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Festus v.s Show?


Getting Noticed By Management
This may sound out of the blue, but I think this could go well. I like Festus's style, and I think if re-packaged Festus could be decent. Right now Show is hunting Cena for some weird, unexplained reason, but I think Festus should get involved somehow. He should come running out to Cena's rescue as the bell ringer keeps ringing the bell while Show is pouncing on Cena after a match. Festus comes running out, but ends up on his back after Show knocks him out. Send Festus off for about a week.

Once he comes back he should be as normal as any other ordinary wrestler, and have absolutely no memory of being knocked out by the Big Show. As for a gimmick, I think he should play the role of a beer drinking, football watching, blue-collar type gimmick. Something like a Larry the Cable Guy type catch to himself, except not so "redneck", I hate exaggerated stereo types. Have him keep the mean streak, and except now a bell doesn't set him off. Now, the only thing that sets him off are the "wrong choice of words". I think that should be his catchphrase whenever he is insulted.

As a matter of fact with a character who has no memory of what happened plenty of "heel" stars could use that to antagonize him. Maybe Big Show tells Festus that he'll knock him out again, and that pisses Festus off because to him it never happened. Show rubs it in his face some more by showing him clips from his fists hitting Festus to the mat. Thus, leading to a serious feud over a sudden change in memory after a tragic incident from weeks prior.
That is a brilliant idea for Festus. Since Vince loves big guys, this one not on roids, he can help deepen the mid-card seen by elevating him and getting rid of that stupid gimmick. It was only good in moderation and not seeing him often and trying to use it as comic relief, like with the Miz, makes it pretty damn dumb. Having him be a common man type guy like Duke Droese without the trash can could do something for his career.
I really am wondering what they're going to do with Festus. I was shocked to see him on RAW a couple weeks ago because I assumed they would repackage him prior to his RAW debut.

I do like the idea of Show knocking him out. I was thinking about something along the same line with Orton's punt. They would probably match up fairly well in the ring. I really loved it when Festus was treated as a credible threat to Undertaker on an episode of SD! last year. The guy is big enough that he has ready made feuds with Show, Batista, Cena and anyone else known for their size/strength.

As far as the gimmick goes I'm not feeling the hillbilly thing because it's still close to what his current gimmick is. Heck, I'm not even sure if he should be a face or heel at this point. But the guy definitely has potential as a big man that can move. I mean, that's probably one of the main reasons why they used him in that ill-fated feud with Kane.

At this point I just feel bad for Jesse. He comes from a wrestling family but they've never mentioned it. I kind of thought he'd be the one to get drafted to RAW. If they don't overhaul him soon then I'm guessing he'll be future endeavored soon.
No. Why? Why would you take what is designed to be one of the serious storylines and inject comedy into it? What would this game? It would make Cena and Show look stupid. They're supposed to have a rivalry based on hate. Why would Festus, a comedy character, be needed? It would also make Cena look cowardly because he would need another guy to fight for him. Cena beats Big Show on a regular basis on his own.

Also, Festus and Show would not work together at all. Both men are power wrestlers that use their size to their advantage. Both men would be out of their element and the matches would be bad. Very, VERY rarely does big man vs. big man work, and when you have two guys that aren't that good in the first place it's asking for disaster.
It's a good concept. Firstly though, I wouldn't have it during the Cena/Big Show feud. No need for interference on Cena's part. And if Festus is still being set off by the ring bell, what sense does it make for him to be running into the middle of the match? If he did just now, shouldn't have been doing that for the past year and a half?

Have Big Show be really pissed off or something. He can either walk backstage and randomly hit Festus with his Knock Out punch, or he can actually call Festus into the ring himself and do so. Afterward, have Festus come back fixed. Completely repackaged character, and instant feud. It'll work.

It'll work logically, that is. In ring? It'd be atrocious. As Klunderbunker said, their styles just wouldn't work. Sure, Cena is managing something out of Big Show, but Festus is no Cena. It'd be 3 months of atrocious matches. Good concept, but I just don't like the idea of a Festus/Big Show feud.
To be honest this sounds like the worst idea for a feud I´ve EVER EEEEVVEEEER heard in all of my live and that means something, I mean c´mon Show vs Festus ?! I don´t want to hurt your feelings but man that´s just out of place, you might as well throw Wang Yang in and let them have feud over the Diva´s championship xDDD
If im not mistaken they had a match together on smackdown not too long ago. and it sucked. i agree with kb these two do not need to cross paths unless they are forming a tag team
No offense to the original poster here, but this would never work in the history of forever. It's this simple... characters that have ever debuted or given a gimmick of for lack of a better work... ******... can not be re-packaged...ever. Nobody would believe it. THE ONLY way would be something like a storyline where Festus gets medicated or something and is not a tard anymore. We never saw Eugene lightin' it up in the ring being taken seriously so I just really doubt Festus could be repackaged at all.
liken up geez the guy just had an idea why are u butching him. First off festus vs big show isn't the greatest idea but isn't the worse I ever seen. I can name quite a few fairly worse like the mcmahons vs hbk and god, undertaker vs heiderach, chavo vs any main eventer and santino vs cousin sal and so on. For festus to get a match with show he needs momentium and the crowd reaction and right now he has neither. repackaging him may not be such a bad idea many of the greatest started off with dumb gimmack and were able to transformed into main eventers you never know festus could be world champion. And 4 the record comedy gimmacks don't always equal the wrestler being buried. A good example is edge and christian, they had more comedy skits than any tag team I have seen yet they had talent and able to get over. Eventually they both became world champions. Even you olympic gold metalist kurt angle started his pro wrestking career off a goofy im more american then apple pie corny gimmack yet still had success but if you have talent and personality you will be successful.

Now hit my music( randy ortons voices theme)

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