Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

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Has anyone seen this movie, I thought it a 3 and a half out of four star rating great action film, what was your favorite part of this movie, I like when Cloud defeats Sephiroth with the Omnislash, if you haven't seen it, its on youtube I dont have an exact link I own the movie personally found out from a buddy bout youtube.
I own it too, amazing action movie. I love the game and the movie, and dirge of cerberus will probably be great too. Favorite part was the part in the tunnel when Cloud fights off the two guys.
I thought the ending Vs Sephiroth could've been a little longer than what had happened. Sephiroth is supposed to be this almighty bad ass but get's beat in less than 5 minutes. What garbage... Also they could have used some materia summons and more big bad enemies. I had high hopes for this dvd. I gave it a 2 and 3 quarters.
Yes but Aeris wasn't much of a factor, and the use of Zac I think was unecessary.
It was a huge factor in the personal life of cloud. I tend to not think of this movie being about a huge catastrophe, but more about a catalyst for personal change. It was about Cloud coming to terms with himself. I think she played a huge part.
It was a tough call for me. As a movie, it wasn't that great. The pacing was off, it didn't have much story to it. It was just rushed dialogue to get to the next fight scene...

As a movie made for a FF7 fan, however, (of which I am a HUGE one) this movie was just one long orgasm. They threw in so much stuff to make this movie kick ass, every thing from the characters, to mentioning certain even the guys ringtone on his cell....just...great movie for the fans. My then-fiance watched it, and hated it cause she played the game, but never got into it as much as I did.

The movie critic side of me says 1.5 our of 5 stars. The FF7 fan in me says 6 out of 5 stars. Take that for what its worth...
Toastyboy said:
Sephiroth is supposed to be this almighty bad ass but get's beat in less than 5 minutes.

He is an almighty bad ass. He destroys Cloud, knocks him to that wall, and stabs him in the shoulder. He could have EASILY stabbed him in the heart, but his weakness has always been that he is incredibly arrogant, which Cloud is able to take advantage of.
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