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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Real Name: Unknown

Gimmick Name: Ferbian

Nickname: Ferbs

Height: 188

Weight: 264

Hometown: Kolding, Denmark

Billed From: Copenhagen, Denmark


----------------Hair Colour/Length: A little like Christian

----------------Eye Colour: Dark blue

----------------Facial Hair: None

----------------Ring attire: Blank tights, elbowpads, kneepads and wrestling boots.

----------------Backstage Attire: Suit of different variations every day (Black suit and white shirt one day for example, white suit black shirt another day)

----------------Physical Features: Nothing out of the ordinary

----------------Tattoos: Sleeve tribal tattoo ala Mikkel Kessler

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face

Main Gimmick: Wall-street success (ala JBL)

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Successful with money. Well educated.

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):

Strength: Brutal with suplexes, especially his German suplexes, slightly agile and fairly balanced in countering simple moves (clotheslines, lariats, punches etc.)

Weaknesses: Slow, prefers to stay on the mat, lacks the ability to brawl well.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Note: A little taller, more muscular, doesn't have the chest tattoo, only the one on the arm.

Brief History:

Ferbian has grown up in the streets of Kolding, Denmark. He has never really lived a bad life, seeing as his family was financially stable, able to give him a great education which has resulted in his success on Wall-street.

Entrance Music: Unstoppable by E.S.POSTHUMUS


Entrance Description: The music plays and builds up as the lights drop down to a glowing blue, the music plays gently until it stops around the 45 second mark. The lights return to normal as it picks up pace as Ferbian walks out onto the stage. He walks down to the ring, carrying himself like he looks down to the crowd, in a disrespectful manner as he will talk a little bit of trash towards some in the crowd. He enters along the ring-steps, never from any of the sides, always a corner with a ring-step.

If he walks to the ring simply to cut a promo, he'll be wearing one of his regular suits, and will be walking around with a bundle of dollar bills, counting them.

Finishing Moves: The Dane (Bridging German suplex pin)
Secondary Finisher: The Deal-Breaker (Pepsi Twist)

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):

Irish Whip
Vertical suplex
big boot
Flowing Snap DDT
Knife-Edge chop
Rope assisted backbreaker
European uppercut
Reverse piledriver
Scoop slam
Fist-drop (Like John Cena, except not running)
Half-nelson facelock (Or what you call the "rest-hold" that Chris Jericho uses)

Sample RP.

*We find Ferbian sitting backstage, twisting his right hand around the left arms wrist, as if something is scratching. He looks around on occasion, nobody is in sight. Suddenly he gets up, looks around as if he heard something, as he looks in a specific direction. A member of the backstage crew is seen stepping forth from the shadows*

What do you want? *Ferbian utters, as he stares cold at the crew member*

Nothing sir, I'm sorry. I'll leave now *The crew man replies*

Tell me first where I can find the owner of this damned promotion. I want to speak to him. *Ferbian seems serious, he continues to look with a cold stare at the poor guy, who simply wants to get away*

Down.. Down the hall and to the left, you.. You can't miss it! *The crew member replies scared, as he with above average speed walks away, not looking back once*

*Ferbian twists his hand around his wrist once more, as he afterwards adjusts the collar of his suit. He smiles briefly, flashing just a little bit of his otherwise pearly white teeth, as he walks down the hall, heading for the owners office. He starts to count the money in his wallet, as he grins a little bit, disappearing around the corner.*
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