Filling Out TNA's Tag Division

I've been loving Joe and Magnus's reign so far as champs. Like many others I'm sure, when I heard they were thrown together in that wildcard tourney I didn't expect much from it. But they've been doing very well.

Now they've beaten the Guns clean, and next up is Kaz and Daniels, who I hope are a mainstay in the tag division. Teams like Beer Money and Ink Inc are long gone, and Crimson and Morgan have split so I think we need a few more teams.

My question to you is this, what teams would you make?

I think the two Robbies should tag fulltime, both have matching gimmicks now though Robbie E seems to always be on his own with Terry managing, make these two tag.

It's a shame they didn't make more out of Devon and the Pope because I think with the religious gimmicks they could've really got some mileage out of a team, could've called them "The Congregation" or something.

Also another I know is a bit out there, but maybe could work, Gunner and Mark Haskins, both have similar looks and aren't doing all that much.
I would like to see a few different combinations.

*Gunner + Kid Kash(if he is still with the company): they both have a unique look and would probably have some chemistry.

*Douglas Williams + Mark Haskins: English connection. BUT ONLY HAS HEELS(i hated williams as a face.)

*Storm + RVD: Unlikely to happen but it would be cool to see two of my favorites teaming together.
I'd like to see Gunner and Crimson team. I don't see much in either of them right now, but I think they can make for an interesting tag team.

If Jay Lethal ever came back, I would like to see him team with Pope as good guys. Pope was very very over as a face, and Lethal is great at impressions. If they told Lethal to go out and emulate Pope during promos, this could be a very entertaining duo.

Also for some reason I can see Garrett Bishoff and Kid Kash meshing well. They can be a mentor/mentee type tag team.
I think that they should go get the naturals again if they are still talking cause they were good. Maybe in a few months we can see a hardy's reunion when matts out. Squash the beef and put aj and daniels together cause thats a no brainer. Maybe even bring in some foreign talent from the IWGP and AAA to mix it up. and honestly i could see the EY and ODB transition from knouts division champs to legit tag champs, i mean jackie always wrestled with the boys so what would stop ODB?
thats just a start theres so many options right now for a good tag divsion but no one ever capitalizes on it.
I say forget putting teams together and bring in some real teams. Whynot try and bring in the Briscoe Brothers and Benjamin/Haas. Those two teams are better than any tna tag team currently (with MCMG right there next to em)
I say forget putting teams together and bring in some real teams. Whynot try and bring in the Briscoe Brothers and Benjamin/Haas. Those two teams are better than any tna tag team currently (with MCMG right there next to em)

thats exactly what i think tna would benfit huge from parterning with ring of honor so they can bring in the briscoes,haas & benjamin and even bring back the young bucks! but sense the point of this thread is to fill out the tag divison if i had to pick guys off the roster right now id make robbie e and robbie t a official tag team because robbie e gets old by himself he needs robbie t as his partner to look like a legit challenge for the champs also id make a team out of anderson and hardy like make it official it wasnt too long ago they were teaming up in tna as faces going by the engimatic assholes...make them a team it might be intersting to see these two top faces as a tag team
I say forget putting teams together and bring in some real teams. Whynot try and bring in the Briscoe Brothers and Benjamin/Haas. Those two teams are better than any tna tag team currently (with MCMG right there next to em)

Oh of course usually a "proper team" is better than a thrown together one, but I was trying to think within TNA's actual roster. Their roster is already pretty big, and many complain that a lot of the guys don't get TV time, so bringing in more guys would worsen that.

Also, thrown together tag teams can become proper tag teams with time! Beer Money for example.
Even though he's currently with Samoa Joe, I would like to see Magnus & Matt Morgan team up. They've both been Gladiators (Morgan was called Beast on American Gladiators, & Magnus was Oblivion on the British Gladiators) and they could build their pairing around that.
I also love what Joe and Magnus have done with the belts. I hope Daniels and Kaz stay a team, and I also liked the team of Devon and Pope. They might as well make Robbie and Robbie a team. I know we are supposed to use the current roster, but the team that i would put together that would interest me the most is if they brought back Petey Williams and paired him with Douglas Williams. If they meshed imagine the matches they could have with the guns.
with bischoff gone from TV, Ric Flair can go back to just being gunners manager. If flair manages someone else then gunner and that guy could be a tag team. The person I have in mind is Anthony Neese. He's already on the roster, he has good look and is pretty good in the ring. He's not being used because they don't have much of anything for him. Plus having flair as a manager will help get the guy over.
Throwing some guys together might actually be a good idea. Lets not forget Beer Money and the Machine Guns were actually thrown together (in a sense)

Personally I think it would be a great idea. There are several guys on the roster that aren't really doing much that would make some good teams, Robbie E and T, Daniels and Kaz, heck I could see a good pairing of Pope and Shannon Moore. While this won't immediately solve the tag team problem it would certainly bolster the amount of teams.
Almost all tag teams are thrown together.

I think a tag team needs mid tier wrestlers and pair them together to make great teams.

Gunner & Shannon Moore might be a good pairing.
They've thrown Daniels/Styles together before for matches here and there.. but if they actually kept them together as a team, and gave them a title run - that'd be a great team!
I'd say there's a good amount of teams in TNA right now to have a well-fleshed division. The Gun's are still fresh, Daniels/Kaz are getting the shot now, there's Mexican-America and The Robs. Though plucking guys from OVW sounds better to me than plucking established guys and putting them on teams. I think Matt Morgan is sick of that at this point.

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