Favourite Gimmick Match.

Favorite Gimmick Match

  • Royal Rumble

  • Cage Match

  • Iron Man Match

  • Casket Match

  • Hell in a Cell

  • TLC

  • I Quit Match

  • Last Man Standing Match

  • King of the Mountain (TNA)

  • War Games (WCW)

  • Inferno Match

  • First Blood Match

  • Ladder Match

  • Falls Count Anywhere Match

  • Other

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It's almost time for the original gimmick PPV.

This got me thinking about gimmick matches and I spent ages discussing with a few mates about our favourite gimmick matches, to no avail.

So now it's up to you to decide. Pick from the list or choose your own. Just explain your choices, and feel free to share your favourite match from your given choice.
I voted for King of the Mountain. The stip is original, unique, and before its debut, it confused me a hell of a lot. I was disappointed when it wasn;t used at last year's Slammiversary event, but I hope TNA brings this stip back very soon. The Royal Rumble isn't very far back in my eyes, and I'm glad the Rumble is 40 guys, but I feel like the King of the Mountain was hyped up a lot more than the Royal Rumble has been hyped in the past couple years.
I voted for ladder match. I go insane when they announce that there will be a ladder match on any of the shows. It's just a great match and can go anyway with the match.
im sorry but no elimination chamber are you mad? :banghead:

I picked as many as I could, that missed the cut, just like Hardcore, Tables, Texas Bullrope, Punjabi Prison, Buried Alive, Blindfoldand many other various match types. I tried to pick the matches that have been around the longest. If your choice isn't there then choose 'Other'.
I voted Royal Rumble.

Since I was a kid, I have been all about this match. I used to save my birthday money and order it. I remember one year my father was out of work and I gave my mom my saved birthday money (I knew my dad would never take it). That year I turned on the ppv channel and listened to the audio of the ppv and tried to decipher the scrambed images.

Anyway, the whole process is exciting. The countdown, the eliminations, trying to figure out who is left and who will win, suprise entries...

I can't wait for next Sunday.
I've got to go with the ladder match. Its amazing to see how many ways wrestlers come up with to use the ladder as a weapon. When two guys get on the ladder at the same time there is usually a big bump coming for one or both wrestlers. One of my favorite matches of all time was Mototcity Machine Guns vs Beer money in the best of 5 series, if you haven't seen it check it out on YouTube.

For me, only three matches really come to mind. Royal Rumble match, Last Man Standing and Iron Man match. The reason, because the endings can always be great. Doesn't mean they always are, but with the right mindset, they can always have the chance.

Rumbles also are simply great for the spectacle. Last Man Standings are simply well paced if you want a beat down of a match.

But, if I had to cut it to one, I'd go Iron Man match. Just the endurance itself gets it done for me. Fun to watch, as well as the possibility of the aforementioned awesome ending.
I went for the ladder match, the gimmick match that allows for the most creativity.

Anything can happen in a ladder match. I am always amazed at the new creative ways the wrestlers have of using the ladder. I never thought something like a sunset flip powerbomb from the ladder, or a top of ladder neckbreaker would have been possible. I would have expected them to be far too risky to even attempt, but these guys go out and put their bodies on the line in more and more spectacular matches.

However, you do not always need major bumps to make a good ladder match. I will always remember the match between Undertaker and Jeff Hardy, where Jeff took a major beating from the Dead Man, and the match didnt need a Swanton Bomb off the ladder through a table. Also, the famous IC Title ladder match between HHH and The Rock was another classic without a big bump.

However, call me ol fashioned or childish but seeing a man flying through the air from a top of a ladder is always fucking awesome to see. So risky, so spectacular and some of my fondest moments in wrestling have occured in ladder matches.

The greatest I can remember is the very first tag team ladder match at No Mercy 1999 between The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian. If you havent seen this....you need to. Perfection. The night 4 stars were born.
Definitely the Rumble match for me. This match just allows for so much creativity and suspense, you get an hour of not knowing what is coming next. There is room for so much to happen, you can have surprise returns, feuds started/continued, fun comedy spots, close call eliminations, shock winners, hardcore spots and more. There is really room for anything to happen in the Rumble and so often it does, it is a match type that is nearly always exciting and rarely disappoints.
I'm probably gonna have to go with an Iron Man match. I love the overall old school feel that an Iron Man match can lend. I think they work best if there aren't a lot of falls in the match and the one between Bret Hart & HBK at Mania was just about perfect. I grew up watching Ric Flair frequently wrestle 40+ minutes in NWA World Heavyweight Championship matches and some of those matches were and still are all time classics and a 60 minute Iron Man match puts me in a similar mind frame.

In this day and age where we've pretty much seen it all, an Iron Man match has a feel of a huge match atmosphere to me. Put two guys in the ring, give 'em an hour and see who the better man is. It's a helluva way to blow off feuds and I LOVE the fact that we don't see them very often. I think that also has something to do with a special feel about them.
I voted Royal Rumble. Sure, there have been plenty of amazing Iron Man matches, some epic Hell in a Cells, and some breathtaking TLCs, but the Royal Rumble ALWAYS delivers. 30 superstars ranging from the lower midcard scrubs to your favorite midcarder to the awesome main eventers and you get see them battle each other, throw people all around the ring, and avoid eliminations by the skin of the cat. The wrestling isn't always to notch, but you do get to see some pretty cool spots throughout the match, and the whole thing is generally pretty exciting.
For me it's the Steel Cage. No matter if it's a surprise or a built-up contest, the Cage always, always draws a response from the audience. It's a match that simply designed to cause excitement and pure entertainment and it also allows both participants to look good coming out of it (if that's the way they want to book it). The Cage offers creative teams a lot of excellent opportunities and is a vastly popular gimmick match. It's also the original and if not for the Cage then we wouldn't see things like Hell in a Cell or the Elimination Chamber, or even the Kennel from Hell, and we all know how awesome that was.
I voted for TLC. My opinion has changed over the years though. If this was four years ago, then I would have chosen Hell in a Cell but as times have progressed, it has gone down to nothing. I always loved watching Hell in a Cell. From HBK and Undertaker to Cactus jack and Triple H to Lesnar and Taker. It was just a brutal match that was quite enjoyable. Now, the reason I choose TLC is because Hell in a Cell isn't the same without blood. It can still be a good match without blood but the blood adds extra excitement. TLC matches still work in the PG era and it still has that risk factor. I mark out when someone flys off a ladder through a table. Call me sick if you want, but that amazes me and I love it. Another one I would like to mention is any type of barbed wire match. I don't know what it is but I love these type of matches. Seeing someone land on barbed wire just looks painful and helps evolve a feud that much more.
I'll go with the Hell in a Cell match. It is the perfect feud ending match and actually an improvement on the Cage match, in my opinion. I was personally never disappointed by any HIAC match until of course WWE decided to do a PPV based on HIAC matches. I really hate that PPV with a passion and it has done a great job in spoiling the legacy of HIAC matches.

I think that the number of insane spots that we have seen in the HIAC match have not been seen in any other match type. First we had Shawn falling over, then Foley's antics, and then you got Undertaker's gruesome bloodloss versus Lesnar. These moments are etched in the memory of a fan forever. I do not think that any other match type has produced so many awesome moments.

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