FCW Talent


if you could bring anybody from the fcw roster to wwe's roster who would it be?
what i want you to do is pick at least 3 wrestling talents from FCW to come to wwe's main roster, and how would you book them.

1. Big E Langston

how i would book him: i dont know if hes a steroid freak or not but i would put him with big zeke as a tag team, they are a power team, and could be the modern day rocky johnson and tony atlas.

2. tito colon

he could be in a tag team with primo colon, their cousins, and this guy is actually more athletic than primo, no offense to primo.

3. Hunico

as you may know this guy is playing sin cara for now and i think hes suppose to have a feud with the real sic cara after. this guy is extremley talented and could easily gain fans, and if wwe is looking to gain more CW highflyiers hunico
is the way to go.

by the way the reason i didn't put in people like seth rollings or richie steambot is because there too obvious.

so what are your 3 fcw superstars that u think should go to the main roster(you dont have to pick exactly 3)

I'd bring Richie Steamboat up. Watched a lot of his stuff from when he first joined Florida's development league, right up until he became injured. Loved him once he returned, he came back almost better than when he left. His FCW 15 matches with Tyler Black were highly impressive, the first one is one of the best matches I've seen from any WWE Development league. He's pretty entertaining in the ring, promos arent the best but with hope he'll improve. He's one of the Second Generation guys that I expect will actually achieve something, because he has a lot of the talent his father once had.


Like Mike Dalton, reminds me of a young Chris Jericho, at least from his look and personality, although he has been pretty boring at times, his in-ring style has came along a lot since his original debut. He was trained by Lance Storm which is a credit to the guy in itself. His look is really what makes me wish he does well, just that Lionheart esq resemblance.


Biased choice here, but Tyler Black being in WWE made me so fucking happy. He's kind of like my own personal second coming of CM Punk. When Punk first signed with WWE I was so happy I actually punches the air, because he was a guy I had followed throughout his career, from IWA:MS to WWE. Black, I haven't followed as closely but from the moment he debuted in Ring of Honor I thought the dude had something special. Many compare him to Punk, and he's the closest you may get in-terms of size, look and in-ring ability. In Ring of Honor Tyler was the hottest comodity in wrestling, in Florida Championship Wrestling he's the hottest comodity in WWE. Hes done well holding the FCW 15 Championship and the belt is almost made for someone like him.

Hoping to see Black called up sooner than later, would love to see Steamboat on Smackdown because he'd make a pretty good midcarder in my eyes, and lastly Dalton, still has a bit if not a lot of work to do but hope he can get to the main roster some day. Who knows, NXT Season 6 rumors both Black and Steamboat taking part so you never know.

He is good in the ring and has the size to become great


He can be good on the mic and he is great in the ring.

3. Mike Dalton

I don't know how he is on the mic but he is really underrated and great in the ring and is jobbing in fcw. He reminds me of Jericho, if he is good on the mic he could become an all-time great.
my first would be Seth Rollins because he has what it takes to be a WWE Superstar in my opinion. The moves, look, charisma, he's gonna be a star. Just needs to be called up to prove that to everyone.

2nd) would be Richie Steamboat, he's a lot like his dad and in my opinion he should go to smackdown and would have an interesting mulit generatio feud with cody or ted. He's entertaining in the ring and has a future if given the chance.

3rd is tito colon. I think he and Primo need to tag and I feel they match better than primo did with Carlito.
1. Seth Rollins - He probably has more experience then 90%of the FCW roster. He has wrestled for Indy companies and has become one of the best indy stars in the last few years. He has great in ring talent and needs some work on the mic but hey that's what he's in FCW for, to learn.

I would book him as someone who is added to a stable. Maybe a stable with CM Punk. I can easily see this happening. CM Punk can make a stable because he is sick of all the shadyness between Triple H, Kevin Nash, Johnny Ace, Stephanie McMahon, and John Cena. Could this be another Corporation stable...maybe. They only way Punk can protect himself is to have a stable of his own and personally I would have Punk gather former indy guy's. Punk's team would consist of himself, Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, and Seth Rollins. Rollins can learn alot from Punk. They both have a similar career and Punk is a lot more experienced now. With that being said I believe Seth can learn alot from Punk.

2. Richie Steamboat - This guy is very talented. Perhaps one of the most talented wrestlers currently in FCW. His matches are great and his in ring work is fantastic. He has been down there for a while now i I think its time for him to move on up.

I would book him in as a debuting entrant in a tournament to redebut the Cruiserweight Championship. There are rumors going around that WWE is trying to bring back the Cruiserweight division to strengthen their lower card and adding Steamboat is a hell of a start. It's also a good start for him. Start at the bottom and work his way up the ladder.

3. Dean Ambrose -Formerly known as Jon Moxley has some of the best technical wrestling down there in Florida. Has wrestled all over to become a great wrestler. He is a great submission wrestler and technical wrestler. He also has a lot of "Ruthless Aggression." He can have some great matches with some of the top mid card superstars.

I would book him in a program with Daniel Bryan. They both have a similar background and wrestling style. I think they can work off of each other very well. If these two were to wrestle I think that could lead to a lot of great matches that can steal the show on more then one occasion.
Now this is a thread I can get behind.

To me there's one guy in FCW that stands head and shoulders above the rest of the roster, even the better known guys like Dean Ratbag and Seth Rollins. He is the whole damn package. He can cut a good promo, he can wrestle a good match with most of the roster and he can work the crowd. That man is

Leo Kruger


He's someone you'll see me mention any time a thread about guys in FCW comes up, and that's for good reason. He is just that damn good. He's the most experienced guy in FCW and it shows when he wrestles. He puts out consistently good matches with everyone he faces despite them rarely being longer than 5 minutes (as in, his last aired match that went longer was in october last year).

If I was in charge I'd call him up to Smackdown to feud with Justin Gabriel over the IC title and capitalising on their legitimate history together to add to the feud and tell them to go all out in the ring and let Kruger carry the micwork.

Honourable mentions:

Richie Steamboat and Seth Rollins. As if I need to explain why. They already get plenty of love.

Sidenote: I cannot believe who some of you guys are pitching Big E and Rusev? Seriously?
Other than Rollins, Steamboat, and maybe the Aviadores? The main guy i'm looking at is PETER ORLOV.
The guy has done the world x division cup in TNA. He has wrestled about the world and was well known in Mexico. He looks good and has good ability in ring. Maybe he can take the Kozlov angle and make more of it, maybe he can establish a different type of Russki gimmick.

Other than him, there are a few interesting prospects like Langston, Kruger, Bo Rotundo And Xavier "Aka Consequence Creed" Woods.

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