Feast or Fired is DUMB


Championship Contender
Some wrestling sites are reporting (if you can call it that) that TNA will be having another "Feast or Fired" match this year (link: http://www.wrestling-edge.com/tna-news/photo-tna-bringing-back-feast-or-fired-match.html).

I assume everyone know how this match works. Basically, four participants end up with breifcases, 1 title match, 1 X title match, 1 tag match, and 1 fired. We all know that whoever loses is not really getting fired and will be back. I even think that Hernandez still has his unused briefcase from last year (which I believe was used and given back to him).

I want to know what you think about this match. Do you like it? Is it stupid? Put me on record as hating this match. I'm not a fan of a yearly "someone gets fired" match. I just think it's about the lamest storyline you can have...and it gets repeated every year. On top of that, I don't think that he briefcases have ever been used in a manner that's really of that much interest. At least in WWE, even though you know the Money in the Bank winner is cashing it in right after a champ is decimated, it still seems a little interesting to me. So far this concept in TNA has been anti-climatic.

Hernandez cashed in his briefcase at No Surrender. He lost it he was taken out by Eric Young with a piledriver on the stage.

It's served a function. It doesn't take any PPV time, creates unusual and sometimes unexpected challengers. I don't see a problem with it to be honest. It's a more innovative concept than MitB IMO
It's pretty dumb, but definetly somewhat entertaining. Any X Division type match with people flying everywhere can't be that bad. It also gives creative easy ways to start storylines so that they don't have to think to much.

It is usually pretty predicatable though. With such a wide array of possible results, you more or less know who is going to win what before the match even starts. Plus, you get bullshit like Curry Man getting fired. I still haven't recovered from that.
It's a spin-off version of the Money in the Bank Bischoff creation match. I don't mind it at all. It certainly makes for interesting storylines considering one of the guys involved is always going to get fired, and it's not like the guy getting fired is always as obvious as you think. They fired Daniels in 2007. Who saw that coming? Not many outside the IWC.
I personally like the Feast Or Fired match better than the Money In The Bank match, in the sense that there are multiple outcomes. I think this year, they should change it a bit. Of course I think they should add a 5th case for the Legends / Global Championship Title shot, that goes without saying. For the 6th case, I think they should add a second Tag Team Championship Title shot case. This would make the two Stars who grab the two Tag Team cases partners, which could make for an interesting pairing. 6 sides, 6 turnbuckles, 6 cases.

I like the Feast Or Fired match so much, I think the Knock Outs should have one too. I’d have 4 cases, 1 Women’s Knock Out Championship Title shot, 2 Knock Out Tag Team Championship Title shots (make the two KOs who grab the two KO Tag Team cases partners, which, again, could make for an interesting pairing), and 1 Fired case.
Why are people who the company wouldn't mind firing in line for title shots? This match makes no sense. It senselessly fires people in these rough economic times and it gives people who may not deserve it a shot at the belt.

If I was in this match, I'd sit outside the ring and live to fight another day.

On the other hand, last year's Final Resolution was so bad that this match and the drama that followed it with the Guns made for some of the only enjoyable parts of that show.

I have mixed feelings on this.

"I thought TNA stood for Total Nonstop Action, not Total Nonstop A-hole!" Yeah, I could use me some more of that.
Feast Or Fired is not dumb. Its how the cases are used that's dumb.

I still haven't seen a positive outcome from the cash-ins other than Petey Williams becoming X Division champ and having a good reign. To this moment there's still hasn't been a succesful cash-in for the World Title.

If anything they should change the prices. One being the pink slip of course, another being price money, 2 for the tag team belts, an empty one and the last one for the World title. Instead of cashing them in, the oportunities are automatically for the next PPV. That way its not such a MITB rip-off and the match itself can keep its originality. But that's just my opinion.
Eh it's not that bad. The firing part works well with TNA where they have guys like Curry Man or Suicide as it allows others to come back sans facial coverings. The bit where Curry Man wanted to become the Fire Champion made me laugh anyway. It's not a bad idea at all. Hernandez was botches but other than that it's been fine. You have people getting shots at random times which keeps things interesting. It's not as exciting as MITB, but it's fine for what it is.
Eh it's not that bad. The firing part works well with TNA where they have guys like Curry Man or Suicide as it allows others to come back sans facial coverings. The bit where Curry Man wanted to become the Fire Champion made me laugh anyway. It's not a bad idea at all. Hernandez was botches but other than that it's been fine. You have people getting shots at random times which keeps things interesting. It's not as exciting as MITB, but it's fine for what it is.

Ha, I forgot about that. I LOL'd at that, too.

I agree with you here about the cases being used at any time. The case itself is a prop which helps to establish more credibility to the guy carrying it (if he needs it), and the fact you never know when they guy is going to cash in is what makes it so interesting to begin with.

Take a page from the WWE. Book it the way they did CM Punk's first tile run.

Use the FOF matches to push the guys at the top of the mid-card who are ready to break out by giving them title shots they can cash in on to vault into the main event picture, or put them on guys who you want to give a major push.
The matches themselves, the twists on the story lines are also fine it's how they use them is where they fail miserably. Of the ones I can remember:
Scott Steiner: Wins world heavyweight title shot and enters a ppv match to make it a triple threat with Samoa Joe and Kaz, Joe retained.
Black Mochismo: Wins the tag belt shot (yeah wtf right?) teams up with Creed (actually a good team that could have had great matches with MCMG) wins the belts then drops them right back to Beer Money.
Homicide: Wins the X-division belt shot, drops Suicide with the gringo killer and then takes his belt. Awesome, well deserved and celebrated with the fans... but the drops the belt to Joe to keep the MEM dominate. Wow.
Hernandez: Wins the champ belt, cashes it in vs Sting DOMINATES him then gets group attacked then Foley gives him his shot back, gets laid up for 3 months, has the case taken by British Invasion, wins it back, cashes it in to make a fatal four way only to get bs'd by Eric. This one wasn't so bad honestly, too bad he had to take those 3 months off to lose development time.

If they do do it this year, I hope they make better decisions as to how the cases get spent as they're losing out on major character development, look how well it worked for Punk in WWE.
The matches themselves, the twists on the story lines are also fine it's how they use them is where they fail miserably. Of the ones I can remember:
Scott Steiner: Wins world heavyweight title shot and enters a ppv match to make it a triple threat with Samoa Joe and Kaz, Joe retained.
Black Mochismo: Wins the tag belt shot (yeah wtf right?) teams up with Creed (actually a good team that could have had great matches with MCMG) wins the belts then drops them right back to Beer Money.
Homicide: Wins the X-division belt shot, drops Suicide with the gringo killer and then takes his belt. Awesome, well deserved and celebrated with the fans... but the drops the belt to Joe to keep the MEM dominate. Wow.
Hernandez: Wins the champ belt, cashes it in vs Sting DOMINATES him then gets group attacked then Foley gives him his shot back, gets laid up for 3 months, has the case taken by British Invasion, wins it back, cashes it in to make a fatal four way only to get bs'd by Eric. This one wasn't so bad honestly, too bad he had to take those 3 months off to lose development time.

If they do do it this year, I hope they make better decisions as to how the cases get spent as they're losing out on major character development, look how well it worked for Punk in WWE.

It turned into an over-stacked 5-man match.

The Feast or Fired match is basically Money in the Bank...except with a midcard title shot, a tag-title shot, and a "YERRRRRRR FIIIIIIIRRREED" case (which is really useless considering they just come right back), but the twists and things you do not expect are the fun parts of this match. But still, essentially an over-gloryfied MitB match.
Well, I'm not sure I want it every year but it is a good idea. I just don't like how both times cases have been stolen after the initial offer to trade.

Steiner took Petey's world title shot. I knew Petey wouldn't win it, but I'd have liked to have seen Kurt Angle vs Petey Williams as it's not a match you would normally see. Then the British Invasion took Hernandez' world title shot too and kept it for ages.

Homicide cashing in on Suicide was good, Lethal Consequences won the titles but lost them right back so I guess that's useless. B.G. James drafted Bullet Bob and sparked a feud with Kip James... weird as it sounds that worked for me. Petey beat Lethal, that worked. Curry Man got fired and we got Daniels back, definitely works... I forget who else got fired right now.

I like any match that creates matches we wouldn't under normal circumstances see. Kaz won a shot at Kurt Angle in a ladder match and that was a phenomenal match in my opinion. I'd like to see an athletic mid-carder get the title shot on a one off just for the exhibition of it. Sure you know they won't win, but wrestlers need a spotlight shone on them to make people notice how good they are. Random title shots rarely happen and non-title matches are meaningless unless the champ loses so to me it's the best possible way to quickly elevate a talent.

As for firing people once a year... well all companies have a shortlist of guys they wouldn't miss so I suppose it isn't so bad. And Curry-Man wasn't even a real firing anyway, there are ways around it.
Eh it's not that bad. The firing part works well with TNA where they have guys like Curry Man or Suicide as it allows others to come back sans facial coverings. The bit where Curry Man wanted to become the Fire Champion made me laugh anyway. It's not a bad idea at all. Hernandez was botches but other than that it's been fine. You have people getting shots at random times which keeps things interesting. It's not as exciting as MITB, but it's fine for what it is.

That's exactly why I hate it. People who are "fired" never really are, just come back as a masked guy. The firing part is useless, but it does give others title shots that most likely wouldn't happen otherwise.
I think it really helps establish the importance of the titles. The fact that people are willing to risk their careers in the match just to get a chance at one of the titles in my opinion makes the titles seem that much more important. Although I do agree to some extent that the execution of cashing them in hasnt been as good as it could be, it has lead to helping out establish some guys. It really helped both Homicide and Hernandez be considered legit singles wrestlers after being a tag team for so long, and helped make Lethal Consequences a legit tag team.
I agree with those who say the firing part screws it up. If they will keep the firing part then they should really fire people who get the briefcase, including fan favorites like Christopher Daniels. If you don't want to fire Daniels, don't give him the briefcase.

Aside from that I think there are a lot of twists and it's like a cool Pro Wrestling game show. It's very suspenseful and suspense is still a good thing....right?
Im just interested to see if Daniels can get fired for the THIRD STRAIGHT YEAR!!!! That would prove this match needs some tweaking....To give the FIRED case to the same guy (two different personas, but really) shows they are still trying to develop the match. I think that Suicide will be getting the case this year, bringing the return of Kaz.......Morgan will probably get the World Title case, Homicide the X Title, and Steiner will get the Tag Team Title.....These are just my thoughts........
I'm not a fan of the Feast or Fired concept being used regularly...."loser leaves town" type matches are exciting when they're rare and, if done right, can make for interesting story lines. In my opinion, having it happen yearly would water down the impact of a wrestler having to "leave" the company...how significant is it if it happens all the time? It should be reserved for major, long running feuds as a measure of closer and a way to push the "winning" talent.
case 1- World good push for somebody

case 2- Tag or IGWP Tag- get to choose

case 3- X Division always good to see high flying

case 4- Global/ Legends- dont know what the belt is called

case 5- Your Fired- doesnt matter they all came back with different gimmicks the gimmick is fired
I assumed that Feast or Fired was on the TNA annual calendar.

What I would do is eliminate the "Fired" case and have one more wrestler than I had cases. Whoever isn't able to claim a case is fired.
I don't think it's a bad idea. It gives some guys a "surprise" shot, and sets up feuds that no one could see coming. As far as the "Fired" case is concerned, it seems a little much, but it's worked in the past. It gave Daniels a way to come back as himself, and gave a reason for Curry Man going away.

The matches may not be as great as they could be, but they're not awful, and it could certainly be worse.
I like the idea. I haven't watched TNA properly in quite a while, but I don’t see this as the worst idea they’ve ever had. It can be used to create storylines and matches, as well as TNA finding out who works well together and whether they can make anything more out of a specific ‘case’. While this would never produce the best match in the world, it’s a different concept, and one I wouldn’t mind watching.
Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor. Becca made a wrestling post that was not WWE or HBK related...Now then...Onto the post.

I don’t see this as the worst idea they’ve ever had.

Very much agreed. On a small scale, I was pretty upset they gave an Ultimate X away for free on Impact. They've also done many (unmentionable) stupid things in the past. With any luck, that's all behind us.

Feast Or Fired is another thing that is unique to the company, and because you never know who's going to get what, it really is a good match to watch. How many people would have marked out if Hernandez had the X Division title shot case?

as well as TNA finding out who works well together and whether they can make anything more out of a specific ‘case’.

This is something people forget. Like the MiTB or EC matches, this is a place where TNA can test out spots and feuds, and see who works well together, and how people react to others in the ring. A lot of these matches are largely off the cuff, so sitting back and watching from a Creative standpoint is a lot easier than trying to force something into working.
Doesn't bother me any. It's a cool concept. Good way to switch it up a bit. It gives the whole thing that bit of suspense. "Oh man! Who's fired?! Who wins a belt?!" Whatever. I lol'd @ Curry Man as well. I think the similarities in MiTB are there, but it's like a whole different thing in my eyes. It always turns out to be funny or entertaining or amusing in some way, so keep it going.
I want to know what you think about this match. Do you like it? Is it stupid? Put me on record as hating this match. I'm not a fan of a yearly "someone gets fired" match. I just think it's about the lamest storyline you can have...and it gets repeated every year. On top of that, I don't think that he briefcases have ever been used in a manner that's really of that much interest. At least in WWE, even though you know the Money in the Bank winner is cashing it in right after a champ is decimated, it still seems a little interesting to me. So far this concept in TNA has been anti-climatic.


I really enjoy Feast or Fired. It's not stupid because of all the possible outcomes that come along with the results of who wins this match. It's not anti-climactic at all. The cases with the title shots are like having multiple MITB winners with one getting the World title shot, another getting a shot at the X Division title, a set of Tag Team title shots, and this year I bet they add a title shot for the Global title as well.

As for the Fired case? I think it's still a good idea because it is an easy way for them to write out a character who needs to be gotten rid of (like Curry Man!) to change the wrestler's character either into something new, or something older that worked better. It is also a great way to write someone out if they are getting released. Just have them get the Fired case in this match, then they are gone. Kind of like when Beer Money did those challenges that whoever got pinned that week would get fired, it's a way to get rid of characters that will not be used anymore.

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