FCW TV - August 28, 2011 with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Florida Championship Wrestling TV
Date: August 28, 2011
Location: FCW Arena, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Matt Martlaro

Ok so since Remix is totally and completely incapable of going five minutes without talking about FCW, I figured I'd watch one of their shows in an attempt to get him to shut up about it. I have next to no idea who these people are (ok that might be a stretch) or why they're fighting (not a stretch at all) so don't expect much as far as backstory goes. This was only a few weeks ago if even that so it'll be up to date. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Rollins (Tyler Black) vs. Ambrose (Jon Moxley) in their FCW 15 Title match. It's more or less an Iron Match championship which Rollins has had since its inception. They had a 15 minute draw and Ambrose said that Rollins didn't beat him. Tonight is the latest rematch since his is a long running feud apparently.

Opening sequence is generic.

Regal opens us up and says Norman Smiley (MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC) is injured so Maxine is the new general manager. The main event is Ambrose vs. Rollins....again but this time there's a 20 minute time limit.

FCW 15 Championship: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

20 minute time limit remember. So why don't they call it 20? Rollins charges the ring and we're going at it already. I have no idea what the play by play man's name is. Rollins hammers away to start as this is more of a brawl than a match. We take a break with Rollins being knocked into the railing. Back inside and Ambrose has a modified STF on Rollins.

It's 0-0 at this point with 15 minutes to go. Off to a reverse chinlock as the announcers argue a bit. That gets shifted into a dragon sleeper which doesn't last long either. Rollins counters a belly to back suplex into a cross body for two. Ambrose hooks a superplex and we take a second break. Back with 9:30 to go and there's no score still. There's an enziguri to put Ambrose down and I think I know where this is going.

Rollins is getting fired up and hits some clotheslines but misses something like a Fameasser. They exchange pinfall reversals and Rollins misses a springboard clothesline. Ambrose goes after the leg and hooks a Figure Four. Rollins reverses it and Ambrose doesn't release it immediately so he rolls it back over. Rollins grabs the rope with five minutes left. Ambrose tries another figure four and gets rolled up for two.

Another enziguri gets two. Four minutes left. Ambrose slugs away in the corner but poses too long and is caught in a buckle bomb. Ambrose hits a Midnight Special which is Finlay's old Celtic Cross. Three minutes left. Avada Kedavra (low super kick) puts Ambrose on the floor. Rollins rolls him in but only gets two with Ambrose's foot on the ropes. Two minutes left. Rollins goes up and is shoved to the floor where he lands on the railing. They fight into the crowd with a minute left. Ambrose sets for the Midnight Special on the table but Rollins escapes. The time runs out with no score, which was pretty obvious about 8 minutes in.

Rating: B. Good match but again the ending might as well have been a big flashing neon sign. I've never been huge on Black and I'm still not. Ambrose....is he supposed to be crazy or something? Regal kept implying it but I never saw it here. These two both still have that indy style which I've never been able to get into.

After a break, Regal talks about how awesome that was.

Richie Steamboat vs. Brad Maddox

Maddox I know as Beef Wellington from OVW. Maddox comes out in a suit and says that Steamboat kicked him with an illegal shoe or something like that. Maddox has a concussion and can't wrestle tonight. He has some tall friends with him but Steamboat gets bored and kicks them both in the face. I think this is supposed to be similar to a turn or something. He tells the other guard that he gets to take Maddox out of here. And there's a superkick for him as well. No match.

The new tag champions, Donny Marlow and CJ Parker, say this is just the beginning and they're going to be champions now.

We get a sitdown interview with Ricardo Rodriguez and his team who says Alberto Del Rio actually works for him. Ricardo's father owns an agency of some sort and Del Rio signed there a few years ago. Rodriguez takes credit for all of Del Rio's success. Rodriguez says his team will be the best thing ever in WWE. It's called The Ascension. They're going to take over FCW and WWE. I'm sure they will with the likes of CONOR O'BRIAN!!!

Leo Kruger vs. Bo Rotundo

This is a human cage match, which means it's a lumberjack match. Kruger made Rotundo, the FCW Champion, pass out in the middle of the ring and beat up Norman Smiley too. Rotundo is the real brother of Husky Harris and they have the same eyes. That's about all they have that's the same though. This is non-title. For the life of me I can't imagine Bo coming out of Mike Rotundo/a's penis.

Kruger is sent out onto the heel side so he's put back in with no pain. Kruger is put outside on the face side and he's thrown back in with no pain again. Well they're totally missed the point of the lumberjack rules already. Kruger works on the leg and sends Rotundo to the floor on the heel side....and nothing again. Rotundo tries to brawl and that goes nowhere. Back to the knee and they slug it out from said knees.

Snap suplex gets two for Leo. Leg bar goes on and the champ is in trouble. The idea is to take away the spear from Rotundo so at least there's a point to it. Kruger gets sent to the floor again and the lumberjacks FINALLY get involved with O'Brian coming in and kicking Bo in the face. Leo puts on his sleeper and Bo is out.

Rating: C-. I wasn't digging this as the lumberjacks were totally worthless. O'Brian didn't get involved until like 12 minutes in and that was the first time it happened in the whole match. Also the leg work wound up going nowhere which is always annoying. Nothing bad here but at the same time it just wasn't interesting.

Overall Rating
: C. Not bad overall but it's nothing I'd want to watch every week. That indy style of the first match is something I can only take in short bursts so this was ok but I'd want to pull my hair out otherwise. The main event was pretty weak, especially with the stipulation meaning almost nothing at all. After that Ascension promo, it would make more sense to have O'Brian just run in to shake things up instead, but to be fair it's a minor league wrestling company with Dusty Rhodes having a hand in it so I can't expect brilliance.
I watch FCW pretty regularly, and I enjoy it for the most part. I will say though that your assessment of the show was pretty fair. Like you said, it's the developmental promotion, so, you can't really expect too much.

As for the storylines, the Rollins/Ambrose saga is the longest running angle I've seen since I started watching (along with the constant GM flux, but, that's Dusty for ya). The storylines move on quick and there is limited promo time, so I just stick to what's going on between the ropes.

I'm surprised they didn't have a divas match on this episode. There are times when I feel the girls down in FCW put on better matches than the girls up in the WWE.

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