Feud of the Year

Feud of the Year

  • Chris Jericho v. Rey Mysterio

  • Chris Jericho v. Legends

  • Jeff Hardy v. CM Punk

  • Jeff Hardy v. Edge

  • Legacy v. DX

  • Orton v. Cena

  • Miz v. Morrison

  • AJ Styles v. Samoa Joe v. Christopher Daniels

  • Main Event Mafia v. Frontline

  • Orton v. Kingston

  • Angle v. Jarrett

  • Beer Money v. 3D

  • Cena v. Miz

  • Chris Hero v. Eddie Kingston

  • OTHER (Please Specify)

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum

Rey Mysterio v. Chris Jericho
Punk v. Hardy
Edge v. Hardy
Legacy v. DX
Orton v. Cena
Aj v. Joe v. Daniels
Main Event Mafia v. Frontline
Orton v. Kingston
Cena v. Miz
Miz v. Morrison
Angle v. Jarrett
Beer Money v. 3D
Chris Hero v. Eddie Kingston

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Could Jeff Hardy have had a better year... that is a question I want to ask. Well maybe if he didn`t fuck it up by being caught with drugs.

CM Punk was brought up and turned heel in a great perfect storm of a feud. Punk being straight edge, and Hardy having his problems with drugs. I think this became an incredible feud, and it really polorazied fans. How could some fans cheer for the drug addict over the man who has lived a clean lifestyle his entire life... and CM Punk called each and every fan on it.
I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this thread, as I didn't realize how many great feuds there were this year. Edge vs. Hardy, Punk vs. Hardy, Jericho vs. Mysterio, Kingston vs. Orton, even Mysterio/Morrison vs. Ziggler was pretty good for a while.

Right now I'm either leaning towards Edge vs. Hardy, as they were able to take an old rivalry and poor oil on the flame, or Jericho and Mysterio, as that really brought out emotion in me. I literally feared that Mysterio might lose his mask.
I think HBK and Undertaker's feud was feud of year.They had a nice storyline going into match, some awesome promos with one to start by HBK mentioning to Taker that it should be you fighting to get a shot at Mr. Wrestlmaina not me.And the hole lord of darkness vs lord of light thing was just amazing followed by what would be the match of year imo.
The best feud of 2009 was Orton VS Cena. Yeah, I know a lot of people didn't like that they kept going back and forth for a while between Cena & Orton for the WWE Championship for a while.... but they did a great job of continuing a great feud. This feud goes all the way back to summer of 2007. When Cena got injured it never quite got the finish that it deserved, even with the triple threat at Wrestlemania 24. I think that WWE did a really good job at reviving this feud and then finishing it in 2009 with the Iron Man match at Bragging Rights. So, Orton VS Cena gets my vote because not only is it the best feud of 2009, but it is also THE feud of this generation.
Not entirely sure how this differentiates from storyline of the year. There are definitely repetitions. OK, let's say feud of the year is for an outstanding body of work between two wrestlers. Great promos, great matches, great chemistry. Then I don't see how this doesn't go to CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. That feud had the best promos, the best matches and the best chemistry.

I'd like to vote for something with Cena in it but his feud with Orton was underwhelming and his one with Miz had an awesome build up and the popped out of existence.

Angle vs. Jarrett was good. Great even. It turns out it may have even been grounded in real life. All the same, I don't think it was the best.

Michaels/Undertaker was, like I've said, blah.
Cannot look past CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy. It had everything. The emotion of Hardy regaining the title from Edge only to be robbed by a face Punk and then the fantastic slow reveal of "Better Than You" Punk (I may be starting to repeat myself with this with my other posts in the EOY awards).

Great matches and even better promos. The feud is still smouldering too for when Hardy finally realises that he wants to wrestle again, creative have to put them back together.

Just think of the Punk promos if/when Jeff does return...
I'm going with Punk and Hardy again. It was just really well done all around. Great promos were cut, the two had great chemistry and had some of the very best and high quality matches of the year.

Orton vs. Cena...well they did have some really good matches as well but we've seen it before. Orton vs. Triple H is also something we've seen very much before and the match quality wasn't there. It had great potential, but they dragged it out and it just became tired and stale. The TNA Frontline/MEM feud was a joke and utterly uninteresting. The feud typically consisted of the MEM handing the Frontline its ass on a weekly basis, dominating ppvs, etc.
I'm going with Punk and Hardy again. It was just really well done all around. Great promos were cut, the two had great chemistry and had some of the very best and high quality matches of the year.

Same opinion.Both of these young guys helped each other to grow up.both made their career highlights during this feud (except Hardy's tag team career).Jeff just helped Punk to raise to the level of having a rivalry with Taker,and Punk made a World Heavyweight Champion out of Hardy that everyone was cheering for.Damn good.

Orton vs. Cena...well they did have some really good matches as well but we've seen it before

This is my second pick for feud of the year.What else can you expect from a historic rivalry?great kind of matches(HIAC,Hardcore Iron Man match,I quit,triple threats ,... .).started from 2 years ago,likely to continue in future and also having more heat then,and finally a balance between the amount of victories they got against each other.
I may call it modern HBK vs. Bret Hart.Maybe.
I'm going to go with CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. I do wished that this feud would have had more time and went just a little bit further and more intense. This is what the Hardy vs. Hardy feud was supposed to be. It was personal and featured two wrestlers from two real life backgrounds, the extreme lifestyle and the straightedge lifestyle. The culmination of the feud at SummerSlam's TLC really made the feud out to be a hatred between the two men and the both stole the show at SummerSlam. Great work by both guys. In my opinion, I would love to see Hardy return at the Royal Rumble to screw Punk over and have the two fight once more, this time at Wrestlemania 26. Just a thought.
Cena vs. Orton was good, but dragged out. I would go with Punk and Hardy even though it was cut short due to Hardy's other endeavors. These two had great promos and touched on real world subjects. Instead of cutting the same boring promos we are used to seeing, these 2 cut to the core. Something we haven't since.
Punk/Hardy gets my vote here. The thing about this feud is that it had the basis of real life around it. We all know Punk lives Straight Edge and Jeff Hardy's life is well documented. Creative took hold of this and rolled with it. Punk garnered some major heat and Hardy was the fan favorite, as the fans sided with him trying to turn his life around. Punk was arrogant, snobby, and a flat out bag of douche. And he was awesome at it. Hardy had charisma and hope to shut up Punk. It was truly awesome and the matches involved were just as good. Fantastic on the E's part to produce this and fantastic job on CM and Hardy for executing it brilliantly.
I can't vote for anyone but CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy. Like I stated in the Storyline of the Year thread, these two put on exciting matches, cut incredible promos, and saw the rise of one superstar simultaneously with the fall of another. It was just incredible all around, and it was the #1 reason why I watched any of the WWE's television shows at that time.
My choice is Hardy vs. Punk with Jericho vs. Mysterio coming in at number two.

Both feuds were great. They kept me intrigued and entertained throughout the entire feuds…which isn’t easy to do all of the times. Also, they both had great promos involved. I’d give the edge in promo work to Punk/Hardy. I thought they did a better job and the promos were more memorable. Also, some of Hardy’s best promo work came out during that feud.

As far as the wrestling…I think it’s pretty even. Jericho/Mysterio might be slightly better...very slightly But overall, I think the Punk/Hardy feud was more entertaining and just better. Both great candidates to win this award, but unfortunately only one can win.
I thought the Cena and Miz feud was done exceptionally well, but I can't vote for it. I did pick the Mysterio and Jericho feud because it produced some pretty big moments and matches. The feud over the mask and the title was great. Best stuff I've seen in years. But you couldn't go wrong with Punk and Hardy. Jeff was great in this feud and Punk was also great. The matches were decent, they both had some very good promo work and no one lost momentum throughout that feud. My only downfall was I knew he was going over. I kind of did in the Mysterio feud but I did doubt a little. So ultimately I picked Mysterio Jericho because it was good from beginning to end. Punks feud didn't really get going until Hardy basically said he was leaving...
I just had to go with Jeff vs CM feud this was a great feud. I wish it would last longer for both people in play though. Next choice would've been DX vs Legacy just like that idea. Joe vs AJ vs Daniels is a great feud but it just started to me so they could win this next year if they are still main eventers of course. I've always liked their macthes.
Bollocks. I thought it was match of the year and voted for Mysterio vs Jericho. That was stupid of me. The actual answer is of course Punk vs Hardy. It gave Hardy a magnificent send off and it allowed Punk to finally make the great leap forwards after his abortive time on top last year. I apologise for voting the wrong way, but it shouldn't make a difference.
Punk/Hardy is by far the most memorable feud and best feud on that list. These two guys weren't considered all that good on the mic, but Punk became a epic heel that was great on the mic while Hardy got even more over with the fans, if that's possible. They also had a tremendous series of matches which were the bright spot in a rather dull year in the WWE.
Hardy v Punk was the best feud of the year.

(Not sure why HBK/Taker is missing though)

Hardy and Punk produced a new and imaginative idea for a feud and they executed it perfectly. It turned Punk slowly heel after he cashed in his MITB case on Hardy after a gruelling ladder match with Edge. Punk’s slow heel turn made him into a great World Champion and it elevated Hardy to a great World Champion. Both Hardy and Punk’s second title reigns during this feud were far better than their debut reigns in 2008. This feud has made Punk what he is today and sent Hardy off in a great fashion.

Their TLC match at Summer Slam was perhaps the best match of the year after Taker/HBK and their follow up match on Smackdown in the cage was another great one. Their feud really held strong from start to finish with great promos and matches. Even Punk’s impression of Hardy after he was gone added even more juice to it even though the feud was over.

I definitely have to vote for Hardy and Punk here.
hey Im new here but been a wrestling fan since... um... forever lol. I cant remember a time not being a wrestling fan in my 20 years of life but I have to say in a year where WWE became childrens programming not to many great fueds happened IMO, however, there are a few stars who still managed to deliver great fueds and entertaining storys, but IMO the best fueds are usually the ones that hit a little close to home. The CM Punk Jeff Hardy fued was baised off of Jeff's real life struggles. making me more interested in it. in this fued we saw Jeff Hardy who I am a huge fan of against CM Punk who really came into his own in this one and can really draw some heel heat even from me who has a tendency to like heels more. this is why I chose this fued to be the fued of the year
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