Final Resolution: X Division Championship Match


Is hanging up the boots
TNA X Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Eric Young​

I believe this is the rematch from a few weeks ago when the referee assisted Eric Young to win the title, only for Jim Cornette to reverse the decision the very next week and hand the title back to Bashir. That's typical TNA booking. Nonetheless, since almost every X Division superstar seems to be in the 'feast of fired' match with the exception of these two, it makes sense placing it on the card.

However, that means that the show now has 7 matches which is unnecessary seeing as 8 men are involved in the main event and 14 men are involved in the 'feast of fired' match. I think this match will be a 6 minute filler at best. I think it's too early to have the Frontline gain titles and the overall advantage so I'm expecting Bashir to retain here.
I'm not sure on this one. As Rusty said it's kind of filler sounding, but it should be ok. As long as Young isn't Super Eric, this will be pretty good. Young is solid in the ring but I can't imagine him winning the title yet. On the other hand though, I can't picture Eric losing cleanly to him. Probably a screwjob ending here in one way or another with Young chasing the title for maybe a month or two before finally getting the title, that he actually would fit pretty well with.
This match is total filler, and I'm not to excited for it. I think it's obvious that the TNA are pushing Eric Young as a big face so I think he could win it, but probably shouldn't. I say Bashir should cheat to win and have Young chase the champ for a while. I think these way you could build the hype(whatever hype the x-belt has now a days)and it could make Young even more over with the crowd.

I don't understand why TNA does so many title "reversals" and such since there pointless. I guess they just wanted the fans to feel sorry for Young and hate Abdul even more. In the end I'm going to say Abdul Bashir wins by cheating or loses by DQ, thus retaining the title.
TNA X Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Eric Young​

I believe this is the rematch from a few weeks ago when the referee assisted Eric Young to win the title, only for Jim Cornette to reverse the decision the very next week and hand the title back to Bashir. That's typical TNA booking. Nonetheless, since almost every X Division superstar seems to be in the 'feast of fired' match with the exception of these two, it makes sense placing it on the card.

This should be a good match since Eric seems to be getting the slightest push and has already won the belt once; I'm not too sure on the enough though.

Young winning the belt would be a gain for the Frontline and TNA are aiming to make MEM look as good as possible so I doubt Young will win.

However, he has already won once this may be once of the surprise results on the card.

Hopefully Young will win 'cos Bashir can do my head in at times.

However, that means that the show now has 7 matches which is unnecessary seeing as 8 men are involved in the main event and 14 men are involved in the 'feast of fired' match. I think this match will be a 6 minute filler at best. I think it's too early to have the Frontline gain titles and the overall advantage so I'm expecting Bashir to retain here.

TNA have a large roster and they are paying their performers to compete so they put on large gimmick matches so that they have the most performers competing as they can.

It makes sense really, but I think just 1 on 1 matches are far better than all these gimmick matches.

Back to the point, I agree with your idea of Bashir retaining.
This was a fairly entertaining match in itself, with good ring work and a nice finish. With this match in the dust we saw Shane Sewell once again assist Eric Young for the win. I am led to believe Cornette vacated the title after Young's assisted win, and that the situation is to be resolved on Impact. I believe it has also been announced that a tournament is being held. *cough*rip-off*cough*

So, yeah. I could see someone new entering the realm of champion here, or Young again. I sincerely doubt Bashir will get the title in the end after all this. Creed and Lethal look to be tied up with the tag titles, so who gets it? I definitely see Rhino as a contender, considering he's not even close to the world title. Young could wind up on top, but I doubt the final will see Young vs Bashir again. Petey is probably out. I wonder whether someone from the MEM will step down and try to take hold of it? It won't be Sting or Booker, clearly, and I really can't see Nash holding it, but Steiner and Angle are options. Angle feels a little off, so I choose Steiner to be MEM's representative here and think he'd do great with it.

So, I'm looking at Steiner, Young, or Rhino to wind up with the title.
The match was pretty good and it Doesn't surprise me that Young won since TNA seems to be very high on him but I think Bashir could have done mroe with his reign. He may get cheap heat and his character has been done before but Bashir was pretty solid. I can maybe see a member of MCMG getting a title shot, I really don't know who's left since Creed & Lethal are faces, unless they have Sonjay feud with him. This tournament is obviously a way to create a new storyline for a new feud.

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