Feud Endings


The Canadian Sensation
If you could go back in time and change the ending of a feud, would you, and what feud ending would you change? Did you think that the writing staff/bookers made a mistake by ending the feud the way they did? Have you ever been annoyed, and mad at the writing staff/bookers for the way they ended a feud? Do you think you could've made a bad feud good by making a better ending? Well this is the place to do it. Post your different feud endings here!
Several feuds come to my mind, but the main one is the Sting Hogan feud. There was absolutely no need for Sting to win that in any way other than completely clean. To have the supposed fast count, then move the feud onto Superbrawl the next month just was a joke to me. At the biggest show of the year, Sting should have gone over clean, ending the feud with Hogan then and there, with the NWO ending that year. To end it in a rematch was just too much to me.
for me it would have been tommy winning the ecw title and then losing it to justin credible, i would never have jobbed dreamer out to justin for the title, at least maybe have him do a run in and interrupt dreamers party setting up a feud between the two and have justin get the belt after.
The Cena/Jericho fued when jericho got fired........made the first ever undisputed champ look like a complete joke........i think they couldve done better than jericho getting dragged out like a screaming little girl!!!!!!
Several feuds come to my mind, but the main one is the Sting Hogan feud. There was absolutely no need for Sting to win that in any way other than completely clean. To have the supposed fast count, then move the feud onto Superbrawl the next month just was a joke to me. At the biggest show of the year, Sting should have gone over clean, ending the feud with Hogan then and there, with the NWO ending that year. To end it in a rematch was just too much to me.

I agree 1000% with this. The buildup to this match was phenomenal, and WCW had their biggest audience to date tuning into Starrcade (if I recall right, it had more buys than Wrestlemania that year, or it was very close)...they pretty much screwed up a whole year's worth of planning and made Sting and WCW fans look like fools. Damn shame.
One I remember from a few years back was the RVD vs. Trips feud when Trips was in the middle of being champ and defending against EVERYONE (Kane, Beniot, RVD and Booker I think) ... RVD was a one-month PPV feud and it could have continued and been something that went on for two or even three PPVs and culminated in RVD's first World Title. I really think they missed the boat on that one. I also think the Kane feud (minus the Katie Vick angle) would have been best served going another month and landing the strap on Kane.
Hogan vs Flair 1992 - Have Flair beat Hogan semi clean one on one at the Royal Rumble instead of the "Title is held up" story (where Flair wins in the actual Royal Rumble match). Flair would then go on a tirade with excessive cheating and dirty tactics in his matches, multiple senseless beatdowns of opponents, etc, all the while bragging about how he destroyed HulkaMania. Meanwhile, Hogan would disappear after the loss and not be seen for a month, maybe six weeks, adding credence to Flair's carnage until a dramatic return (maybe Sat Nite Main Event) where he would save a popular fan favorite (maybe Hart or Savage) from a Flair attack. Hogan subsequently would do an interview stating he left because he could not deal with letting his fans down losing out right to Flair but he came back because he is not a quitter, his fans are not quitters, and challenge Flair to a match at WrestleMania where if Flair wins again Hogan does leave for good. Of course, lots of great promos, occassional brawls etc would follow until Hogan beat Flair clean, leg drop etc at WrestleMania to reclaim his title.
Well, most of WCW's fued endings!

The NWO would have been finished a year or two earlier, the Sting win at Starrcade would be superclean.

And the Hardy Boyz/Cade and Murdoch fued would have ended with a rbutal street fight type match, I felt this fued could have lasted for one more PPV!
Several feuds come to my mind, but the main one is the Sting Hogan feud. There was absolutely no need for Sting to win that in any way other than completely clean. To have the supposed fast count, then move the feud onto Superbrawl the next month just was a joke to me. At the biggest show of the year, Sting should have gone over clean, ending the feud with Hogan then and there, with the NWO ending that year. To end it in a rematch was just too much to me.

Oh my God dude, yes. This still bothers me to this day. Sting should've won that match at Starcade as clean as a polished Rolex. Not only that, but it should also been a Dog and Pony show where nearly every member of the NWO interfered, but Sting was still able to prevail. Also, I would've continue the feud for months after with different gimmick matches, with an complete ending of not only the feud, but the NWO come the next Fall Brawl for War Games. In the meantime, I would've kept the belt on Sting for at least a year, until a fresh, new heel was built up to be the one to take it off him.
The most obvious answer is Sting-Hogan. This was about the dumbest fuckin thing that WCW ever did, maybe the dumbest thing ever done in the history of wrestling. This was the most anticpated, well done build ever, and to fuck it up with this bullshit ending, at what is supposed to be the biggest PPV on your companies calender is atrocious.

To end the Batista-Taker feud with Edge interfereing in a match that is suppose to close off everyone from interefering and establishing the alpha dog for once and all was stupid. Taker shouldve just straight up won. This wouldve also enhanced our current Mania main event. read the WM thread for more on that.
Oh my God dude, yes. This still bothers me to this day. Sting should've won that match at Starcade as clean as a polished Rolex. Not only that, but it should also been a Dog and Pony show where nearly every member of the NWO interfered, but Sting was still able to prevail. Also, I would've continue the feud for months after with different gimmick matches, with an complete ending of not only the feud, but the NWO come the next Fall Brawl for War Games. In the meantime, I would've kept the belt on Sting for at least a year, until a fresh, new heel was built up to be the one to take it off him.

No way Hogan was losing clean to Sting unless he was winning the belt back two weeks later (like with Lex Luger). With all that build up Hogan was never going to lose with the belt on the line. Wrestling fans should have seen that coming (I traveled from Pgh to DC to watch that show, and although I was disappointed with the ending I was not at all surprised)

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