Filling Up the Mania Card


Getting Noticed By Management
WrestleMania is getting relatively close and only 5 matches have been announced so we can assume that about 3 more will be added to the card. What do you think these 3 matches will be and how will they be built up? Guys liek Mysterio, JBL, Jack Swagger and the returning Evan Bourne do not have a spot on the card so how will they fit in.

I think its safe to say we will be seeing Hardy vs. Hardy hopefully in some sort of gimmick match, im just gonna go with a standard Hardcore Match for now and see if someone comes up with something different.

The Colons and Mizorrison have been feuding over several weeks so i think we are going to see a champions vs. champions match possibly to unify the title.

Evan Bourne is returning so he may try to challenge Jack Swagger for the ECW championship, and i have seen people suggest that Rey Mysterio will end up facing JBL for the IC title. What they could do at wrestlemania is this: since Rey Mysterio is Bourne's mentor and Bourne aspires to be the next Mysterio those two could team up against Swagger and JBL. JBL could even act as a role model to swagger because they both have similar arrogant american style gimmicks, it works perfectly. Then for the first time at wrestlemania we have a double championship tag match.
Bourne and Mysterio vs. JBL and Swagger for the Intercontinental and ECW titles.

So what do YOU think?
those are the matches i was thinking but i just had them been separate matches but that coulb be a possibilty. but im still hopin jbl unify the two mid card belts and we just let bourne have his moment by winning the ecw title one on one im glad hes back
Hardy will face Hardy in a straight wrestling match, which Matt will win leading to a gimmick match later on that Jeff will triumph in.

Then you have three belts, but not a lot to do with them. Hopefully we get the tag unification match, though the match has taken place three or four times already in the last month. IC title is going to be JBL against either Mysterio or Koslov, though don't see how JBL Kozlov will work. Then ECW title? Hard to say. If the tag title doesn't happen Miz and Morrison could go for it in a triple threat. Bourne could, but attempting to shake off the ring rust in time for Mania 2 could be a problem.

SO if forced to pick no I'd say Miz and Morrison vs Colons and JBL vs Mysterio. Well disappointed R-Truth hasn't made the card.
heres an idea, they could combine all of these lower card matches togther and have an 8 man tag team match: JBL, Swagger, miz and Morrison vs. Mysterio, Bourne, Carlito and Primo. The winning team takes home all the gold. It would be a really good , action packed match in my opinion and the outcome would be very interesting.
heres an idea, they could combine all of these lower card matches togther and have an 8 man tag team match: JBL, Swagger, miz and Morrison vs. Mysterio, Bourne, Carlito and Primo. The winning team takes home all the gold. It would be a really good , action packed match in my opinion and the outcome would be very interesting.

Problem with this is only the guy who pins his opponent looks good, while the others look like they got off lucky, and the losers look like they got robbed. Which would work if the heel team one, but since they hold all the'd be a bit bland. Not to mention 8 man tags are best kept to Raw and Survivor Series.

This being said, let's continue.

JBL defending is almost a given. Mysterio is the likely option, with almost everyone else on Raw and ECW occupied elsewhere or being a jobber. I could do with either winning - I'd rather not pluck the title off JBL so quickly, but Mysterio would make a fine champion. Perhaps a rematch at Backlash could see JBL drop the title.

I'd figure on the Colons vs Miz and Morrison as well, but probably in a hardcore/tornado tag environment to spice up a match we'll have seen twice by the time we get there. Will probably be the unification match, as they have been teasing undisputed champions on SmackDown. I'd pick the Colons to pick up all the gold - they're hugely over, make a great tag team, and could use the exposure and the Raw airtime that comes with - something Miz and Morrison already have plenty of.

I guess Swagger will probably defend, but it'll be iffy if Bourne makes it. We've done Christian and Finlay, so I'd rule them out (plus, I'd bet that both make it into MITB anyhow). If Bourne can't make it, they'll probably pull someone off SD and have them win the prematch battle royal, same as last year. Helms is an option and will probably go to ECW in the draft anyway, so why not. The same goes for R-Truth.

Matt vs Jeff is a given, and will probably be a standard match. Save hardcore for Backlash. The parallels to Bret/Owen are obvious, and a win would be a good way to build Matt into something big. I don't know if Matt could ever make a world champion out of himself, but a win over Jeff at 'Mania is a good place to start. Be interesting to see what they do with this one.

The only thing left then is to get Jericho on the card. Hogan is teasing, but he does that every year, so who knows. Austin is a thought, with the HoF induction. The rumors fly that he's in great shape lately, for the movies, so he could probably do a match. I think Savage is kind of a dark horse - he's on TV in the 'Mania vignettes, he's got the seems like a lot of stigma on Savage suddenly let off mysteriously in the 'Mania season. I'm probably reading too much into it. If they can't get anyone better, then Lawler is probably the man, but let's keep our fingers crossed it's not. Depending on who it is, the legend should go over. Unless it's Lawler, in which case, kick his ass, Jericho.
It'S pretty simple actually, i'm pretty sure that Matt VS Jeff Hardy will take place at mania and Jericho probably will get a match against a legend so that'S 2 spots that are going to be taken. You can also expect a ECW title match simply because ECW doesn'T have a match on the card. So outside of that, i probably see and intercontinental title match between JBL and Rey mysterio unless these 2 get thrown in the ECW title match.
To me, at this point, its really seeming like these matches are a lock to be added to the WM25 card. Though of course, everything changes every day in the WWE so im probably going to be proven wrong next week on Raw.

25 Diva Battle Royal - for a unified Women's championship.
(Lets face it, the Diva's championship is a worse off experiment than CM Punk's
world title reign.)

Champions vs Champions - for a unified tag championship
Miz/Morrison vs Primo/Carlito
( I think, if this match happens, the Colons will win it and it will result in a Miz/Morrison fued with Morrison eventually being thrown into the upper mid-card maybe main event scene)

Intercontinental Championship
(c)JBL vs Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship
(c) Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

Chris Jericho vs Ric Flair - Submission Match?
(as much as I don't want to see this match, I cant see anything else really taking place at this point. but hey, at least it will be still be better than Jericho/Rourke!)
I see it being Dreamer vs Swagger for title with Dreamer possilbly winning it.
M&M and Colons? They've done it 2 or 3 times with more to come. Boring. M&M vs Priceless vs Colons vs Cryme Tyme for titles would be cool. I mean Legacy has to be there, so do M&M.
To me, at this point, its really seeming like these matches are a lock to be added to the WM25 card. Though of course, everything changes every day in the WWE so im probably going to be proven wrong next week on Raw.

25 Diva Battle Royal - for a unified Women's championship.
(Lets face it, the Diva's championship is a worse off experiment than CM Punk's
world title reign.)

Champions vs Champions - for a unified tag championship
Miz/Morrison vs Primo/Carlito
( I think, if this match happens, the Colons will win it and it will result in a Miz/Morrison fued with Morrison eventually being thrown into the upper mid-card maybe main event scene)

Intercontinental Championship
(c)JBL vs Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship
(c) Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

Chris Jericho vs Ric Flair - Submission Match?
(as much as I don't want to see this match, I cant see anything else really taking place at this point. but hey, at least it will be still be better than Jericho/Rourke!)

I see it being Dreamer vs Swagger for title with Dreamer possilbly winning it.
M&M and Colons? They've done it 2 or 3 times with more to come. Boring. M&M vs Priceless vs Colons vs Cryme Tyme for titles would be cool. I mean Legacy has to be there, so do M&M.

I hope the Colon vs Miz and John M. match is best 2/3 falls match. It is not boring at all. They have good matches on Sackdown every week and it seem inevitable for a match at WM

I hope JBL faces Mysterio but it kind of looks like it is going to be JBL (the home town favorite) against Koslov based on their RAW tag match next Monsay on RAW. Frankly I prefer Mysterio vs JBL.

I definately don't see a Bourne Swagger match. Originally I saw a Swagger vs Christian match but now Christian is in the MIB so that's out of the question. I'm assuming that Swagger will defend but I don't think Tommy's getting the gold yet (or silver in his case) but a WM ECW World Title win will be cool for him.

I don't think it will be Jericho vs Flair. I still feel it will either be Lawler or Austin against Jericho.

I am also hoping Benji looses the US title so the winner can put it on the line at WM. There is a nice feud going on Smackdown over the US title.
ok, the matches that are locked are

WHC match
Edge vs cena vs big show (cena def takes it and edge doesn't even get pinned, thats what the big slow is there for)

WWE Title
Orton vs HHH (everybody thinks hhh has got it which could happen but i still think vinny mac screws over his son in law on this one)

Taker vs HBk (this will be match of the night for sure, hbk will stop the show but taker will win)

punk vs kofi vs kane vs henry vs finley vs mvp vs shelton vs christian (kind of a toss up but i could see cage winning and going to sd in the draft)

diva battle royal (who cares? smoke break)

now what left up in the air

I think its gonna be

IC title
JBL vs Rey (everybody is thinking cuz hes teaming with kozlov that its gonna be them, uhh no, just cuz he's from TX dont mean jack like all of a sudden hes going face? he gets billed from NY anyway, no matter where they are rey will get the pops and the belt)

ECW title
Swagger vs Bourne (swagger retains, bourne is awesome and its great his back but they will prob put him on raw in the draft) dreamer wont hunt for the belt till may and get a last chance match like a day b4 his contract expires in june)

tag team unification match
M&M vs Colons (M&M win, will be a good match but besides them wwe dont care about tag teams thats prob why there gonna get rid of the sd titles)

Kahli vs kozlov

I know they are on the same show and they usually have a brand match every year but i see a little build up between the two already. kozlov threw out kahli at RR and kahli threw out kozlov in the MITB battle royal. the match would be the shits but kahli gets pops now so hes kinda over but i see him losing if it does happen.

Jericho vs flair/batista (now this one is a toss up also. i dont see flair coming out of retirement just yet and altho this would be a great storyline to do so i see jericho beating him down next week for refusing to fight which brings out big Dave who if is cleared to wrestle can b.s with promos and such till WM, who ever it may be i see y2j losing, only cuz he's been getting over on everyone and WM people will pay to see him lose)

Hardy vs Hardy (gonna be a great match, i see jeff winning cuz matt has cost him plenty and this is jeff's payback match, will be a match that rivals bret/owen)

so thats my WM filler IMHO
Hardy vs Hardy (gonna be a great match, i see jeff winning cuz matt has cost him plenty and this is jeff's payback match, will be a match that rivals bret/owen)

I totally forgot about this one. Yeah, this is a lock FOR SURE. Especially they way the WWE has been booking their segments as of late. If not, it makes no sense for Matt to screw Jeff out of his MITB qualifier.
My predicted Wrestlemania card looks something like this, or atleast what I'm hoping...

WHC Champ Edge vs Cena vs Big Show - Personally, Cena should be in a 1on1 match with Edge, but we've seen that too many times

WWE Champ HHH v Orton - Age of Orton to begin. He's been the hottest superstar for some time, he'll beat HHH, hopefully without the help of Legacy otherwise it'll detract from the match

Taker vs HBK - Taker to win. Comeon, you really think he is going to let his Streak end? The day his streak ends, the day he retires.

Hardy v Hardy - obviously will make the card, Matt will pick up the win

MITB ladder match - 8 people. I don't want to see it happen, but CM Punk will win. Why else did they have him drop the IC title so randomly?

25 Diva battle Royal - Who cares? Hopefully Trish picks up the win

Okay... So that's the 6 matches I think are either guaranteed or pretty certain to happen. That still leaves Jericho. Flair wont come out of retirement.

Jericho vs Stone Cold Everything seems just right for this match... it would be a massive draw. Let's hope it happens

Well that leaves a few big stars out of the picture, as well as a few titles...

JBL is gonna make history, what? No idea what it is. Rey Mysterio does have to be on the card... He should have been in MITB, so now they have to find him a spot.

Intercontinental Champ JBL vs Rey Mysterio - seems like the only logical match at this stage. But surely Punk will be wanting a rematch after losing? In any event, one of the biggest heels vs one of the biggest faces. Seems like a waste of both of their talents, and will be a pretty boring match, but at least the kids get to see Rey.

That is 8 matches... I already feel we have too many... But I feel there needs to be two more matches...

ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs Tommy Dreamer - Extreme Rules Match. I would've said Christian but that is kinda out the window now with him being in MITB and what not. Dreamer to win so he can have a small reign as champ, and retire being the ECW champ.

The Colons vs Miz and Morrison to unify the Tag Belts - So we only have the 1 tag team champs. Hopefully which can't be drafted and they go between the 3 shows defending their title.

That to me seems like one really long PPV... but we still don't have a match for Kozlov, Great Khali, Finlay, Umaga etc. But what else can the WWE do?
Whoever doesn't make it onto the main show will probably be sentenced to the pre-show battle royal. So let's hope the big names still not involved can make it on there somehow.
Confirmed Matches

WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena vs. The Big Show vs. Edge

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Kofi vs. MVP vs. Shelton vs. CM Punk vs. Finlay vs. Christian

25 Diva Battle Royal
To Crown The First Ever Ms. WrestleMania

The Streak vs. Mr. WrestleMania
The Undertaker vs. The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

Expected Match

Brother vs. Brother
Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy

Whats Left, Here Are My Thoughts

Intercontinental Championship
Vladimir Kozlov vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Kozlov will turn on JBL on Raw, this will lead to a one on one encounter, I even think Kozlov could win the title. I don't think they can leave him off the card. I don't think this would be a good match, but better than Mysterio/JBL would be.

Tag Team Unification Match
Cryme Time vs. Priceless vs. Primo & Carlito vs. Miz & Morrison
They have teased this match for a while. I think it will make the card. It will help strengthen the tag team division. Plus Miz & Morrison are already on both shows. I think you add a couple of teams to it and make it an elimination tag match. It allows you to put some other talent on the card. I think Priceless could win, if they are in the match. It will help put Legacy over, especially if Orton walks out with the WWE Championship.

Jericho's Attack of the Legends
Chris Jericho vs. ???
I think Mysterio could find a way to face Jericho. I just don't think any real Legend would make it back. I know it wont be Austin, because if Austin was going to appear at WM in action he would have been hyped for a while. I don't think Flair will be in action either. I think he has too much respect for the business.

ECW Championship
Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger
With Bourne coming back next week. He needs to be on the card. I think what they might do is put together a preshow battle royal like they did with Kane when he won. That way they allow some other talent to perform at WM. Guys like Dolph Ziggler, Dreamer, Helms, The Brian Kendrick, The Great Kali, Goldust, Nobel, Haas, Duggan, Santino, Knox, Regal, Chavo, R-Truth, Burchill, and Kidd. I think a battle royal allows all these guys to make an appearance at the greatest show in sports.

Either way I think WM has the potential to go down in history as one of the greatest.
Out of the normal 9-match setup that WrestleMania usually has, we're two matches short still.

Taker/HBK, HHH/Orton, Cena/Edge/Show, Hardy/Hardy, Jericho/?, MITB, and Diva's Battle Royal = 7

But we still need JBL, Mysterio, Miz/Morrison, Jack Swagger, Umaga, and potentially Kozlov and Evan Bourne.

It would seem the most likely that one of the 2 matches to fill in there would be Jack Swagger versus Evan Bourne, as they did nothing with Swagger this week, he has no #1 contender, and Bourne is returning on Tuesday. But if the rumor about JBL having a match against Kozlov just to get cheered in it is true, then Mysterio is left without anything to do. JBL/Mysterio would suck anyway, but it's even worse with no build. If they choose to do JBL/Kozlov, I wouldn't be too surprised if they shafted Evan Bourne and had Swagger/Mysterio. But that still leaves Miz and Morrison off the card. I can't see them not having anything to do, especially with teasing this tag team title unification thing. I can't really see them doing Jericho/Mysterio as Rey has nothing to do with the storyline at all. Mysterio is a real wildcard here.

If WWE had an ECW title match with Swagger and Mysterio, a JBL match with Kozlov, and a tag team unification match, they'd have 10 matches and still no place for Umaga or Evan Bourne. WWE could easily have 10 matches at WrestleMania if they simply cut down on the promos, rewinds, and force HHH and Undertaker to speed up their entrances a little bit. And if I had to cut one match out of it, it'd be a Swagger title defense, cause I'd rather see the tag team titles be unified than that, and we could have Swagger/Bourne at Backlash instead. Plus, JBL might be retiring, so even though I think he's atrocious in the ring and a bore and everything, I wouldn't be so opposed to him taking up 5 minutes in total to retire and have a match and such.
Forgive me, I have a short memory so I might be stealing idea's here, anyway;

Chris Jericho vs Legend: I am hoping for one of four people here, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Randy Savage or Bret Hart. Now the latter two are the most unlikely but that's what I hope for. Anyway whoever it is out of these 4 should beat Jericho, I like Jericho but he's not a big enough star to go over any of these guys at Mania. Just like HBK vs Hogan the legend should win.

-EDIT- You can add The Rock and Ultimate Warrior to the list of legends I'd like to see come back and kick Jericho's ass, both unlikely but both would be cool -EDIT-

The Colons vs Miz and Morrison vs Cryme Tyme vs Kendrick & Ezekiel: I see this match having both the tag team titles on the line and we might even see the split of Cryme Tyme (hopefully not) or the split of M&M (hopefully not). I would have the Colons go over because even though Miz & Morrison have more exposure the Colons are more over and could use said exposure. Kendrick and Ezekiel would just be a nice touch in this one.

JBL has some announcement to make, that much we know. I am thinking that he has a confrontation with Koslov or something to set up for Backlash or we see JBL vs Mysterio in which Jibbles retains the IC Title.

Swagger vs Bourne (maybe vs Mysterio as well): If Mysterio doesnt wrestle JBL then I can see this being a triple threat that maybe Mysterio wins to set up a Mysterio vs Swagger fued that eventually leads into a Mysterio vs Bourne fued. I'd have it as the opener to kick things off with two guys who can pump up a crowd and another decent bloke who can get some heat.

-EDIT- There is no reason to put Umaga on this card because he hasnt been relevant since before he got hurt. Maybe after WM he'll be featured prominently again. Priceless can just make a shitty run-in in the Main Event, although I suppose that's because I'd still rather watch paint dry than these 2. -EDIT-
WWE Championship: Triple H vs Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Championship: Edge vs The Big Show vs John Cena

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy

Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

Money In The Bank: CM Punk vs Kane vs Mark Henry vs MVP vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kofi Kingston vs Christian vs Finlay

WWE and World Tag Titles: Miz & Morrison vs Carlito and Primo Colon 2/3 Falls

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

Intercontinental Championship: John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs Rey Mysterio

25-Diva Battle Royal

Pre-Show Battle Royal
The matches that are already known are:
HHH vs. Orton
Edge vs Cena vs. Show
Taker vs. HBK
Jeff vs. Matt
Jericho vs. ???

That leaves probably four matches yet to be announced. The first one that I think of is the ECW title. Now I never watch ECW, so correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Christian earn a shot at Swagger's title? I believe it was Christian vs. Finaly. So I'm gonna put that one up there.

Swagger vs. Christian

With three matches left I think of a match I'm suprised I didn't think of before. The Money In The Bank match. This match will feature eight guys and some of them have already qualified. To be honest, I don't even remember who they were. So I'll just put this one up.

MITB Match

That leaves two matches left. And, except for the triple threat and MITB matches, they're all singles matches. So I'm going to go with a tag team match. If I'm correct, the tag titles were unified the other night. I don't know who won but I remember the match being announced. So this next match will be a tag match between Miz and Morrison and the Colons.

Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons

The last match is one that I don't want to see but it's going to be on the card regardless. The Women's championship has to be defended, or the Diva's championship. The Diva's one is pointless. So I'm going to just put a divas match up there.

My final card is as shown:
Triple H vs. Randy Orton
Edge vs. John Cena vs. Big Show
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
Chris Jericho vs ???
Jack Swagger vs. Christian
MITB Match
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons
A divas match
Ummm yeah, a lot of people are forgetting about Priceless. If these guys are the future, they, along with Swagger should be on this card. The Diva battle royal and the legends match shouldn't take that long, so you might be able to sqeeze another match in there.
So far we have:

Edge/Cena/Big Show
25 Diva Battle Royal
Jericho/Snuka, Steamboat, Piper
JBL/Mysterio (wasn't offically added, but was mentioned which almost guarentees it)

I expect Miz & Morrison/Colons match to unify the belts to be added since they've been fueding for weeks and neither team as been able to win the others belts.

That's nine matches right there. If they wanna go for ten, I expect Swagger to defend his ECW title against Bourne.
ok just so i can keep count whilst doin this the matches confirmed so far:
cena/big show/edge
divas battle royal (shouldnt last too long)

ok im not going into the y2j match as im not convinced the legends will aceppt his 3-1 match although i am 100% sure he will have a match vs someone (y2j to win)

thats 7 matches

miz and morrison/colons: it would be stupid for these tage teams not to have a match at mania with all the build up they are getting just now. possibly a title vs title match but who knows (miz and morrison to win)

thats now 8

if they want to distroy ECW they can do it by leaving swagger off the card but i hope wwe arent that stupid. i predict another ecw battle royal pre show with either dreamer/r-truth or bourne losing later that night to swagger.

thats now up to 9 matches

jbl/mysterio is almost certain but has yet to be confirmed by so im not classing it as a certain for wrestlemania but it more or less is. we'll also get jbls announcement after he retains.

thats now 10 matches.

wrestlemania 22 had 11 matches so wm25 should cope with 10.

poor show on paper but i think it should be given a fair chance to prove everyone wrong

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