Feed back....

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American made.
So I decided to try and make a sig, I know it's probably not the best in the world, but I would like some feed back. This was created with out photoshop or anything else... So let me know what you think


Ps if anyone want's to use it they are more than welcome to!
More importantly, it needs re-sized.

It's a basic but very decent piece of work though. If anyone wants to use it, have it re-sized first.
Yeah, I thought about border, but I wanted to see what you guys thought. I figured it would have to be resized...
Yeah, the border thing, but its black so its not that big of a deal. I'd move the words a bit to the right and the picture is just a bit too grainy... it's grungy, but his inner left arm and butt is pixelated... you may get away with it if you blur it a bit, but overall, good work. I'd give it a 7...
Was that your first piece?

If so that wasn't a bad one to go by, mine was just Triple H blured and some craptacular text. If you really put some time into making them, you would be in Shock's and Doc's level in no time.
Not bad at all. The dimensions are pretty bad though, atleast if someone wanted to use it on here, it's well over the size limit.
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