Favourite Sportsperson


Championship Contender
Just pick your fav sportsperson, any sport, past or present and just say why they're one of your fav's. Here's mine. Not my fav but a major influence in the way I play football.

David Beckham - This man was everyone's idol when they were growing up. That is, if you followed football. On and off the pitch he was a role model. Absoloutly fantastic man. On the pitch he is one of the greatest footballers ever, a honour which can't be given to everyone. Argubaly the best RM ever. His influence in games were outstanding, whether starting or coming off the bench.

Easily the best free kick taker in the history of the game. At any given moment, he'd curl the ball in the top corner perfectly. One of his best free kicks, against Greece for England in 2002. Litterally the last minute. Got England to the World Cup, I went fucking insane when that went in.

During his time with Manchester United, Real Madrid and LA Galaxy he has consistently performed at the highest level. He isn't the quickest player, but his game is based on his world class passing ability. No-one in the world can pass as good as him, some come close. His loyalty to Manchester United is amazing. Rejected various offers from clubs in England as he couldn't join another team in the Premiership except United. Moving to La Galaxy had to be money motivated as much as the chance to explore America, because he is getting an insane amount of money. Deservedly so, he is a fantastic player.

Consistently a world class performer, a perfect role model for children and men. David Beckham, simply amazing.
My favourite sportsperson of all time is the former Arsenal player Ian Wright. He is my football idol as he was such a great goalscorer for Arsenal and is currently our second highest goalscorer of all time. He had a really special relationship with Arsenal fans, as the fans felt like he was one of us and he always had a smile on his face
He was a quality player. Great eye for goal, good pace, basically the perfect striker. What he did for Arsenal was amazing, so many goals at vital times. And you're right, he does have a special relationship with the Arsenal fans. they love him, he loves them.

I don't think another striker will become 2nd highest goalscorer, because he got a lot. Thierry Henry was something special and beat Ian Wright's record. There will never be another Henry, much like there will never be another Wright.
I'm with you on David Beckham, the guy pretty much made not being fast and having insane dribling skills cool. Guys like me (and you appearently) suddenly became useable in school because doing freekicks and long passes was the shit suddenly.

Even off the field the guy was a solid rolemodel for kids, not doing anything awfully shitty and pretty much just focusing on football and his family.

Honorable mentions icludes Steven Gerrard, Peyton Manning and Rampage Jackson (Just because of the single powerbomb knockout, damn that was awesome lol).

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