[Final Resolution] Morgan & Ryan v. Guererro & Hernandez (C) [Tag Team Chamionships]

Who wins?

  • Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan

  • Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

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Final Resolution 2012
Morgan & Ryan v. Guererro & Hernandez (C)
TNA World Tag Team Championships




All discussion here.​
This makes more sense. Ryan and Morgan have had an alliance, but they haven't really shown it aside from Morgan coming in to beat up whoever Ryan's facing. This makes them come across as two guys who have common goals and have aligned to do so. Also the tag team division is shit, it's basically Hernandez and Chavo and Kaz and Daniels. The X-Divsion is also in the shitter but slightly less shit.

As to what kind of match it'll be, I expect some good power stuff from the big guys and some athletic stuff from the smaller guys. Hopefully a solid match.
The tag divison is not good right now. I like the pairing of Morgan and Ryan. Like Alex said two young guys with a common goal. I think they need to keep some momentum here, and for that reason I think Morgan and Ryan will take the title here.
This one could go either way, Chavo & Hernandez haven't been champs long and TNA seems to love sucking up to Chavo but Ryan & Morgan are the new team in town and them winning the belts gives Joey Ryan a real feud besides just a random PPV title match. That being said I can't stand Joey Ryan and think he is total shit, I'll say Chavo & Hernandez retain but I think Ryan & Morgan will win the belts at some point soon possibly as soon as Genesis.
I don't see this match officially advertised anywhere, but I still expect it to take place. Chavo and Super Mex, LAX 2 or 3 or 9 point O have done relatively well as tag champs. There isn't much to the division right now. Ryan and Morgan are both individual stars. I think its best that champs retain. Maybe Morgan and Ryan disqualify themselves. Maybe they try and win the titles. I don't have a clue because there really is no story to follow.

IHW's Prediction- L.A.X 3.0, I guess.
I'm praying that Chavo & Hernandez retain, but somehow I just don't see that happening. Why is it always one or the other when it comes to Hernandez and Matt Morgan? One of these big brutes is generally getting a good push, while the other takes a back seat. Go back through their careers; it's just an interesting side note.

The big reason behind my want for them to retain is simple: Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan should be 10,000 miles apart. It is blatantly obvious that TNA had no idea what to do with either of them, so they just stuck them together. Two totally different gimmicks, with different styles, different goals, etc. Ryan isn't very good. He's a nobody. He's a lightweight, Ron Burgandy heel with nothing more to add. Morgan is a heavyweight monster who has a personal vendetta against Hulk Hogan. WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY TOGETHER?

And chasing the tag belts makes no sense. I can see Morgan be an enforcer, but a tag team? The only reason this is taking place - repeat, the ONLY reason - is that TNA only has TWO TAG TEAMS, and the other is split up, facing AJ Styles at this PPV. I didn't think I'd see the day where WWE was better than TNA in tag wrestling again; that day is officially here. I have zero interest in this match. I don't even think it will be technically good enough to get mildly excited about.
Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan should get the win here. Hernandez & Chavo suck as Tag Team Champions and should never have gotten the belts in the first place. Morgan & Ryan will make great champions, unlike Chavo & Hernandez I am truly interested in seeing what they will do next. It may be a bit soon for Ryan to be holding any singles titles but a tag team title reign with Morgan will be good for him. Morgan will benefit as well from this. As for the match itself? It has the potential to be good. They need to limit Hernandez's involvement as much as possible though. The less time he spends in the ring, the better this match will be. Afterwards Ryan/Morgan move on to their first title feud while Chavo moves on to some random other feud after he splits from Hernandez who goes on to do absolutely nothing.

Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan will win the Tag Team Championship.
I don't see Chavo & Hernandez retaining here. As of today, they've been tag champs for 52 days and have ultimately gone as far as they themselves possibly can as champs. The fact that TNA's tag team division is a shell of what it once was doesn't help things either.

Morgan & Ryan are at least interesting to some degree. I haven't really seen any sign of real chemistry between the two but they're far above Chavo & Hernandez. Joey Ryan is someone that has potential but I'm not really digging his Val Venis Lite character right now. Hopefully, he'll move onto something better in the future or TNA will do something more than using his mic time to make stale dick jokes.
I think this should clearly go to Hernandez and Chavo.

If Morgan and Ryan win who do they face next?? There are no other face tag teams. Also competeing in tag matches with Ryan takes heat off Morgan's real goal, which is somehow sticking it to Hogan(Hulk Hogan that is, Bully is already sticking it to the other Hogan). I'm interested in this duo and what they do with them, and Ryan referring to them as the team of Big Morgan and "The Big Organ" legitimately got a nice laugh out of me last night on Impact, but I just don't see them as good fits for the tag titles.

As for Hernandez and Chavo, their chemistry is still improving, so I think they could hold the straps for another month and be okay. With Final Resolution being the last match between Daniels and Styles(cough*bullshit*cough), I think this is merely a placeholder match to insure that Morgan and Ryan get facetime on the PPV, while they bide time until Genesis when I expect Hernadez/Chavo v. Daniels/Kaz pops up again. This way Bad Influence regains the belt and the face team consisting of two Texans with Mexican roots can be chasing them into a San Antonio based Lockdown event.

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