Final Resolution 2010: Rhino vs RVD [First Blood Match]

Who will win this match?

  • Rhino

  • Rob Van Dam

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King Of The Ring
Rob Van Dam vs “The War Machine” Rhino

This one announced on TNA Impact! last night, and confirmed on TNA's website. Since his return, fellow EV2 members have been trying to convince Rob Van Dam that it was just his paranoia running wild that someone in the EV2 faction was in Bischoff's back pocket. After defeating Tommy Dreamer at Turning Point, Van dam seemingly laid those fears to rest, only to have himself and Dreamer turned on and gored by Rhino.

Rhino later revealed that his contract was expiring, and the only person who cared was Eric Bischoff. Rhino noted that Bischoff gave him two choices: Employed or Unemployed. It was implied, but never noted, that with this employment came the caveat that Rhino turn his back on his former stablemates.

Following last night's street fight between Rhino and Tommy Dreamer, Dreamer appealed to Rhino as his friend for 14 years. He was instead brutalized by Rhino, until RVD made the save, and laid down the challenge. At Final Resolution, he didn't want to pin Rhino, he wanted to make him bleed.

Thoughts on this match? Predictions?
RVD is in it, so it might not be complete shit, but Rhino is involved as well, meaning it likely will be awful. Hopefully they get some over the top blood going or something because that may be the only way they can make it interesting.

As for the whole feud and Rhino heel turn, I really don't care about it and I don't think many other people do. When you have an asset like RVD, why is he stuck wrestling washed up guys who weren't all that good in the first place? Just seems silly to me.
Boring. Absolutely boring. This would be the match that if I even cared enough to order the PPV, I would go take a shit then come back to see something not as boring.

I mean come on. How original. An extreme first blood match. All these additional names to the matches just take away the luster of what they really are.

It's a first blood and doesn't in any way need to be billed as an extreme first blood match. Just like Rhino and Dreamer's "last" street fight. What's the whole point to call that the"last" street fight. It's a street fight through and through. Nothing else.

But back to the actually thread topic, it will be boring as Mike Tenay and Taz will be shoving it down our throats about how it's "extreme". It's a first blood match that will be extreme and it doesn't need to be shoved down out throats.
Well, I'm hoping 1st Blood gets changed, 'cos otherwise this match won't be interesting. We need to see them both bleed for the fun of it.

Pred: RVD. 'Cos he wins everything & I can't see Rhino winning. What I can see is Rhino beating the living shit out of Rob after the match, making him bleed.
RVD has been pinned exactly once in his 8 months in TNA. However, as he noted on Impact, this match isn't about pinfalls, its about making someone bleed.

I don't expect a five star classic here. Rhino is strictly a brawler, but RVD has shown he can surely go to the extreme here. It appears that TNA's booking is making RVD go through everybody from Immortal, from the bottom up, before he gets a shot ast regaining the title against Hardy.

There's no way RVD loses this match. Even if its due to Dreamer paying back Rhino for hos attacks on him week after week, Rhino bleeeds first, and RVD moves on to his next feud. RVD wins here.
This has a chance to be decent. I've never been too crazy about First Blood matches, but maybe RVD and Rhino will surprise us here. I don't think is going to end in a clean finish. Dreamer might come down to get one more shot in on Rhino or Rhino might get some help to come away with a victory here. He's one of Bischoff's boys now, so I wouldn't be surprised if he received some help from one of Immortal's leaders.

I don't know where TNA plans on going with Rhino after this. Yeah, he's received some help from Bischoff, but I just don't see him getting a big push after this. Win or loss, Rhino will most likely fade away into obscurity AGAIN.
One word: BORING. I can't see this match being anything speacial, but to make up for that I can see there being a tonne of blood. RVD will win this match, he wins pretty much everything and Rhino loses pretty much everything so RVD will win. After the match Rhino will beat the shit out of RVD then Dreamer will make the save. Anyway as I said before RVD will win the match.
I'm a Huge RVD fan and I kind of like Rhino so with that being said I'm looking forward to their match at Final Resolution. I think that this will be a Good Hardcore Match. RVD has had 2 really good hardcore matches Abyss and I think that Rhino is a Better Wrestler than Abyss so I'm expecting a Good Hardcore Brawl from RVD and Rhino and I think that RVD will pick up the win here.
Pretty safe to say that RVD gets the win here. When is Rhino ever going to get a big push? Exactly. RVD is a former world champion so the win WOULD do Rhino some good, but I highly doubt TNA will push him any further than he's been. I like First Blood matches so it should be decent. I've got RVD winning because he can use the momentum from the win to get back into the world title scene. Rhino moves on to some pointless filler feud.

RVD will defeat Rhino.
Can someone explain to me why this is a first blood match? That's the common theme I'm seeing out of this show: the gimmicks are just kind of there for the sake of being there. There hasn't been much in the way of blood between these two other than a not very impressive cut to Dreamer on last week's show. This is a fine example of where a one on one match with nothing added to it would be much better. I'm not looking forward to this at all but that's TNA in a nutshell these days.
Who cares? That about sums up this match. The gimmick for it was tossed there for no reason at all, just because Russo loves meaninless gimmicks. The match might be passable, but it's not like it really benefits TNA in the long run to get anyone over or it has really any meaning at all. The match is just kind of there, and Rhino has been thrown at RVD to job to him to pass the time since they're not doing anything else with RVD. That seems the norm with TNA all around, really.
I could actually see Rhino winning this one.

Initially I thought RVD was the guaranteed winner after suffering the beatdown last week, and getting his revenge at the PPV. But that will end the feud and I expect TNA to continue this another month.

It will either be an RVD win and then Rhino beats him down after the match and busts him open then, or Rhino will win.

I am leaning towards the Man Beast winning this one, before RVD wins a re-match and wins the feud eventually.
I hate RVD with a passion, he's phoned in every performance, can't get an angles over because he's a spoilt twat and he seems like he's actually a bit of a prick outside the ring. RVD will go over but Rhino should. The man beast can be a firey competitor and can be truely exciting to watch, which is more than I can say for RVD in 2010.
This match can be excellent if done right, I doubt it will though. RVD is going to walk over in this one. They are trying to find something for him to do before he gets back into the title hunt.

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