[Final Resolution] Daniels v. Rob Van Dam [Grudge Match]

Who wins?

  • Daniels

  • Rob Van Dam

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Final Resolution 2011
Daniels v. Rob Van Dam
Grudge Match






All discussion here.​
I am prayng that Daniels gets this one here, I am a life long RVD fan but the fact of the matter is that he does not need the win here and in order to stay relevant I think this match is key for Christopher Daniels. I say that he picks up this one and then they finish their feud at the next PPV with Daniels winning. Their PPV match was very entertaining and surprised me, I expect this one to be very similar only this time Daniels picks up the win.
Gunslinger's Prediction
Christopher Daniels Wins
Very excited for this match between RVD and Daniels, Right now I feel that this is probaly the most interesting and entertaining character that Daniels has played in his entire TNA career I think he has been that good in this role as a delusional type character he is playing, him proclaiming that he hasn't lost a match, saying AJ cheated in the IQ quit match, calling himself The Face of Impact Wrestling, calling RVD "Bob" Van Damn is hilarious to me. Daniels has just been fantastic recently. I think this feud has been pretty good and I expect another pretty good match from these two I would really like to see Daniels but I think RVD will win in a Good match. Looking forward to it.
This should be a great match. Both guys are able to deliver solid matches and this could be a show-stealer. I'm torn between the two because it could honestly go either way, but am leaning toward Daniels here. He could use the win more than RVD. Either guy winning would be fine. This is a filler match and as such I expect nothing all too different or groundbreaking although I do expect for this to be one of the better matches of the night.

Daniels will defeat RVD.
Their match at Final Resolution was one of the better matches Van Dam's had all year. Heck, it was probably his best match in 2011 that wasn't in the six-sided ring. Pretty much confirmed my suspicion that guys of Daniel's ilk are the sort that Van Dam should be competing against all the time. Van Dam still has it and Daniels is going to bring that out of him again tomorrow night. As for the outcome, I reckon Van Dam will win because that's what he does. Not that the loss will hurt Daniels. His gimmick right now seems to gain traction if he loses big matches and denies it. Good for Daniels: Flying in the face of the smart fallacy that you need wins to gain momentum.

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