FCW : Who's Ready?


The Third Clumsy Mexican Bro
Recently we've seen Hunico and Tito Colon both come onto the big roster, and it's obviously safe to say, both guys have gelled on the roster. Hunico was decent at Survivor Series, and being on the winning team, is enough to boost someone's morale as a WWE Superstar. Tito has only had two or three matches (one having a legit ending), but the fact that he brings relevance back for Primo, and builds on that Tag Division, that's enough for me. Now, I'm not mentioning NXT imports for a reason, I think that NXT is somewhat the equivalent of Superstars with a storyline twist until the next season (what season?)

Now, the question is - Who do you think is ready to move up to RAW, Smackdown, (or NXT.. if you insist)? I know the majority responses will be Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose or Bo Rotundo. So it's advised, that you look around the roster. :)

My suggestion will be Brad Maddox, known to many as Beef Wellington. Anyway, the guy is just screaming Superstar at my screen. Good in the ring, great moveset, he can talk, and his character(s) aren't 1 or 2 Dimensional (Sorry JTG..), also his finishing moves are beast.

Anyway, your turn.
I think you pretty much named all the standouts already with Rollins being the top of my list, and I definitely agree on Maddox.

The only others that I think would do well right now are Richie Steamboat, Antonio Cesaro, and Husky Harris (though he's already been called up if you want to count him).

There's a lot of talent in FCW, I just think that many of them need some more time.
Honestly, most of them would do OK if they were given a fair chance. There are few outright terrible guys down there at the moment. Sure, some of them would end up on Superstars, but there are worse fates. But to answer the question I'll give you my top 5 guys in FCW at this time.

The list starts with Leo Kruger Who is by far and away the best guy in the place. Then comes Damien Sandow who is similarly above average in all areas. Richie Steamboat is damn fine in the ring and has been developing something that resembles a personality Husky Harris is likewise awesome with him just oozing "I don't give a fuck" badassishness. Brad Maddox makes up the fifth, which is wierd because he's really nothing special. But for some reason I've just been finding him awesome lately. He's a dweeb who makes you just want to punch him, and that's good.

Topping the list of guys not ready is Seth Rollins who I cannot say many good things about other than that he has cool moves. The ex-indie guys Corey Graves, Antonio Cesaro and Dean Ambrose need to spend more time in FCW learning the style, which is not a bad thing. If they want to succeed, they need to bring their games up to the next level. Ambrose especially is a diammond in the rough, but his ring work does need to catch up to his character. Oh, and Big E Langstone who is just terrible.
What i'm looking for in FCW stars is tag teams. The mid cards in WWE seems pretty full at the moment. Look at Air Boom, when Bourne got suspended there wasn't a respectable tag team they could drop the titles to with the exception of maybe the Usos.

Richie Steamboat & Seth Rollins
, CJ Parker & Donnie Marlow, and Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis. Now I'm quite aware of Bateman & Curtis being technically on the roster, but they aren't pairing and just rotting on NXT and Superstars which only the live audience watches. All of these guys have enough personality to at least contend for the WWE tag titles until Air Boom is ready to drop them to most likely another make shift tag team like Wade Barrett & Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase & Daniel Bryan.
Disagreed with Blueprint's choices. Steamboat is more along the heel route, plus I'd make an exception for Rollins on the singles scene. Bateman and Curtis, I agree would be a good option for SD! CJ Parker and Donny Marlow? I see them as two individuals and the team disinterests me. Sometimes, you have to link FCW with WWE, Epico and Primo are a good example of this. Bo Rotundo could move up to RAW, to team with his brother Husky Harris. There's the obvious duo of Titus and Percy. I'd admit that Titus has vastly improved in-ring, on the mic, and in overness, and hanging with Watson'll be a good thing for him.
Reason why?

Send each and everyone of them to NXT!
That would make the WWE Network new show. A show actually worth watching. Let the fans know it is a developmental place and let the superstars/diva fight until they are ready to move up to the main roster. Maybe send some people from the Main Roster every now and then and the FCW members can fight the WWE members for a spot.

Good idea?
the guys who are ready:

- Steamboat jr (the stiff striking is almost dead in wrestling, his chops lately had me remembering benoit's).
- Husky (he was ready and he still is now).
- Ambrose (lately all he has done in fcw is gold).
- Rollings (is ready to go in the ring, he only needs to polish his promo skills).
- Bo (he has the charisma).
- Sandow (he has gotten better lately, altough he has been in the development system all the way back from OVW)
- Maddox (i like his style, he doesn't choke on the mic and his comedy can get him to get responses from the crowd).
- Jinder Mahal (he is ready, but he was sent back to fcw because the angle with khali ended in a bad way).

the rest is not ready...

- Leo Kruger (he will be in the main roster sometime soon, he's like barret but more ripped so that's money in vince's eyes, he's more green and doesn't talk).
- Big E Langston & Eric Rowan ( those guys are pure crap, but they still manage to steal so much time in fcw that's just incredibly stupid).
- Leakee ( he has the looks and has improved in the ring, but he still is too green).
- Corey Graves (the Tommy Lee gimmick is crap, who the hell wrestles in leather pants xD).
- Abraham Washington (he makes me FastForward fcw).
- Cj Parker and Marlow (they really need to get personality or they will be future endeavored in the future).

that's all the talent i have really known watching FCW, the other talent have been in like 1 show, so i don't really have a good output on them...

i'm not gonna give an opinnion of the fcw divas, because i don't really watch them fight...
I don't watch FCW every week but I do see it now and again. I think Abraham Washington has great potential to do well in the WWE. The only thing he has going against him, and It's not that bad a thing, is that he looks like a bit of a poor man's Rock. He has probably the best mic skills in FCW and is improving in the ring any time I've watched him.

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