Tag champ, while JTG will be dropped. But the problem is that Shad will never be a world champ, so like Vladimir Kozlov, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, etc, he will become a nobody and will eventually start doing skits then get the "good luck on future endeavors".

Swagger, he's like a CM Punk, as soon as he drops the world title, he's never going to win it unless he wins MITB again. I know Punk won it back for a 3rd reign, but since then, he's done close to nothing. Sure his feud with Rey has been pretty cool, but as for a world title, I can't see it happening for Punk or Swagger.

As for The Miz, he's not a Kurt Angle. Batista's not a Kurt Angle. John Cena's not a Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is a Kurt Angle. Cannot be compared, but The Miz could become a someone like Syxx Pac. No world titles for Miz.

i meant swaggers the next angle..not miz
I agree with you swagger is incredible in the ring we all know that but wat hes done since becomin chap has been great he has an edge hes got the look of a guy who has no intentious of losing that title or backing down from anyone Im loving what hes doing and I think he is a legit main eventer.
Im absolutely pumped that they are finally pushing the hart dynasty they deserve it all 3 of them are great in the ring they work well as a team now to get natalya her push. Even the divas division on smackdown is doing well Im not big on the divas but at least they are trying to actually put out a legit storyline instead of just having them jump around in nightgowns. My only complaint is splitting up cryme tyme. There was zero reason to split them up there are now two legit tag teams in the wwe. I do like the edge shad has but stil this feud is pointless you see a future champ I see the 2nd coming of the carlito and primo feud you know the one that was on superstars every week because nobody gave a crap. And yes edge jericho continues to deliver after their very underrated match at wrestlemania they put on an excellent match again this week I realy like where this feuds going I just hope that they dont take the title off swagger because the edge jericho feud can survive without the title being involved and swagger needs to get a good run to realy allow him to get over. But yes absolutely smackdown has been great and I expect it to continue to deliver

I just got done watching Smackdown on YouTube and dionlyone18 was right. I had nothing bad to say about last Friday's SD either. The Chicago crowd was great and really added to the atmosphere of the whole night. I wish Phoenix had that kind of zing.

I love the Hart Dynasty getting their face push. DH Smith's look is more face than heel and Tyson has got a good amount of flash that you can't not cheer for it. Not to mention that they have Natalya. She is so clean.

It's Shad's time, but it won't be for long if he keeps the Cryme Tyme music. It would show he's still clinging on to whatever fame he had before. I predict a short feud with JTG to further Shad's heelness, but his singles run won't last long. After SD, I actually thought it would be cool to see him and Ezekiel Jackson team up. I think Jackson's locale is Harlem and Shad's is Brooklyn so maybe make a New York themed tag team.

Swagger's match with Morrison was money. I rarely see Swagger show his amateur wrestling and it came in full force in this match. I do agree, if Swagger shows more amateur prowess, he could become the next Kurt Angle.

The Edge Jericho match was awesome as well. I had somewhat predicted the ending because I had a feeling they'd make it a triple threat match at Extreme Rules, but really though, those guys put on a clinic, and the audience made it seem like one as well.

The segment I thought was the best was CM Punk and Darren Young. Predictable, but executed brilliantly, and again the audience really helped make the segment great cause they were so into it...and it's nice to hear Serena talk as well. She was pretty decent.
I just wanna say it wont be a Triple Threat Match it's gotta be a Championship Scramble between Edge, Jericho, Swagger, Orton & Morrison

It makes sense completely

Orton pinned Swagger twice, Morrison had a verbal fight with him

Jericho is owed a one on one rematch no matter what so the fact that he had to face Edge to get it is a joke and he WILL get both no matter what

Edge has a claim just from feuding with Jericho

so this is most logical

and there are no rules

Also The WWE Draft is the night after the PPV live in my hometown, so Orton can win it and bring it to Raw while Cena goes to SD!
I agree that WWE has been awesome lately, but I'll have to disagree on the Shad thing.

As someone stated earlier the WWE has no Tag Teams and they just broke up another 2 teams (Rhodes and Dibiase) The only teams left are R-Truth/JoMo (that won't last, clearly the angle that gets JoMo back to a heel) ShoMiz how long is that going to last? Croft and Baretta (Will they even make it to 2012) and the Hart Dynasty (which I have no complaints about)

But I think they should of had Shad introduce his new partner and have there team get over at first. Kind of like the old NOD angle where Farooq kicked out Vega and Crush and got bigger and badder guys. Than you can have GTG revamp his team and maybe you get two debut's out of it, or you can push a star that hasn't really been on TV of late ( A shelton Benjamin, or even Knox/Jackson)

Put Shad with Benjamin and that would work.

Than I really wouldn't like to see GTG with either of those big men so maybe Debut someone for him.

But good thread and I agree Smackdown was good.

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