Feel Wrong?


Dark Match Winner
Now Ive watched TNA(Impact Wrestling) since its early days(PPV) and I never felt wrong, Ive stuck with them through thick and thin believing that they are worth watching, and not giving up. This isn't a post of trolling or anything else, this is a TNA fan asking another TNA fan what they think. I watched the TNA Greatest, and I am not a fan, I feel they left out almost EVERYTHING great. I do, I want to know if im wrong,...I've tried to not listen to others and stick with them, but I feel as if they were wrong about the greatest, I fell as if the first 30 mins, to the first hour was wrong.. I believe they failed at what made TNA(Impact Wrestling) stand out...Aj, Daniels, Kaz, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Harris, Chris sabin, The S.E.X stable, I thought TNA stood out. But The TNA greasted, just idk...seemed as a 100% wrong on absolute everything.

What do u think?
From what I can understand from the OP, is that he is a fan of TNA and has watched it from the Inception and recently he watched something called TNA's Greatest something or another (Wether it was Matches, moments etc..) And he disagrees with what they put as the greatest and feels that some moments /matches were left off.

And he wants to know did anyone else watch it and if so how do they feel about it.

God I have been on the Internet too long when I start dechiphering jibberish

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