Favourite Protest Songs?


We shy worth hair
Often in todays world the best way to express if people find something to be wrong with today, one of the most common mediums to express it is through song. Some of these songs are great and express great social commentary. However, the songs that stick with us the longest are generally songs about overcoming struggle; the moments when the world is quietly hoping for change, but one single singer(s) has the nerve to stand on a stage, open their mouth, and sing out against injustice. Here are some of my favourite protest songs.

We Shall Be Free - Garth Brooks
This was a great song by Brooks. The song is Garth telling a story of n ordinary man imagines a world where all human beings are free from earthly oppressions. Topics covered in this social commentary include: world hunger, freedom of speech, homelessness, homophobia, racism, and freedom of religion. Brooks would go on to perform this song at Equality Rocks which was a pretty big deal because he was the only straight person to perform there. The song has lines and verses that leave a deep impact on a person such as:
And when money talks for the very last time,
And nobody walks a step behind,
When there's only one race and that's mankind,
Then we shall be free,


Ohio - Neil Young
This is my favourite Neil Young song and probably his best song ever. He sings about his reaction to the Kent State shootings in 1970. In the song Neil Young asks you, the listener to think about how you would feel if one of the 4 dead were related to you? It's truly a thought inspiring song.


Clampdown - The Clash
Its lyrics comment on people who forsake the idealism of youth and urges young people to fight the status quo. The reference to "wearing blue and brown" could refer to the monochromatic military-style uniforms often worn by federal police forces in dictatorial regimes, specifically the all-brown uniform worn by members of Hitler's SA. The song is open to many differant interpretations but the final verse of the song seems to point towards the Nzi interpretation already mentioned.


Those are my three. I ask to you:

What is your favourite protest song(s)?
Does the message of this song(s) mean something to you?

Honourable Mentions:
Boom - System Of A Down -A song rebelling against Militarism. This condemnation of rampant military spending in a world full of starving children gets bonus points for referencing Noam Chomsky, and for the group's hiring of Michael Moore to make the video.

2+2=5 - Radiohead - If you've read George Orwells 1984 then you'd know that this is a reference to the slogan as an example of an obviously false dogma one must believe, similar to other obviously false slogans by the Party in the novel. The song is rebeling against the idea of nomal people being watched by corrupt higher powers and having to believe what they are told.
Buffalo Springfield's, "For What it's Worth."

This Vietnam protest song launched the careers of Stephen Stills and Neil Young.

I use this song when I teach the novel "Fallen Angles" and when I get the rare chance to teach US History.
The song Wide Awake by Audioslave. Writen after Hurricane Katrina hit the New Orleans. The band were upset with the way America handled the situation. And Cornell showed his emotion by the way he sang the song. Great Meaning. Great Lyrics. Great Music.
The Hurricane by Bob Dylan. Was a protest song for Rubin "The Hurricane" Carter when he was jailed for a triple homicide. The guitar work is groovy and the chorus is catchy. I always sing the chorus to myself when I remember the movie. I even made up a chorus with the same lyrics from this track's chorus but it's about Bin Laden instead.
Fuck Tha Police
By N.W.A.

Aw yeah! Fuck the Police by NWA is one of the best protest songs of all time baby. A song which got N.W.A. a letter from FBI telling them to tone it down a bit. Haha! In the song, the members are harassed by the police in the Compton streets and they make a song about retaliation and threatening to murder a bunch of cops from LAPD. NWA laid the foundation for hardcore, gangsta rap like no other and that, they did. The song was the start of what was to come in rap. Tupac, Notorios B.I.G, Geto Boys, hell, even Ice T, followed into the gangsta rap genre and all made protest songs of their own. NWA is certainly the most influenecial guys in rap. And their protest songs were definitely taken to the heart.
Rockets & Cars
  • The Protest
Great song from a great nYc band.
Up tempo with a great driving beat,
strong middle break, what more can
you ask for? Their live shows are pretty
damn sweet as well. I have their 3-song
demo, and it, along with The Spicy Rizzaks,
has been a staple of my various mp3 players
since 2005. Heard they're making new music too.

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